Advanced Preaching #8
A Look At Stephen’s Sermon from Acts 7:2-8:1
After the lesson today we will hopefully have one or two of you present a 5-10 minute segment of a sermon you have been working on in class or at home in recent days.
1. Stephen gets on common ground with his hearers, he recites Jewish History in chronological order, beginning with the story of God calling Abraham and the promises and covenant made with Abraham. Vs. 2-4
2. The promise seemed to be unfulfilled- vs. 5
3. Egyptian bondage- vs. 6&7
4. God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.- Vs. 8-16
5. A king arose that knew not Joseph nor Joseph’s God- vs. 17-19
6. Moses as a deliverer of God’s people. Vs. 20-end of chapter
A. Moses sets out to deliver the Jews when he is 40 – it is a disaster. – vs. 20-29
B. God’s call to Moses from the burning bush (he whom the Jews had refused to be their leader, God chose to lead the Jews) vs. 30- 35
C. Moses led them 40 years and prophesied of a prophet like unto Moses – vs. 36-37
D. The forefathers of these Jews had refused to obey what God spoke to them through Moses. They fell into idolatry, even while God was giving the Law to Moses on Mt. Sinai - vs. 38-44
E. Israel’s glory days under the leadership of Joshua, David, and Solomon. Vs. 45-50
F. His hearers are just like their forefathers, stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart, always resisting the working of the Holy Spirit through the prophets. They claimed to be keeping the Law of Moses, but Stephen points out that just like their ancestors, they have NOT kept it.) Vs.51-53
G. They gnash on Stephen with their teeth. Vs. 54
H. Stephen is allowed to see in to heaven where he sees Jesus standing by the right hand of God. Vs. 55&56
I. The stoning - Stephen’s forgiveness of his attackers. Vs. 57-60
J. These events left a deep mark on one young Pharisee who was in charge of the stoning. Acts 8:1
(When the Apostle Paul makes several defenses later in Acts, he uses much the same outline that Stephen had used here)