Chapter 12 : QOS Marking and Classification

Resources used:

IP Telephony Self-Study - Cisco QoS Exam Certification Guide, Second Edition

CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide 3rd Edition

Different kinds of traffic require different kinds of performance characteristics.

QOS works by manipulating the following:

• Bandwidth

• Delay

• Jitter (delay variation)

• Packet loss

improving one QoS characteristic might degrade another


Classification involves differentiating one packet from another. This is normally done by examming different fields within headers.

Most commonly used fields are ip precedence and DSCP fields.

Expedited forwarding doesn’t have a drop precedence. EF should be used with LLQ to minimise delay and time spend in ques and therefore the need to tail drop on that que.

If a router that matches on DSCP gets a marking marked with ip precedence it matches on the CS1, CS2 etc.

packets marked as EF should be given queuingpreference so that they experience minimal latency, but the packets should be policed to preventthem from taking over a link

EF binary value is 101110 so really it is AF 53

Drop precedence starts from the 5th least significant bit not the 6th ie AF41 is 100010

IP precendence values

routine 0

priority 1

immediate 2

flash 3

flash-override 4

critic/critical 5

internet 6

network 7

Classification should be done as close to the source as possible

General rules

classification, ingress only, and only if the interface supports that particular header

marking, egress only, and only if the interface supports that particular header field

ACL’s and NBAR are used for classification and marking, Classification can be based on ACL’s and fields within headers.

The above allows the Marking of the following fields:

IP precendence



ISL priority


Frame relay DE

MPLS experimental

QoS qroup

Policing tools

Congestion avoidance

Queuing tools

THE MQC (modular QOS CLI)

It has 3 parts, class map ( matches traffic) policy map ( uses class map and applies qos policies to them, marking queuing etc) and the service map which applies it to an interface.

If the IOS wants to treat two packets differently it must perform some form of classification.

Class map, is used to match traffic, can use NBAR, frame relay DLCI, DCSP , COS, IP precedence, source interface, source ip, dest ip etc

Class-default matches all traffic that isn’t matched ( comes at the end of a policy map)

Match not allows you to match all packets that don’t meet the matching ie match not protocol DNS, would match all traffic that isn’t DNS.

Class maps have a match all or match any tag , class-map blah [match all] [match any]

Match all is the default setting.

With DCSP, ip precedence and COS match statements more then one value can be specified. In a match-all class map these statement is treated as a match any.

Match class, this allows you to match a class within another class, eg

Class-map match-all blah1

Match DSCP AF41

Match protocol DNS

Class-map match-any blah2

Match class blah1

Match DSCP AF31

ClASs MaPs and PoLiCy MaPs are CASE sensitive

Policy mapsoptions:

Set set a header field etc

Bandwidthreserve bandwidth for CBWFQ

Priorityreserve bandwidth for a LLQ

Shapeshape traffic with bandwidth and burst sizes

Policypolicy traffic with bandwidth and burst sizes

Compressperform TCP and RTP header compression

Service policies can be applied in an inwards and outwards direction

Two service policies are allowed per interface ( in + out)

QOS policy Manager (QPM)

Automatically configures some or all network devices with QoS features, based on the QoS

policy described to QPM. The features that QPM enables include marking, queuing, shaping,policing, and Link Fragmentation and Interleaving (LFI) tools.

Loads the correct configurations automatically.

Enables you to monitor the device configurations to make sure no one has made changes tothem. If the configurations have been changed, you can use QPM to restore the originalconfiguration.

QPM is a application that runs on windows 200 sp4 or above.

Uses cisco works


Actuall is autoQos VOIP and is used to give voice traffic priority in the network.

Class based Marking

Class based marking is classifying packets in to service classes.

Class of service (CoS) ( also known as Priority bits) marks on a Ethernet layer 2 header only when ISL or 802.1Q is being used.

In ISL CoS uses the 3 least significant bits within the User field

In .1Q uses the 3 most significant bits in the user-priority field.

Frame relay, Uses DE (discard eligibility) for marking, when marked it indicates that this packet should be dropped before packets that aren’t marked.

ATMUses CLP(cell loss priority) for marking, when marked it indicates that this packet should be dropped before packets that aren’t marked.

MPLS Experimental bitscomprise a 3-bit field that you can use to map IP precedence into an MPLS label

Classification and marking should not be performed before the frame/packet reaches a trusteddevice. This location in the network is called the trust boundary

Consider the trust boundary in the network, making sure to mark or re-mark traffic after itreaches a trusted device in the network.

Recommended Markings

Type of Traffic CoS Precedence DSCP

Voice payload 5 5 EF

Video payload 4 4 AF41

Voice/Video signaling 3 3 CS3

Mission Critical Data 3 3 AF31 AF32 AF33

Transactional Data 2 2 AF21 AF22 AF23

Bulk Data 1 1 AF11 AF12 AF13

Best Effort 0 0 BE

Scavenger (Less than best

effort) 0 0 2 4 6

Cisco recommends not to use more than 4 or 5 different service classes for data traffic. By using more classes,the difference in behavior between the various classes tends to blur.


Cef must be enabled to use NBAR

ip nbar protocol-discovery enables NBAR for traffic entering and exiting theinterface.

ip nbar port-map protocol-name [tcp | udp] port-number

Global; tells NBAR to search for a protocol using a different port

number than the well-known port. Also defines ports to be used by

custom packet description language modules (PDLMs).

ip nbar pdlm pdlm-name; extends the list of protocols recognized by NBAR byadding additional PDLMs.

snmp-server enable traps cnpd; enables the sending of NBAR traps.

NBAR can match on URL , hostname or mime type for HTTP requests.


Cisco IOS will Automatically copy the TOS field from a ip header into the ESP/AH/GRE/etc header. Th TOS field contains the IP precendec/ DSCP bits.

QoS Pre-classificationis a feature that allows a IOS router to keep a copy of the pre encrypted IP header to make QOS decisions as it hits the Egress port. Is enabled with Qos Pre-classify command on the crypto map.

Policy Based Routing can also be used for marking but should only be used of Class based marking (class-maps) are not available or if both PBR routing and Marking needs to be done on the same interface.


Intserv uses resource reservation Protocol (RSVP) for signalling to routers and switches for reserved bandwidth. Uses admission control to decide wether to request reserved bandwidth from the routers. Ie it might be setup to only allow reservation of 3 64k voip channels at any one time.

Intserv scales poorly