Objectives of the programme
- intense exchange of students and teachers,
- organisation of summer schools, intensive language and professional courses,
- organisation of professional study excursions for students,
- joint degree programmes.
Eligible countries
Austria, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Temporary UNO-Public Administration in Kosovo, Moldavia
Life cycle of the programme
CEEPUS III period: 2011 - 2018
Central management
Central Ceepus Office seated in Vienna, Austria
National Ceepus Offices in the participating countries
Study grants are covered by the governments of the countries and paid to the grantholders by the receiving institutions.
Application procedure
Network applications
Institutions are expected to form new networks or join an already existing network. Min. 3 institutions of min. 2 Ceepus countries should be in the network, with one of them undertaking the role of coordinator. The coordinating institution will be responsible for submitting the application, for managing the project throughout the academic year and for submitting the final report. Intensive, all-sided communication between the partners is extremely important. Application deadline: 15 January each year. Mode of application: electronically only (on-line loading) at
Mobility applications of individual applicants (students / teaching staff). Applications can only be submitted in the framework of approved networks. Deadline for autumn term : 15 June for spring term:31 October. Freemover applications: 30 November. Mode of application: electronically only (on-line loading) at
Summer Schools
organised in the framework of running networks by any of the partner institutions in the network. Requirements: min. 60 hours of instruction in min. 10 days. Awarding credits is compulsory.
Intensive Courses
organised in the framework of running networks by any of the partner institutions in the network. Requirements: min. 60 hours of instruction in min. 10 days. Awarding credits is compulsory.
Study excursions for students
organised for scientific or artistic purposes duration can be just a few days long. Awarding credits is compulsory.
Joint programmes/degrees
- Degree coursecurricula mutually developed by min. 2 universities in min. 2 countries
- Degree jointly awarded but separately issued by min. 2 universities with full national recognition in each country
- Joint degree awarded and issued by min. 2 universities with full national recognition in each country, or issued as a supplement to one or two nationally recognised degrees
Basic requirements of individual applications for STUDENTS:
- citizenship of a Ceepus member state
- 2 completed semesters of a degree course
- minimum stay for undergraduate students: 3 months (in the case of final year students who want to work on their degree thesis 1-2 months are permitted)
- minimum stay for PhD students: one month
- max. stay for all students: 10 months
Basic requirements of individual applications for TEACHERS:
- applicant must hold the position of a university teacher
- no age limit
- min. stay : one month
- max. stay: 10 months
- compulsory minimum number of teaching hours/week: 6
If you are interested in Ceepus mobility, and before applying, please first turn to the institutional Ceepus coordinator (International Office) in your own institution, or to the National Ceepus Office of your country, for detailed information.
A list of all running networks in the current academic year and the descriptions of network activities can be found at