SOL Review

VA & U.S. History

For students in classes of

Mrs. Eberly, Mr. Fowler, Mr. Hassell,

And Mrs. Hubert



Use these questions to review for the SOL test.


  1. What was the result of early European exploration and colonization? ______
  2. From where did the people who settled in the Americas come? ______
  3. Exploration and colonization initiated what? ______
  4. What did colonization lead to? ______
  5. Who settled in New England?______
  6. Why did they come to New England? ______
  7. What is a “covenant community”? ______
  8. On what was this community based? ______
  9. What was the Mayflower Compact? ______
  10. (True)(False) The Puritans were tolerant of other religions ______


  1. What did they practice during town meetings? ______
  2. Who settled in the Middle Atlantic region? ______
  3. What were they seeking? ______
  4. Why did people settle in Virginia and the southern colonies? ______
  5. Who were Virginia “cavaliers”? ______
  6. Who did they receive land from? ______
  7. Where did poor English immigrants settle? ______
  8. What did their occupations tend to be? ______
  9. Who was hired to work on tobacco plantations? ______


  1. What did an indentured servant agree to do? ______
  2. When was Jamestown founded? ______
  3. Who established it? ______
  4. Why was Jamestown established? ______
  5. What is important about Jamestown? ______
  6. What was the first elected assembly in the New World? ______
  7. When was it established? ______
  8. What is it known as today? ______
  9. What is another name for American Indians? ______


  1. Where did the Spanish settle? ______
  2. What were 2 results of interactions between the English and American Indians? ______


  1. Where did the French settle? ______
  2. What were relations like between the French and American Indians? ______
  3. Why was this different than the Spanish and English? ______
  4. The agricultural economy of the Southern colonies and Caribbean was based on what? ______
  5. Large landholdings in the Southern colonies and the Caribbean became known as what? ______
  6. What was the result of the plantation system in the South and the Caribbean? ______
  7. When was slavery introduced to Jamestown? ______


  1. What shaped regional economic development in the regions of America? ______
  2. Why did America’s plantations need slaves? ______
  3. On what was the economy of New England based? ______


  1. What values made the Puritans successful? ______
  2. What is subsistence farming? ______
  3. Name the 5 Middle Colonies. ______
  4. What were the largest seaports and commercial centers of the Middle Colonies? ______
  5. The economies of the Middle Colonies were based on what? ______
  6. The economies of the Southern colonies were based on what? ______
  7. Where were the Southern colonies established? ______


  1. What were the cash crops of the south? ______
  2. What did southerners do with their cash crops? ______
  3. On what was the economy of the Appalachian foothills based? ______
  4. What economic beliefs did the colonists practice? ______
  5. On what was New England’s colonial society based? ______
  6. What did the Puritans believe should be connected? ______
  7. What colony was established by dissenters fleeing religious persecution in Massachusetts? ______
  8. (True)(False) The Puritans were very tolerant of other religious beliefs. ______
  9. What religious beliefs were practiced in the Middle Colonies? ______
  10. What religion was practiced in Pennsylvania? ______


  1. What religion was practiced in Maryland? ______
  2. (True)(False) The Middle Colonies practiced religious toleration. ______
  3. What is an entrepreneur? ______
  4. Who made up the middle class of the Middle Colonies? ______
  5. (True)(False) The social structure of the Middle Colonies was very rigid. ______
  6. On what was the social structure of Virginia and the southern colonies based? ______
  7. Who dominated colonial government and society in the southern colonies? ______
  8. What was the established church in the southern colonies? ______
  9. Which region of the colonies had the closest ties to England? ______
  10. Society in the mountains and valleys in the southern colonies was made up of what 3 groups? ______


  1. Of what descent were most of these groups? ______


  1. What was the “Great Awakening”? ______
  2. What did the Great Awakening lead to? ______
  3. What were 2 of the evangelical religions which challenged the religious establishment in the colonies? ______
  4. Describe the climate in the coastal lowlands of the South? ______
  5. What did the plantation economy of the South require? ______
  6. From where did indentured servants come? ______
  7. What agreement did indentured servants make? ______


  1. Who did the labor on most plantations? ______
  2. (True)(False) Some Africans worked as indentured servants and eventually gained their freedom. ______
  3. What was the Middle Passage? ______
  4. What did the southern economy eventually lead to? ______


  1. What justified the Declaration of Independence? ______
  2. What inspired the American Revolution? ______
  3. What was the Enlightenment? ______


  1. Who was John Locke? ______
  2. Which of the following were TRUE statements from John Locke?
  3. The people promise to obey the law established by the government--”ordered liberty”. ______
  4. Government’s powers are unlimited. ______
  5. Whenever government threatens the people’s natural rights, the people have the right to alter or overthrow it. ______


  1. Which of the following were TRUE statements from John Locke?
  2. All people are free, equal, and have “natural rights”. ______
  3. Natural rights include life, liberty, and property. ______
  4. All power rests with the government. ______
  5. The people enter into a “social contract” to form a government to protect their rights.______
  6. What kind of government did most countries have? ______
  7. Who was the English immigrant to America who wrote Common Sense? ______
  8. What pamphlet challenged the rule of the King of England over the American colonies? ______
  9. Why was Common Sense an important document? ______


  1. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? ______
  2. Whose ideas were included in the Declaration of Independence? ______
  3. According to the Declaration of Independence---
  4. What are self-evident? ______
  5. How are men created? ______
  6. What are man’s unalienable rights? ______
  7. Who grants man these rights? ______
  8. Governments derive their power from whom? ______
  9. When a government is destructive, what do people have the right to do? ______
  10. What else did Jefferson include in the Declaration of Independence? ______
  11. What led to the French and Indian War? ______
  12. What was the result of this war? ______


  1. What actions did the English take which angered the American colonists and led to the American Revolution? ______
  2. What prohibited settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains? ______
  3. Why was the Proclamation passed? ______
  4. What placed new taxes on legal documents, tea and sugar? ______
  5. Why were these taxes enacted? ______
  6. What was the Boston Tea Party? ______
  7. What was called to discuss problems with the British? ______
  8. Who sent representatives to the First Continental Congress? ______
  9. What was the first time all the colonies worked together to resist British rule? ______
  10. This was when British troops fired on anti-British demonstrators. ______


  1. Who were the Minutemen? ______
  2. What was the first battle of the Revolutionary War? ______
  3. What did the Patriots want? ______
  4. Who said “Give me liberty, or give me death”? ______
  5. What 2 writers influenced the patriots? ______
  6. Who led the American army? ______
  7. Who made up the American army? ______
  8. Where was George Washington from? ______
  9. What were Loyalists called? ______
  10. Why were the Loyalists loyal to England? ______


  1. Why did the Loyalists think it was right to pay taxes to England? ______
  2. What were the colonists called who did not want to be involved in the Revolution? ______
  3. Why did the Americans win their independence in the Revolutionary War? ______
  4. Who was America’s ally in the Revolutionary War? ______
  5. What diplomat negotiated the alliance treaty with France? ______
  6. What did Washington do to win the Revolutionary War? ______
  7. What was the impact of Washington’s leadership? ______
  8. What battle ended the Revolutionary War? ______
  9. Who fought there? ______


  1. Why did political leaders establish theArticles of Confederation? ______
  2. What document established the government of the U.S. directly after the Revolutionary War? ______
  3. Did it establish a strong or weak national government? ______
  4. What did Congress NOT have the powers to do? ______
  5. (True)(False) All states had their own currency. ______
  6. How many votes did each large state have? ______
  7. How many votes did each small state have? ______
  8. How many branches were established in the national government? ______
  9. What document established the government which we have today? ______
  10. What are 3 characteristics of the Constitution? ______



  1. How can the government be changed in an orderly manner? ______
  2. Who shares the power in the U.S. government today? ______
  3. What is the supreme law in the land? ______
  4. (True)(False) States were able to govern themselves within federal laws. ______
  5. How many senators does each state have? ______
  6. The number of representatives in the House of Representatives is based on what? ______
  7. What are the 2 houses in Congress? ______
  8. Why were these 2 houses created in the Constitution? ______
  9. To determine representation in the House of Representatives, how were slaves counted? ______
  10. Why were the 3 branches in the national government established? ______


  1. What are the 3 branches of government? ______
  2. What does each branch do? ______
  3. Who was the chairman of the Constitutional Convention? ______
  4. Why was his leadership important? ______
  5. Who was the “Father of the Constitution? ______
  6. Where was he from? ______
  7. Why is he important? ______
  8. What was the “Virginia Plan”? ______
  9. Who wrote the Bill of Rights? ______
  10. What 2 documents are the blueprint for the American government? ______


  1. What was the “pro-ratification” group regarding the Constitution? ______
  2. What kind of government did the Federalists favor? ______
  3. Why did the Federalists want the “check and balance” system?______
  4. Why did the Federalists believe a strong national government was necessary? ______
  5. ______
  6. (True)(False) The Federalists wanted a Bill of Rights. ______
  7. Why was a republic possible in the U.S.? ______
  8. (True)(False) The Federalists believed the Constitution protected the basic rights of the people. ______
  9. What did most states already have by the time the Constitution was written? ______
  10. What was the “anti-ratification” group regarding the Constitution? ______
  11. Why did the Anti-Federalists not want a strong national government? ______


  1. Why did the Anti-Federalists want a national Bill of Rights? ______
  2. What did the Anti-Federalists force the Federalists to promise? ______
  3. What did the Virginia Declaration of Rights state? ______
  4. Who wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights? ______
  5. Who wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom? ______
  6. What did the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom outlaw? ______
  7. What does this mean? ______
  8. On what was the U. S. Bill of Rights based? ______
  9. What is the Bill of Rights? ______


  1. What led to territorial expansion all the way to the Pacific? ______
  2. What ideology caused Americans to move to the frontiers? ______
  3. When did George Washington’s presidency end? ______
  4. When did the first political parties emerge? ______
  5. What were the 2 first political parties? ______
  6. Who led the Federalists? ______
  7. In what did the Federalists believe? ______
  8. Who supported the Federalists? ______
  9. In what area were the Federalists centered? ______
  10. Who led the Democratic Republicans? ______
  11. In what did the Democratic Republicans believe? ______


  1. Who supported the Democratic Republicans? ______
  2. In what area were the Democratic Republicans centered? ______
  3. Why was the election of 1800 important? ______
  4. Who was elected? ______
  5. Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the early 1800’s? ______
  6. What established the power of the federal courts to declare laws unconstitutional?______
  7. What is judicial review? ______
  8. What court decision established judicial review? ______
  9. What court decision prohibited states from taxing agencies of the federal government? ______
  10. Who was president in 1803? ______
  11. What land purchase is he known for? ______


  1. Who did he buy it from? ______
  2. What effect did this have on the size of the U.S.? ______
  3. What expedition explored the Louisiana Purchase? ______
  4. Where did they explore? ______
  5. Who served as the expeditions guide and translator? ______
  6. Who won the War of 1812? ______
  7. What lands did America gain because of the War of 1812? ______
  8. From whom did America gain Florida? ______
  9. What was considered the “West” in the early 1800’s? ______
  10. Why did settlers move West? ______


  1. When was the Monroe Doctrine signed? ______
  2. Which of the following is a TRUE statement about the Monroe Doctrine?
  1. Europe should not colonize any American continents in the future. ______
  2. Nations in the Americas are different than those in Europe because they are republics, not monarchies.______
  3. If European powers tried to impose their system on an independent state in the Western hemisphere, it would be considered a threat to the peace and safety of the United States. ______
  4. The United States would interfere with European affairs. ______
  1. The building of what helped the growth of America’s industrial economy? ______
  2. Who invented the cotton gin? ______
  3. What did it lead to? ______
  4. What did American migration into Texas lead to? ______
  5. What happened at the Alamo? ______


  1. What brought Texas into the U.S.? ______
  2. What did the American victory in the Mexican War lead to? ______
  3. What states of today did this include? ______
  4. What is Manifest Destiny? ______
  5. How were the American Indians affected by this policy? ______
  6. What was the Trail of Tears? ______
  7. What is a reservation? ______
  8. Why was the Age of Jackson important? ______
  9. Why was the election of Andrew Jackson important? ______
  10. What is universal manhood suffrage? ______
  11. Where was universal manhood suffrage happening? ______


  1. What was happening which allowed more people to vote? ______


  1. Why was Jackson’s use of the veto important? ______
  2. Define aristocracy. ______
  3. What is an aristocrat? ______
  4. What is a presidential veto? ______
  5. What is the Spoils System? ______
  6. What was the Panic of 1837? ______
  7. Before the election of 1828, what were Americans content to have happen? ______
  8. How did society change around 1828? ______
  9. How was a presidential candidate selected? ______


  1. How did Jackson use the Spoils System? ______
  2. What was the Bank of the United States? ______
  3. Why did Jackson mistrust the idea of this bank? ______
  4. What did Jackson veto? ______
  5. Who was Henry Clay? ______
  6. What did he support? ______
  7. What caused the Panic of 1837? ______
  8. What brought about the series of crises which led to the Civil War? ______
  9. What caused conflicts before the Civil War? ______
  10. What was a free state? ______
  11. What was a slave state? ______


  1. What issue affected power in Congress? ______
  2. What kind of economy was in the Northern states? ______
  3. On what was the industrial economy of the North based? ______
  4. What kind of tariffs did Northern manufacturers favor? Why? ______
  5. What kind of economy did the South have? ______
  6. On what was it based? ______
  7. Who worked in the foothills and valleys of the Appalachian Mountains? ______
  8. Why did the South oppose high tariffs? ______
  9. Who was the abolitionist publisher of The Liberator? ______
  10. What was The Liberator? ______


  1. Where was there a strong abolitionist movement? ______
  2. What is an abolitionist? ______
  3. Why were many Northern religious leaders abolitionists? ______
  4. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin?______
  5. What effect did Uncle Tom’s Cabin have on the North? The South? ______


  1. Who led slave revolts in Virginia? ______
  2. What was the effect of these slave revolts? ______
  3. What effect did these revolts have on Southerners who favored abolition? ______
  4. Why did admission of new states lead to conflicts? ______
  5. The Missouri Compromise was passed in what year? ______
  6. What did it state? ______


  1. What did the Compromise of 1850 state? ______
  2. What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 repeal? ______
  3. What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 state? ______
  4. What was this known as? ______
  5. What was the result of this act? ______
  6. When did the Republican party begin? ______
  7. Why was the Republican party formed? ______
  8. What did Southerners believe individual states should be able to do? ______
  9. Why did the South believe they could leave the Union? ______
  10. What does nullify mean? ______


  1. What does the word secede mean? ______
  2. Who were the 2 candidates for the U.S. Senate in Illinois in 1858 who participated in a series of debates?


  1. What political party did each candidate represent? ______
  2. What did each candidate stand for? ______
  3. What Supreme Court decision overturned efforts to limit the spread of slavery? ______
  4. What did the Fugitive Slave Act require? ______
  5. Who said “A house divided against itself cannot stand”? ______
  6. To what issue does this refer? ______
  7. What was the Seneca Falls Declaration? ______
  8. What did Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony want? ______


  1. What was the issue which triggered the Civil War? ______
  2. What were 3 results of the Civil War. ______
  3. Over what 2 issues was the Civil War fought? ______
  4. In what year did Lincoln become president? ______
  5. What was the result of this election? ______
  6. What did southerners fear would happen? ______
  7. Where was the opening shot of the war fired? ______
  8. What was the Emancipation Proclamation? ______
  9. After what battle was it issued? ______
  10. What battle was the turning point of the war? ______


  1. Where did Lee surrender to Grant? ______
  2. Who won the Civil War? ______
  3. Who were the Confederates? ______
  4. Who was the Union? ______
  5. Who was president of the United States during the Civil War? ______
  6. Who insisted that the U.S. be held together by force if necessary? ______
  7. Who was the leader of the Union military forces? ______
  8. (True)(False) The Union had many generals lead their army. ______
  9. (True)(False) The Confederacy had many generals lead their army. ______
  10. Who led the Army of Northern Virginia? ______