Template for “Letter of intent of submission of a proposal for a new graduate degree”

This “Letter of Intent” (LOI) template corresponds to the November 2005 SUNY-system format. Please use the sub-headings (A-D) and the numbered sub-sub-headings. Please address each item under the sub- or sub-sub-headings. This will make it easier for the GraduateSchool, Provost, Graduate Council, Faculty Senate, and SUNY-system to locate the essential information.

Before embarking on preparation of a LOI, please discuss your ideas with the Dean of the GraduateSchool.

An example of a LOI is posted on the GraduateSchool web site:

You may also find it useful to look at the “Academic Business Plan”:

If you are proposing an inter/multi-disciplinary graduate program, please look at the “Inter/Multidisciplinary Graduate Programs Across Schools: Structure & Governance and Sample ByLaws”

For more details, see pages 2-4 in “Guidelines for the Submission of Graduate Academic Program Proposals” SUNY-system:

Upon completion of a draft of the LOI, please send an electronic copy to the GraduateSchool for review.

New programs: Template for LOI 4-17-06

Outline for the LOI in SUNY-system format

A.Program Identity and Abstract

  1. Proposed title
  2. Proposed award – to be filled in by the GraduateSchool
  3. Proposed beginning date – see GraduateSchool’s “Process for new degree approval” chart
  4. Brief description of the proposed program – 300 words maximum

a. purpose – 2-3 sentences

b. academic content – 2-4 sentences

c. structure/duration (i.e., time-frame, full and/or part-time, so time- to-degree expected) – 2-3 sentences

d. number of credits (and number of courses already offered versus new courses needed)

B.Institutional Mission and Planning

  1. Relationship of proposed program to:

a.SUNY Board of Trustees-approved mission of the institution: doctoral campus

b.MOU with SUNY-system: new MOU will be posted in late spring 2006

c.Overall campus enrollment planning (and University strategic plan):

d.Middle States re-accreditation reviews: see italicized comment below

e.If program is a departure from these agreements/expectations, explain rationale

[MOU, University strategic plan and MiddleStatesreview all “target judicious growth in graduate enrollment, rigorous quality and selectivity standards, and outreach and proactive engagement in service to the region and state.” If any of these specifically mention the proposed program, quote from the appropriate document.]

  1. List programs on campus in same or related disciplines and explain impact on them

[After consultation with such programs, address this part.]

  1. External arrangements and impact
  1. Describe proposed arrangements for required clinical instruction, agency placement, practice teaching, internships, etc.

[After consultation with external partners, address this part.]

  1. How might these arrangements affect other institutions using same facilities

[After consultation with external partners, address this part.]

  1. Attest to sufficiency of off-campus site placements for projected enrollment

[After quantitative analysis, address this part.]

C.Market: Need and Demand

1. Need for proposed program within SUNY system

a. availability and capacity of similar programs offered by SUNY campuses

[If there are similar programs, address how the niches will differ (e.g., focus of program, geographic region, etc.]

b. if there might be a perception of duplication, give rationale for proposal

[For example, current capacity does not meet current/projected demand.]

2. List similar programs at non-SUNY institutions and potential impact

3. Identify potential need for this program in terms of economy and education for:

a. local region

[Documentation of need, e.g., from community leaders.]

b. New YorkState

[Quotes from or citation of reports on need.]

c. nation (especially if doctoral program)

[Quotes from or citation of reports on need.]

4. Student demand for program

a. Estimate student demand (i.e., profile and source of enrollees)

[Don’t guess. A creditable, quantitative analysis is expected.]

b. Indicate how demand was determined

[For example, feasibility study, focal group discussions, trend data; see sample LOI for illustrations;if needed,hire a marketing graduate student from SOM for a report, on contract basis for x hours for x pay (or perhaps course credit) forcertain kinds of information]

5. If program is designed for immediate employment (i.e., it is a terminal degree for at least some portion of the students):

a. Estimate employment opportunities

Some sources:

Professional societies

Community leaders

b. Indicate how estimate was determined

[Again, don’t guess. A creditable, quantitative analysis is expected.]

D.Enrollment and Fiscal Factors

1.Projected enrollment at start of program

2.Projected enrollment after 5 years

3.Explain how estimates were determined

[Again, don’t guess. A creditable, quantitative analysis is expected.]

4.Estimate of impact of program on total campus enrollment

[After discussion with Dean of GraduateSchool, address this.]

5.Costs of program

[Preliminary evaluation with spreadsheet model – GraduateSchool will do this once data are provided. See chart below]

  1. Itemize and estimate costs
  2. How will existing resources contribute to covering costs
  3. How will new anticipated resources contribute to costs

New programs: Template for LOI 4-17-06