Chapter 1 Number skills and the history of number
Strand: Number
Substrands and outcomes:
Whole numbersNS2.1 Counts, orders, reads and records numbers up to four digits
Whole numbersNS3.1 Orders, reads and writes numbers of any size
Addition and subtractionNS2.2 Uses mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction involving two-, three- and four-digit numbers
Addition and subtractionNS3.2 Selects and applies appropriate strategies for addition and subtraction with counting numbers of any size
Multiplication and divisionNS2.3 Uses mental and informal written strategies for multiplication and division
Multiplication and divisionNS3.3 Selects and applies appropriate strategies for multiplication and division
Operations with whole numbersNS4.1 Recognises the properties of special groups of whole numbers and applies a range of strategies to aid computation
Section / GC tips, Investigations,History of mathematics, Maths Quest challenge, 10 Quick Questions, Code puzzles / SkillSHEETS, WorkSHEETS,
Interactive games,
Test yourself, Topic tests
(CD–ROM) / Technology applications
(CD–ROM) /
Learning outcomes
Are you ready? (page 2) / SkillSHEETS (page 2)1.1: Place value
1.2: Ascending and descending order
1.3: Adding and subtracting whole numbers less than 20
1.4: Times tables
1.5: Multiplying whole numbers
1.6: Dividing whole numbers
1.7: Order of operations
1.8: Rounding to the first (leading) digit / NS2.1
- rounding numbers to the nearest ten, hundred or thousand when estimating
- using mental strategies for addition and subtraction
- using mental strategies to recall multiplication facts
- using mental strategies to divide by a one-digit number in problems for which answers include a remainder
- stating the place value of any digit in large numbers
- ordering numbers of any size in ascending or descending order
- recognising and using different notations to indicate division
- multiplying three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers using the extended form
- finding solutions to questions involving mixed operations
Number systems from the past (page 3)
WE 1a-b, 2a-b
Ex 1A Number systems from the past (page 6) / Investigation: More number systems of the past (page 7)
History of mathematics: The abacus (page 8) / NS3.1
- recognising, reading and converting Roman numerals used in everyday contexts
- identifying differences between the Roman and Hindu-Arabic systems of recording numbers
- comparing the Hindu-Arabic number system with number systems from different societies past and present
- discussing the strengths and weaknesses of different number systems (Communicating, Reasoning)
- describing and recognising the advantages of the Hindu-Arabic number system (Communicating, Reasoning)
Place value (page 9)
WE 3a-b, 4
Ex 1B Place value (page10) / SkillSHEET 1.1: Place value (page 10)
SkillSHEET 1.2: Ascending and descending order (page10) / NS3.1
- applying an understanding of place value and the role of zero to read, write and order numbers of any size
- stating the place value of any digit in large numbers
- ordering numbers of any size in ascending or descending order
- recording large numbers using expanded notation
- recognising different abbreviations of numbers used in everyday contexts
Adding and subtracting whole numbers (page11)
WE 5, 6, 7a-b
Ex 1C Adding and subtracting whole numbers (page 14) / GC tip Casio: Adding, using a calculator (page 11)
Maths Quest challenge: Q1- 3 (page 16) / SkillSHEET 1.3: Adding and subtracting whole numbers less than 20 (page11)
Game time 001 (page 16)
WorkSHEET 1.1 (page 16) / GC tip – TI: Adding, using a calculator (page11)
Mathcad: Adding numbers (page 14)
Excel: Adding numbers (page 14)
Mathcad: Subtracting numbers (page 15)
Excel: Subtracting numbers (page 15) / NS3.2
- selecting and applying appropriate concrete, mental, written or calculator strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems
- using a formal written algorithm and applying place value concepts to solve addition and subtraction problems involving counting numbers of any size
- adding numbers with different numbers of digits
- checking solutions by using the inverse operation or a different method (Applying strategies, Reasoning)
Multiplying whole numbers (page 17)
WE 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Ex 1D Multiplying whole numbers (page 20) / 10 Quick Questions 1 (page 22) / SkillSHEET 1.4: Times tables (page 17)
SkillSHEET 1.5: Multiplying whole numbers (page20) / Mathcad: Multiplying numbers (page 20)
Excel: Multiplying numbers (page 20)
Excel: Tangle tables (page20)
GC program – Casio: Tables (page 20)
GC program – TI: Tables (page 20) / NS3.3
- applying appropriate mental, written or calculator strategies to solve multiplication problems
- multiplying three- and four-digit numbers by one-digit numbers using mental or written strategies
- multiplying three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers using the extended form (long multiplication)
- using mental strategies to multiply a number by 100 or a multiple of 10
- using the appropriate operation in solving problems in real-life situations (Applying strategies, Reflecting)
- applying a range of mental strategies to aid computation
Dividing whole numbers (page 22)
WE 13, 14, 15
Ex 1E Dividing whole numbers (page 24) / Maths Quest challenge: Q1–2 (page 26) / SkillSHEET 1.6: Dividing whole numbers (page24)
Game time 002 (page 26)
WorkSHEET 1.2 (page26) / Excel: Dividing numbers (page 24)
Mathcad: Dividing numbers (page 24)
Excel: Four operations (DIY) (page 24) / NS3.3
- applying appropriate mental, written or calculator strategies to solve division problems
- using and recognising different notations to indicate division
- recording remainders as fractions and decimals where appropriate
- dividing a number with three or more digits by a single-digit divisor using mental or written strategies
- using mental strategies to divide a number by 100 or a multiple of 10
- finding solutions to questions involving mixed operations
- using the appropriate operation in solving problems in real-life situations (Applying strategies, Reflecting)
- using an appropriate non-calculator method to divide two- and three-digit numbers by a two-digit number
Order of operations (page26)
WE 16, 17
Ex 1F Order of operations (page 28) / GC tip Casio: Order of operations (page 27)
Code puzzle (page 29) / SkillSHEET 1.7: Order of operations (page 28) / GC tip – TI: Order of operations (page 27)
Mathcad: Order of operations (page 28)
Excel: The four operations (page 28) / NS3.3
- finding solutions to questions involving mixed operations
Estimation (page 30)
WE 18
Ex 1G Estimation (page31) / Investigation: Estimating (page 34)
10 Quick Questions 2 (page 36) / SkillSHEET 1.8: Rounding to the first (leading) digit (page 31)
WorkSHEET 1.3 (page33) / Mathcad: Estimation (page31)
Excel: The four operations (page 31) / NS3.1
- Rounding numbers when estimating
- using estimation to check solutions to addition and subtraction problems
- estimating answers to problems and checking to justify solutions (Applying strategies, Reasoning)
Special groups of numbers (page 36)
WE 19, 20
Ex 1H Special groups of numbers (page 39) / Investigation: More number patterns in shapes (page 37)
Maths Quest challenge: Q1-3 (page 41) / GC program – TI: Palindromes (page 39)
Excel: Palindromes (pages39, 41)
Excel: Fibonacci numbers (page 40) / NS4.1
- identifying special groups of numbers including figurate numbers, palindromic numbers, Fibonacci numbers, numbers in Pascal’s triangle
Summary (page 42)
Chapter review (page 43) / ‘Test yourself’ multiple choice questions
(page 44)
Topic tests (2)