Pulteney Grammar School

Friends of Pulteney


17th November 2016


·  Present:

Richard, Sexton, Sandy Sexton, Madeleine Sexton, Mark Bourchier, Jo Bourchier, William Bourchier, Denise Keenan, Matthew Hassan, Rosalie Hassan, Malcolm Dolman, Greg Atterton, Colin Dudley, Jeff Goehr, Mandy Goehr, Anne Marie Monk, Ivan Mifsud, Marissa Veronese, Peter Neuhaus, Ben Martin, Greg Keene

·  Apologies:

Bella Busto, Ann Dunstan, Barbara Dudley, Sia Patsouris

3. Correspondence


4. Financial Report


Moved Matthew Hassan, Seconded Rosalie Hassan, Carried

5. Management Report


Moved Denise Keenan, Seconded Colin Dudley, Carried

6. Election of Office Bearers

Colin Dudley took the floor at this stage:

President – Denise Keenan

Secretary – Sandy Sexton

Treasurer - Jeff Goehr

Members - Ivan Mifsud, Mark Bourchier, Peter Neuhaus and Marissa Veronese

There being no other nominations I declare these nominees duly elected.

Denise Keenan took the floor back at this stage.

7. Nil

8. Any other business

a) Amendments to the Constitution

Subscription Fee

We have the option to consider nil fees under the constitution. This year we had a

generous benefactor. Denise Keenan proposed the subs will be $0 going forward.

Seconded Mark Bourchier, Carried.


First meeting next year there will be some changes to the constitution. We have done a lot

of work. Most importantly all Pulteney Families should be able to be members of FOP at a

$0 cost. There are some other issues that need tidying up.

Rosalie wondered if we need to have fees in future to raise money how we would do that.

Perhaps we could add a nominal fee say $10 to school fees and people have to opt out.

Mark said that in the past when it’s been on the fees very few people opt in. We don’t

want to exclude anyone.

If anyone has any thoughts please email Denise Keenan and she will take it to the next

Management Meeting.

Artist in Residence

Peter spoke briefly about what we are hoping to do. We would fund 2 a year up to about

$5,000. Rod James has given us a proposal we are just trying to fine tune it. Contact with

students, unique to PGS. We will pay half and their budget will pay the other half.

Class Reps

Matthew asked Marissa how well the revamped program has gone. Marissa said it has

gone extremely well. There have been many functions. We will ask the same reps if they

will do it again next year. Also the Ambassador Program will be undertaken next year.

Marissa feels it has been very positive. Greg Atterton offered to help formalise the

Ambassador Program.


Matthew also asked about the Nepal corpus of funds. Denise Keenan responded that a

portion of the money will go to the Blue Sky School and the rest will go to scholarships for

Friends of Nepal. We will be divesting the money in the next week or so. Friends of Nepal

will receive around $15,000 and the rest will go to building a new school building for Blue

Sky School.

Colin spoke briefly about how Greg Keene new Chair of the Board of Governors and

himself as Deputy Chair are very keen to have a very strong relationship with the FOP and

they are keen to pursue the ‘One Pulteney’.

Peter spoke about the Quad Café it has been struggling a little bit. He feels that we

need to revamp it so his idea is music. He has asked the Music Dept for some

children to come and play for about 15 minutes each week. We would like to see

as many parents as possible.

Mark spoke about the Long Lunch. He was very pleased to badge it as a Foundation/FOP

event this year. It was the best Long Lunch ever and he thanked the FOP committee for

their help. He was able to announce that this year we have raised over $100,000.

Colin also mentioned the infrastructure program. It is an incredibly exciting time for the

school. There will be a new middle school built next year and we now own all the

cottages and have a complete campus.

Greg spoke about their priorities they are only there for Pulteney and what is best for

Pulteney. The Board values the PGS spirit and value the stakeholder groups very highly.

Thank you for your support and thank you for welcoming us.

Matthew asked about a second hand book sale/uniform. We will be doing that this year in

early December. Peter, Sandy and Jo will be having a meeting regarding this next week.

We are working with POSA and The Foundation about a website/Community Hub that in

time will fill all of these needs.

9. Denise Keenan thanked everyone for coming.

10. Close 9.14pm
