Sunday Evening Survey

This survey was completed by those who attended the Sunday Evening service on October 18, 2015, and represents an average congregation. A total of 80 surveys were returned following the service. This form is a ‘best’ representation of the information recorded.

  1. On an average Sunday, do you attend . . . .

2 AM only 1 PM only 77 Both Services

  1. Does the current Sunday evening worship’s format provide spiritual growth and challenge?

68 Yes 9 No (3 no answer)

  1. What other options of Sunday evening worship would interest you? Check as many as you desire.

29 Music only

24 Bible Study

49 Youth Services

29 Christian Films

51 Traditional Services

29 Ministry in other SA Centres (ie. New Hope, Glenbrook Lodge)

10 Seminar Style Training Events (ie. Evangelism, Spiritual Gifts)

14 Guided Prayer

7 Other

  1. Why do you attend Sunday evening meetings? There were a variety of responses in this section but they can be summarized as follows: worship (26) Fellowship (15) Obligation (13) Enjoy (12)
  1. If there was no Sunday evening meeting, would you ‘miss’ the opportunity to come and worship? 69 Yes 11 No
  1. Why do you think there is a decrease in our Sunday evening attendance?

49 Busy Lives

21 One Service is Enough

6 Do not enjoy format

19 Other : This includes priorities, wrong start time, and unknown

Other Comments or Concerns: changing culture inside and outside the corps; More Congregational participation; One service is enough; where 2 or 3 are gathered God is there; Sunday evening is an opportunity to be creative; Numbers should not dictate ministry; Those who attend are blessed; It feels like a family Sunday Night; We need to be creative to encourage others to come; More of the old hymns; visit seniors homes where our members live; Promote Sunday nights; If there was no Sunday night I would have to find one; more special guests; I feel more confident to participate Sunday Night; move everyone up from the back; a consistent service; one service a month; I am discouraged by the numbers


A Total of 24 youth responded to this section of the survey

  1. Currently SNAC takes place after the evening meeting. If there was no service, would you still be interested in meeting for fellowship?

23 Yes 1 No

  1. Why do you attend Sunday evening meetings? Check all that apply.

14 Participation in the Band/Songsters/Worship Team


21 I want to come

Other Comments or Concerns:

The primary responses in this section were more youth participation and more youth services


The Mission Board briefly reviewed the results of the survey on Monday, November 2 at their monthly meeting and shared some brief discussion. This valuable input will become the basis of further discussion in the days ahead, and will guide our team to provide ministry that enhances our worship experience.

The board sincerely thanks each person who took the time to share from their heart.
