Ice Wolves Meeting of the Board of Directors Minutes
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Grace Lutheran, Dodgeville, WI
(All discussions shall not exceed 10 min. If more time is needed, we will table the discussion for follow up at the end of the meeting)
Call to Order – Courtney
Roll Call / Secretary Report –Kendall
•Board Members in Attendance: Courtney, Kendall, Kristin, Laurie, Jennifer, Chris (late), Wendy, Mike and Eric. Absent: Meggan, Andie
•Review/Approval of Minutes from July 2016 – Motion to approve minutes with the updates discussed. Motion: Kendall, Second: Amie. All in favor.
Financial Report –
•Review/Approval of Monthly Financial Report – No action.
•Action: Have bank run background check on Kristin McWilliams – Courtney and Kristin
•Courtney discussed with Amanda Judd regarding the board decision to appoint Kristin McWilliams to the Treasure position. Amanda will remain involved with the Finance Committee.
•Future check requests: Jennifer has a receipt for equipment purchased at Hockey Giant. Action: Meggan to forward the expense request form to Jennifer for her to fill out to get reimbursed.
Region 4 / WAHA Meeting Report – Wendy & Laurie
•Region 4 meeting updates below:
- WAHA to do a better job posting minutes to the website (within 2 weeks)
- RWB meeting scheduled for August 30, 2016 at 7pm in Verona Ice Arena. ACTION: Kendall will attend this meeting.
- U6 meeting is either September 1st or 6th (Wendy/Laurie to verify) at 7pm in Verona Ice Arena – ACTION: Wendy to forward date/time to Mike Hanson as he will go to the meeting.
- We are not allowed to skate in the Ultimate Tournaments as they are not WAHA & USA Hockey compliant
- The recognized IWYHA as receiving the Grass Roots grant last year and suggest all associations apply for the grant again this year
- Coaches Level 1, 2 & 3 meet at Union South on November 6th all day (refer to USA Hockey for details)
- Flex Hockey – similar to our Sunday open hockey – they approved Flex Hockey this year, but need to work out the USA Hockey number and related associations. The goal is to get kids that are not playing hockey interested in hockey.
- Safe Sport – same requirements as last year
- Officials – WHOA is now offering scholarships for high school seniors
- Officials – need to be 12 years old before the start of the season
- Officials – WAHA looking into a simpler way to pay the officials
- WAHA reminded us to talk with our parents and keep negative comments about the refs off of social media, we need to police our parents and remind the parents that their kids don’t like when they get kicked out of a game.
- Mike Hanson to reach out to the new contact for WHOA ().
- Club Excellence (thru USA Hockey): Courtney to invite us to our Club Excellence site. This site will allow us to store our meeting agenda and minutes.
- ACTION: set up a seminar that WHOA will put on for us. We can use the Dodger Bowl for free
- ACTION: Courtney to look into an ad in the paper for officials
- ACTION: Meggan has a letter that we will be sending the parents
- Next WAHA meeting is September 21st at 6pm at MIA
ACE /Other – Eric
•Stacy will continue to plow the rink area and receive in exchange for lower cost.
•The Doherty family is interested in shoveling our sidewalks in exchange for open skate season passes.
•High School Skaters Numbers – Currently 7 players
•Action: Courtney to send an email to the HS parents telling them that Verona is open to have our kids register there. If they want to register someplace else, they are free to.
•Coaches meeting will be held on September 11th at 4pm
•Action: Eric to contact Mort to see if this meeting can occur at the rink.
•ACTION: Meggan shall attend this meeting to take notes???
•Goalie Nets – – Discuss for next season – Hold
•$1290 a pair for 2 (big) game goal nets includes pads
Motion to spend up to $1,500 for 1 pair of game goal nets with pads. Motion: Larry, 2nd: Amie. All in favor.
•U6 nets are 2x3 $350 a pair. There is a need for 6 = $1050.00
Motion to spend up to $1,200 for 3 pairs of U6 nets. Motion: Mike, 2nd: Larry. All in favor
•ACTION: Eric to order the nets
Rink – Chris
•Line Kits – $300-$400 vs. Paint – Discussion for next season – still useable suggest to continue using the vinyl for another season. $600 or $700 line kits with creases. Discussed possibility of applying for a grant to pay for line kits.
Motion to spend up to $650 for white ice paint. Motion: Larry, 2nd: Jennifer. All in favor.
•“Skating walkers” assembly
•Discussed having a local organization such as the Boy Scouts to assemble skating walker units. Action: Andie, Courtney, and Jennifer to discuss what organizations to reach out to.
•Control Panel Diagnostic – Revisit and get bids during summer. – No updates
ACTION: Kristin to find out how much General Heating billed us last year for chiller maintenance.
•Score board – Mechanical hick-ups
•Next meeting- August - will have quotes to share.
•Light bulbs, receiver, new score board.
•~$700 total for all segments
Motion to spend up to $800 to repair the score board. Motion: Kendall, 2nd: Larry. All in favor
ACTION: Larry to check to see if we can get the lift again this year
ACTION: Eric to order the paint with the goals.
•No updates on sponsorship info for Score board. Program and see if we can get a sponsor on score board- (i.e. Pepsi, Gatorade) Action: Courtney). May be easier to just do our own fundraiser as there are a lot of hoops to jump through to get the sponsor.
•Contract signed with the City. Start date is September 30th and end date is April 16th.
•We can park the trailers at the rink the week prior to September 30th. ACTION: Chris will work with Krista to get the trailers to the rink.
•Request to look into a way to restore the glass on the bleacher side of the rink.
Registrar – Larry
•Action: Larry to send out names of board members who need background checks. The following board members owe Larry information: Chris, Amie, Jennifer, Mike and Laurie.
•Larry to continue scheduling ice time for teams for next season.
•Skate Registration Count Updates:
LTP = 8 (4 new)
Wolf Pack = 11 (1 new)
Squirt = 15 (1 new)
Pee Wee = 23 (1 new)
Bantam = 14 (2 new)
•22 skaters from last year not signed up yet.
ACTION: Larry to get the list of skaters that have not signed up yet to the coaches, so the coaches can contact the players to see if they will come back.
ACTION: Eric/Mike to discuss at the coaches meeting, so all coaches are telling the kids the same message
Team Rep Update – Andie
•Mike Pagne indicated Region 4 meeting is scheduled before the schedulers meeting (typically the meeting is in September).
•Action: Courtney to email Mike about the meeting.
Marketing- Laurie (Signage)
•Marketing Rep Position – Vacant.
•Sponsorship letter to area business was very successful. We had 20 hole sponsors for the golf outing!!
•“Play Hockey” flyers in Mount Horeb school district’s registeration packet.
ACTION: Kristin to talk to Tracy Fickett to see how they will be distributed.
•Mount Horeb Outdoor Rink – can we put up a banner at the rink?
Concessions – Amie T
•Upgrade Electrical Wiring in Concessions area – No Update
•Jennifer’s Dad has donated multiple microwaves, a commercial coffee maker, a hot cocoa/cappuccino machine and a hot dog roller.
Equipment – Jennifer
•Equipment Updates: Two (2) sets of 26” goalie pads, (2) catchers and (2) blockers, (9) pairs of skates and a smaller goalie chest pad were recently purchased for around $1,000 (saved around $350).
ACTION: Meggan to send the expense report form to Jennifer for her to fill out to get the expense approved.
•Donate skates to the outdoor rink in Mt. Horeb.
• Revisit in fall. First need to inventory skates to determine what the association could donate and then follow-up with the City of Mt. Horeb to see if they would be interested in the skates the association can donate.
•Try Hockey for Free Event Dates
•November 12th, 10-noon
•January 7th, 3-5:30pm
•Depending on weather – explore hosting a Try Hockey for Free event at outdoor rink in Mt. Horeb.
Committee Updates
Fundraising Committee - Courtney
•Fundraising Director – potential person to go to the next fundraising committee meeting to understand the responsibilities.
•Golf Outing profit was $4,228. Next years golf outing scheduled for August 12, 2017.
•Grass Roots Grant is due end of September
•Courtney has this complete and will submit
•Jennie Olson Foundation Grant (House on the Rock)
•Courtney is half complete and will submit
•Application is due in October and funds, if awarded, are distributed the following December.
•Action: Courtney to write grant application requesting funds for new nets.
•US Cellular Grant – Courtney looking into this. No updates
•Alliant Energy Grant – Jennifer to look into this.
•Raffle License Update–Courtney and Trisha from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue are finalizing the raffle application. Goal is to have raffles ready for and distributed at the first parent meeting (October).
•Plan and Prizes for Raffle Fundraiser– Revisit plan for raffle program and vote on raffle prizes at August meeting.
•Kendall emailed the board the proposed plan and prizes for the raffle fundraiser.
•Action: All board members to give comments about the plan to Courtney by Sunday September 4th.
•ACTION: Fundraising committee will finalize the plan to present something to the board for approval in September.
Financial Committee – Kendall
•Updates - None
•Creation and review of financial policies and procedures updates – On hold
•Kristin to check into how much money we can have as a nonprofit organization
•Laurie to contact Laurie Barry to help us with investing our money.
New Business:
Unfinished Business:
•Plaque Banners and Jersey Shadow boxes
•Plaque banners and jersey shadow boxes will be hung at rink for next season.
•Action: Courtney and Larry researching tournament info a far back as the Kings era.
Finished Business:
Wish Lists for Association:
Line and Crease Kits = $700
Control Panel = TBD
Score Board – Sponsorships
Replace glass on the bleacher side = approximately $350/sheet of glass
Next Meeting- Sunday September 18that 6:00pm. Place- Grace Lutheran Church