ECPVS - BYLAWS & INTERIM RULES AND REGULATIONS, September 2017, Article 2.8Re-certification:
The Diplomate is required to send in each 5 years a summary of his/her professional activities. The format of this summary has to be approved of by the EBVS. The summaries will be evaluated by the Re-certification Committee. In addition, Diplomates should ask two senior colleagues or authorities to send to the College a letter of reference certifying that the Diplomate in question has been active in practising his/her speciality for the last 5 years at the specialist level (see EBVS Policies & Procedures Appendix 9). The type of the reference letter shall be according to the EBVS Policies and Procedures. Self-certification of the members of the committee responsible for re-certification must be avoided. Every application will be evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers. A third reviewer may be included at the discretion of the Committee if there is any conflict in the reports of the first two reviewers.
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Policies of the EBVS – November2017: II. Guidelines for the establishment, recognition and supervision of Colleges:H. Policy on re-certification:
As is stated in the Policies section II, part A.14 of the EBVS, a standard procedure has to be established in which the prerequisites for re-certification of the Diplomates for membership of the College are described. This re-certification has to be done under the responsibility of the College.
Certified Diplomates have to practise their speciality for more than 60% of their time, based on a working week of 40 hours. Certification or re-certification in two colleges or in two sub-specialities of the same college is not possible (see also Appendix 1, sections 7, 11, and 18).
In addition, to remain certified, a Diplomate must attend the Annual General Meeting of the College, at least once in three years, unless previous dispensation from the College has been granted.
The re-certification procedure can include the following items (Appendices 10, and 1.22):
1. Publications
2. Presentations at national congresses or Continuing Education
3. Presentations at international congresses
4. Attendance at national or international congresses
5. Online/distance learning
6. Preparing examination questions
7. Supervision of Residents
8. Membership of Board or College committees
9. Two letters of reference (Appendix 9)
For each item a maximum number of points can be given. A total minimum amount of points has to be collected during a 5 year period. Each College has its own responsibility in creating such a 100 credit point system, but it has to be sent to and approved by the EBVS.
If a Diplomate does not meet the required number of points, they can be given one year extra in which to achieve at least the number of missing points. If they succeed, they will then be re-evaluated four years from the end of the extra year. If they do not succeed, or if for any other reason a Diplomate does not re-certify, they will be made non-certified Diplomates by their College, removed from the EBVS specialist register, and may use the title of ‘Diplomate’, but not the title of “Specialist”. A noncertified Diplomate seeking to revert to certified Diplomate status needs to satisfy
the Credentials Committee of the College.
The veterinary profession has received the prerogative for diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases based on the assumption that veterinarians work in the public interest and are guided by scientific methods. The EBVS therefore only recognises scientific, evidence-based veterinary medicine, which complies with animal welfare legislation. Specialists or Colleges who/which practise or support implausible treatment modalities with no proof of effectiveness run the risk of withdrawal of their specialist status. No credit points can be granted for education or training in these so-called supplementary, complementary and alternative treatment modalities.
Only activities from the five calendar years pre-ceding the year of re-evaluation can be reported.
Future activities may not be included.
The re-certification will be granted only if at least 100 points are reached in total, taking into account the maximum allowable scores for the different sections. As a result of the implementation of the decisions taken during ECPVS Annual General Meeting in Nantes, 23rd August 2013, please note that it is necessary that the points should be gained in at least four of the eight listed categories.
Recertification form – ECPVS- version 2018-01-09
Part 1: Diplomate information
First name:
Last name:
Birth date:
Diplomate since:
Date of last recertification:
Part 2: Your status as an ECPVS Diplomate
Present status:
Yes / NoActive in Poultry Veterinary Science
Future status: I wish to be registered in the future as a:
Active DiplomateNon-practising Diplomate
By signing here, you declare
i)that the information reported in this form is true and accurate
ii)thatyou has spent at least 60% of your time working at the specialist level in poultry veterinary science (not less than an average of 24 hours / week) for the last 5 years
Possible comments to ECPVS Recertification Committee (optional):
Part 3: Re-certification of ECPVS Diplomate
It is not mandatory that the scoring includes all of the categories enlisted.
Category 1: Publications related to poultry veterinary sciencesOnly up to 50 points/ 5 yearsfrom this category will be considered.
Please provide in Annex a full list, following the format requested for the “Avian Pathology” journal, of your publication references, itemized following the same categories as shown in the table below.
1 - Publications related to Poultry Veterinary Sciences /
Number of points per publication
/Number of papers
/Total score
1.1 - Scientific paper in peer-reviewed international journal (SCI listed) / first author /10
1.2 - Scientific paper in peer-reviewed international journal (SCI listed) / last author /8
1.3 - Scientific paper in peer-reviewed international journal (SCI listed) / co author /6
1.4 - Review in peer-reviewed international journal (SCI listed) / first author /8
1.5 - Review in peer-reviewed international journal (SCI listed) / co-author /6
1.6 - Case report in peer-reviewed international journal (SCI listed) / first author /6
1.7 - Case report in peer-reviewed international journal (SCI listed) / Co- author /5
1.8 – Scientific paper in peer reviewed national journal (not SCI listed) / first author /5
1.9 – Scientific paper in peer reviewed national journal (not SCI listed) / last-author /4
1.10 – Scientific paper in peer reviewed national journal (not SCI listed) / co-author /3
1.10 - Text book / Editor /10
1.11 - Text book / first author of chapter /12
1.12 - Text book / Co-author of chapter /6
Total number of points (maximum of 50)Category 2: Presentations and communications related to poultry veterinary sciences
Only a maximum up to 50 points/ 5 years from this category will be considered.
Please provide in Annex a full list, following the format requested for the “Avian Pathology” journal, of your presentations and communications, itemized following the same categories as shown in the table below.
2 - Presentations and communications /
Number of points per item
/Number of items
/Total score
2.1 – International Conference or Congress / Invited speaker /7
2.2 – International Conference or Congress / Speaker /5
2.3 – International Conference or Congress / Chair of session /5
2.4 – International Conference or Congress / Poster /3
2.5 – National Conference or Congress / Invited speaker /6
2.6 – National Conference or Congress / Speaker /4
2.7 – National Conference or Congress / Chair of session /4
2.8 – National Conference or Congress / Poster /3
2.9 – At ECPVS Annual Meeting or workshop / Speaker /7
2.10 – At Annual Meeting of Scientific Societies / Speaker /5
2.11 – Communication at Continuing Education event (international). /5 points per half day
2.12 – Communication at Continuing Education event (national). /4 points per half day
Total number of points (maximum of 50)Category 3: Having organized congress,meetings, workshops or courses related to poultry veterinary science
Only a maximum up to 50 points/ 5 years from this category will be considered.
Please provide in Annex a full list, following the format requested for the “Avian Pathology” journal, of the events you organized, itemized following the same categories as shown in the table below. Please indicate duration of event in days.
Please note that each item should be mentioned once only : if you organized the event, you are supposed to have attended.
3 – Organizing congress, meetings, workshops and courses /
Number of points per item
/Number of days
3.1 – International congress, meeting, workshop or course /Principal organizer /
10 points per day
3.2 – ECPVScongress, meeting, workshop or course /Principal organizer /
12 points per day
3.3 – International congress, meeting, workshop or course /Co-organizer of course /
5 points per day
3.4 – ECPVScongress, meeting, workshop or course /Co-organizer of course /
6 points per day
3.5 – National congress, meeting, workshop or course/Principal organizer of course /
8 points per day
3.6 – National congress, meeting, workshop or course /Co-organizer of course /
4 points per day
3.7 – Supervisor of Master student, topic related to poultry veterinary sciences /10 points per student
3.8 – Supervisor of PhD student, topic related to poultry veterinary sciences /15 points per student
Total number of points (maximum of 50)Category 4: Attendance of congress, meeting, workshop or coursesrelated to poultry veterinary science
Only a maximum up to 30 points/ 5 years from this category will be considered.
Please provide in Annex a full list, following the format requested for the “Avian Pathology” journal, of the events you attended, itemized following the same categories as shown in the table below. Please indicate full name (no acronym or abbreviated name) and duration of event in days.
4 - Attendance to congress, meeting, workshop or course /
Number of points
/Number of days
4.1 - International or advanced or specialized congress/meeting/workshop/course, a maximum number of 9 points per event will be considered. /3 pts per day
4.2 - National or other congress/meeting/workshop/course, a maximum number of 6 points per event will be considered. /2 pts per day
4.3 – AGM of ECPVS (Attendance ofat least once every three yearsis necessary). /8 pts per AGM
4.4 – presentation of ECPVS activities in stakeholder meetings, meetings of scientific societies, participation to EBVS meetings etc… / 3 pts per meeting4.5 – PhD in Poultry veterinary Science/ registrated student, regular year / 20 / year
4.6 – PhD in Poultry veterinary Science/ year when PhD defended / 30
Total number of points (maximum of 30)
Category 5: Involvement in ECPVS activities
Only a maximum up to 50 points/ 5 years from this category will be considered.
Please provide in annex a list of the corresponding events, itemized as in the following table, with the names of supervised students where relevant.
5 - Involvement in College activities /
Number of points per item
/Number of item
/Total score
5.1 – Supervisor of resident /10 pts / student x year
5.2 – Supervisor of resident (alternate programme) / 7 pts / student x year5.3 – ECPVS workshop or conference organizer / See items 3.2 and 3.4
5.4 – ECPVS workshop or conference speaker / See item 2.9
5.5 - Member of ECPVS Board, chair of ECPVS Committee / 6 pts / year
5.6 - Member of ECPVS Committee
NB: this criterion is not valid for ECPVS board members / 5 pts / year
5.7 - Exam supervisor, examiner or observer / auditor / 8 pts / candidate
5.8 - Multiple choice questions for exam sessions
NB: this criterion is not valid for members of ECPVS education committee / 1 pt /question sent and selected by education committee
5.9 - Assay or problem solving questions for exam sessions
NB: this criterion is not valid for members of ECPVS education committee / 2 pts/question sent and selected by education committee
Total number of points (maximum of 50)
Category 6: Membership on other boards / committees / working groups related to poultry veterinary science
Only a maximum up to 30 points/ 5 years this category will be considered.
Please provide in Annex a list of the corresponding boards, committees or working groups, itemized as in the table below. Do not use acronyms or abbreviations.
6 - Membership on other boards / committees / working groups /
Number of points per item
/Number of items
6.1 - International board/committee /per year / per committee 5 pts
6.2 - National board/committee / per year / per committee 3 ptsTotal number of points (maximum of 30)
Category 7: Herd visits or industry audits or consultation related to poultry veterinary science
Only a maximum up to 50 points/ 5 years in this category will be considered.
7 - Herd visits, industry audits or consultancy /
Number of points per item
/Number of days
/Total score
7.1 - Herd visits, industry visits or consultancy /1 pt per 2.5 days
Total number of points (maximum of 50)Category 8: Other expert activities related to poultry veterinary science
Only a maximum up to 30 points/ 5 years in this category will be considered.
Please provide in Annex a list of these activities, with enough detail to allow assessment of how the listed activities relate to poultry veterinary sciences.
8 – Other expert activities in relation with poultry veterinary sciences /
Number of points per item
/Number of days
/Total score
8.1 – Official expertise for court cases /5 pts per case
8.2 – Official expertise in the licensing of veterinarymedical products /
5 pts per case
8.3 – Field trials for the pharmaceutical industry /leading expert /
8 pts per report
8.4 – Field trials for the pharmaceutical industry /Participation to the follow up of the flocks /
See item 7.1
8.5 – Patents / first author /20 pts
8.6 – Patents / Co-author /10 pts
Total number of points (maximum of 50)Name:
This sheet (with parts 1, 2 & 3)should be sent by e-mail together with an updated CV (as a proof of the activities) to the chairman of the ECPVSrecertification committee and to ECPVS secretariat.
Part 4: Letters of reference
Diplomates should ask two senior colleagues or authorities a letter of reference certifying that the Diplomate in question has been active in practising his/her speciality for the last 5 years at the specialist level.
The type of the reference letter shall be according to the EBVS Policies and Procedures.
The template on the next page (conform the EBVS Policies and Procedures, p78) can be used.
The two letters of reference must be send by e-mail to the chairman of the ECPVS recertification committee and to ECPVS secretariat.
Letter of reference
Name of applicant:Title of speciality: / Diplomate of the European College of Poultry Veterinary Science (ECPVS)
EBVS®European Specialist in Poultry Veterinary Science
Position for which applying: / Re-certification
1. / In what capacity do you know the applicant?
It is not allowed that the referee is a relative or partner (business or social) of the applicant. One referee should be an EBVS – recognised Diplomate from the same country and the same speciality. If there are no professionally qualified persons in the applicant’s country or speciality, specialists in other disciplines or a senior colleague (e.g. Head of Department, Dean) may act as a referee. Only one academic colleague at the same institute may provide a reference.
2. / How long have you know the applicant’s work?
A referee must normally have known the applicant for the five-year period prior to application/re-application that the applicant is offering as experience in their speciality. A professional and not a personal reference is required.
I know the applicant
by reputation
3. / List the criteria by which, in your opinion, the applicant is maintaining their EBVS Specialist status.
The EBVS expects that all Specialists have:
- been practising (through practice, teaching and research) their speciality for at least 60% of their time (24 hours per week), for the last 5 years;
- demonstrated satisfactory moral and ethical standing in the profession;
- practised scientific, evidence-based veterinary medicine, which complies with animal welfare legislation;
- promoted continuous improvement in the quality and standard of specialist practice;
- communicated effectively with the public and professional colleagues.
I confirm that I have read the applicant’s application form.
I signify below my whole-hearted support for this application.
Any other comment:
Name (in capital letters):
Recertification form – ECPVS- version 2018-01-09