National Youth Dance Company Experience Workshop Registration Form


Saturday 18 July

Sadler’s Wells, Rosebery Avenue, London, EC1R 4TN

Full Name
Preferred Name
Date of Birth
Contact Number
Email Address
Emergency Contact Details / Name:
Relationship to Applicant:
Contact Number:

Selected dancers from the Experience Workshops will then be invited to attend a final selection day at Sadler’s Wells, London on Sunday 26 July.

More about you:

How long have you been dancing?
What styles of dance do you currently practice?
Do you have any prior performance experience? If yes, please give details.
Are you a member of a local/regional dance organisation or youth group? If yes, please give details.
Are you currently a member of a Centre for Advanced Training (CAT) programme or have you been a member in the past?
If so which programme?
Are you a member of a local private dance school? If yes, please give details.
Are you currently at school/ college? If yes please give name and town of the school.
Do you have any specific access needs? E.G: wheelchair access, a BSL interpreter, etc. If yes, please give details.
Do you have any health conditions we should be aware of? E.G: asthma
Have you auditioned for NYDC before and if so when?
Have you been involved in any Sadler’s Wells projects before? If so in what capacity?

On completing this registration form please go through this tick list prior to sending:

I would like to be added to the NYDC mailing list
I agree that my details may be shared with the host venue of the Experience Workshop I attend
I consent to being photographed and filmed during the Experience Workshop and that images and footage may be used by Sadler’s Wells and the host venue on their publicity material and media channels
I am interested in being a dancer with NYDC and would be free to attend a final selection workshop on Sunday 26 July 2015
I have attached a passport sized photo of myself (either email this in jpeg format as a separate attachment to your application or attach the photo to the box provided if you are posting the form)
I am under 18yrs of age and have attached the signed Parent / Guardian consent form

Please return to: NYDC, Sadler’s Wells, Rosebery Avenue, London. EC1R 4TN or


National Youth Dance Company

Guardian Consent Form

The National Youth Dance Company (NYDC) aims to create and perform innovative and influential dance, drawing together the brightest young talent from across the country.

Through an ever growing network of partners, young people can gain access to NYDC by attending workshops and performances in a venue near to them.

The NYDC Experience Workshops are an opportunity for young dancers to gain an insight into the company and include a technique class, creative workshop and information on dance training, careers and being part of NYDC.

The workshops also give NYDC staff the chance to spot prospective members for the company, and from these sessions selected dancers will be invited to attend a final workshop day at Sadler’s Wells.

If an applicant is under 18 years of age, in order to attend our Experience Workshops they must get permission from their parent/guardian/carer, completing the form below, and sending it along with the registration form.

With thanks and best wishes,

National Youth Dance Company

National Youth Dance Company

Applicant Name: ______

Parent/Guardian/Carer Name: ______

Parent/Guardian/Carer Contact Telephone Number: ______

Please delete as necessary:

I give/do not give permission for the applicant to attend an Experience Workshop

I am aware that the workshop may be filmed/ photographed and

give/ do not give

consent for any images/ footage to be used by Sadler’s Wells and the host venue on their publicity material and media channels

Parent/Guardian/Carer Signature (if under 18 years)

______Date ______