CE Health Improvement Team
Health Related Programmes in Crewe and Nantwich
Session / Town / Day / Time / Venue / Cost / CommentsActive Ageing Exercise Programmes
Falls Prevention Exercise Class
Called Be Steady Be Safe / Crewe / Wednesday / 12.45-1.45pm / Jubilee House, Crewe / Free of Charge / This class is ideal for anyone who is at risk of falling, has fallen or has poor balance and mobility.
Tel: Donna Williamson 01270 685794.
Nantwich / Wednesday / 9.30-10.30 &
11.00-12.00pm / Mill House, Nantwich / Free of Charge
Seated Exercises
Called Sit & Be Fit / Acton / Tuesday
Only once a fortnight / 10.30-11.30am / Acton Parish Hall / £3.00 per session
Run by Age Concern / This class is for people with poor mobility, struggle standing to exercise or may have a disability.
No pre-booking required
Age Concern Cheshire – Tel: 01270 219484
Crewe / Wednesday / 10.30-11.30am / Union Street Church Hall, Crewe / £2.50 per session / This class is for people with poor mobility, struggle standing to exercise or may have a disability.
No pre-booking required
For further info Tel: Glenys McHugh 07980805404
Tai Chi / Crewe / Tuesday / 10.00-11.00am &
11.15-12.15pm / Crewe Library / £2.50 per session / This class is ideal for people with a wide range of healthy problems, such as poor mobility and posture, depression, anxiety.
No pre-booking required
For further info Tel: Tom Duckworth 07508715925.
Nantwich / Thursday / 1.45-2.45pm / Nantwich Methodist Church Centre / £2.50 per session
Gentle Exercise to Music
Called Mature Movers / Nantwich / Monday / 10.00-11.00pm
Term Time Only / Civic Hall / £3.50 per session / This class will improve strength, stamina, flexibility and social opportunities. Ideal for all levels and abilities. Consists of a mixture of chair based and standing exercises.
No pre-booking required
For further information Tel: Age UK Cheshire 01270 219484
Haslington / Monday / 2.00-3.00pm / Yoxhall Village Hall, Crewe Road / £2.50 per session / No pre-booking required
For further information Tel: Age UK Cheshire 01270 219484
Fit for Life / Bunbury / Monday / 1.30-2.30pm / The Pavilion / £3.00 per session / Run by Age Concern Cheshire
No pre-booking required
For further information Tel: 01270 219484
Health Trainers
Health Trainers work with people on a one to one to offer support and help to change behaviour in being more active, losing weight, stop smoking and improving mental well-being.
To access the programme you need to be 16 years plus and registered with a GP in Cheshire East and have one or more of the following conditions:
· Cardiac related condition
· Diabetes Type 2
· Long-term Inactivity
· BMI >28
· Low to moderate mental health problems.
People can self refer or are referred by an agency. The programme runs 7 days per week throughout all leisure facilities. / £12.00 for 12 weeks. / To book an appointment or to obtain referral forms contact Donna Williamson on 01270 685794 or email:
Walking Programmes
Step By Step Walking Programme / Crewe / Wednesday / 2.00pm Start / Meets King George V Playing Fields / Free / The walks are led by a qualified tutor and are ideal for people wanting to start exercising, or have a health condition and want to take part in gently exercise. The walks cover a short distance and participants can stop at any time.
No pre-booking required
For further information Tel: Joe Doran 01270 685780
Crewe / Thursday / 11.00am Start / Meets Woodside Public Car Park / Free
Nantwich / Sunday / 11.00am Start / Meets on Town Square / Free
Led Walks / Crewe and Nantwich / 1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month / 2.00pm Start / Various starting points / FREE / The walks are for all levels and abilities and take place from different locations each week so call the following number for further information.
Tel: Brett King at Wulvern Housing 01270 503564.
Led Walks / Haslington, Crewe / Tuesday / 1.30pm Start / Meets at Car Park on Waterloo Road, Haslington / Free / The walks are led by a qualified tutor and are for all levels and abilities
Age Concern Cheshire, Tel: 08456 182858
Nordic Walking Programme
Nordic Walking / Crewe / TBC / TBC / Queens Park / £18.00 for a 6 week course. Cost includes equipment. / The walks are led by a qualified tutor and are for all levels and abilities. When Nordic walking you are using poles and burns 46% more calories than normal walking.
Pre-booking required
Tel: Lee Malkin 01270 685728.
Swim4health / Crewe / Thursday / 3.00-4.00pm / Crewe Swimming Pool / Free / This programme is for people who are overweight with a BMI of 35+. The programme consists of lane swimming and the opportunity to take part in an aqua fit session.
To access the session contact Donna Williamson on 01270 675794.
Falls Prevention Referral Card
Referral cards now available for CEC staff to use and refer clients to services that will help reduce the risk of falls. / Cheshire East Wide / N/A / N/A / When a referral is made advice, support and information is available on the following:
1. Mobility and Balance exercise classes.
2. Information booklet on how to reduce risk of falling inside/outside the home.
3. Adapting your home to reduce risk of falling.
4. Alerts can be set up in case a person falls. / Ideal for people who are at risk of falling, have fallen or have poor balance, mobility.
Referral cards can be obtained from:
Tel: Donna Williamson 01270 685794.
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac Rehab Exercise Classes / Crewe & Nantwich / 9 classes run per week / Various Times / Various Locations / £3.60 per session / These classes are accessed via referral only and are for people with a heart condition.
The programme takes place in various fitness gyms and are led by a qualified tutor.
Referral by GP or Hospital required.
For further info Tel: Joe Doran 01270 685780
Let’s Get Cook In Cheshire East
Cookery Courses / Crewe & Nantwich / TBC / TBC / Jubilee House, Crewe / Free of Charge / The healthy cookery courses are on a rolling programme when there are sufficient numbers people to run a course.
Currently there are two types of courses available, Trim & Tasty that focuses on low fat foods and Healthy Cooking on a Low Budget, which looks at making meals for less than £2.00 per person and is nutritinally balanced.
Enrolment Required
Tel: Kathy Cornford 01270 686680.
Learning Disability Exercise Sessions
Multi Activity Programme / Nantwich / Thursday / 1.30-2.30pm / Barony Sports Complex / £3.60 Per Session / The exclusive gym sessions are for people with learning disabilities and led by a qualified tutor. Numbers are limited so booking is essential.
Please call Andy Molyneux on 07506 317055 to register.
Men In Sheds Project
Men in Sheds / Crewe / Most Days / See Details / See Details / A community shed project for men over 55. A social group for men based around the shed, call for more information.
For further information Tel: Age UK Cheshire on 01270 219487.