ARA 102: Beginning Arabic II

Wesleyan University, Spg 2017

برنامج العربية الابتدائية, الدورة الثانية, جامعة ويزليان

قوّة الإنسان في عقله و لسانه

Contact information:

Instructor: AbderrahmanAissaعبد الرحمان عيسى

Times:.MTWRF. 08:50AM-09:40AM, Loc:ALLB004

Email: (This is the preferred method of communication)

Office: Fisk 306, Tel: 860- 685- 2553

Office hours: T, W & R= 9:45- 10:45 and by appt. (dropping by is always welcome!)

Course Description, Organization, Objectives and Expectations:

Arabic 102 is the second introductory course of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) designed for students who have taken ARA 101 or had equivalent training in MSA and may be suitable for individuals who are heritage speakers and/or have had an extensive exposure to an Arabic dialect or country. The course will be conducted primarily in Arabic, except when English is necessary. I prefer that questions (other than grammar) or concerns that require the use of English are addressed outside of class time, or during the teacher’s office hours. Students are strongly encouraged to interact only in Arabic in class and outside with each other.The course is communicative proficiency-based, which stresses the importance of developing the oral skills but also aims at developing the other skills of language learning (listening, reading and writing). Arab Culture and History are systematically integrated in the course through authentic material and references from the Arabic and muslim world. References will also be made to the regional dialects for comparison with Modern Standard Arabic.

We will cover the last seven chapters of Al kitaab I. The course will be supplemented by audio and video material as well as printed handouts. Students are expected to do daily homework, role-play, group work, and give regular in-class feedback/presentations, and are supposed to come prepared for class on a daily basis.


At the end of one academic year of Arabic study, students should reach an intermediate-low level in the language. Upon the successful completion of ARA 102, here is a list of the main things students will have accomplished:

  • Conjugation:Present Tense and Past Tensesالصرف
  • Familiarity with the measure chart: the ten measures قائمة الأوزان
  • Plurals: Regular and Irregularالجموع
  • Basic Negation النفي
  • Use of separate pronouns (personal pronouns) and attached pronouns (possessive and object pronouns) الضمائر المنفصلة و المتصلة
  • Numbers & Dates الأعداد و التاريخ
  • Concrete and general Vocabulary of daily routine
  • Be able to talk about things such as self, family, travel, work, hobbies, friendship and immediate surroundings.
  • Be able to grasp and have a general understanding of spoken MSA at sentence level.
  • Nominal and Verbal phrases الجملالافعليةوالاسمية
  • Initiation to Arabic declinations/cases along with the ten measures الاعراب
  • How to carry on simple conversations related to one’s person, family and environment.
  • Respond to basic questions, and deal with a range of predictable simple language tasks.
  • Finally, be able to survive using the Arabic language.


Because class time is intended primarily to practice language orally as much as possible, students are expected to do grammar assignments exercises, read grammar notes and explanations in the regular Textbook and/or grammar book PRIOR to coming to class. Difficult grammatical concepts will be explained in class as needed, but it will not be at the the expense of time reserved for speaking Arabic in class.

Home Work and Class Participation:

Students are expected to come to class prepared, having not only done the assigned homework but done the necessary reading/listening for the class, and to actively participate in oral and written classroom activities. Most of the language skills to be developed cannot be acquired without effective participation and interaction with other students and with the instructor. Classroom time ought to be used to reinforce what you already have read or prepared.HW is assigned daily. For the HW assignmentdelivery, it has to be hand-written, in order to give students ample opportunity to practice hand-writing. When directed to do so, you can use either of these websites to type Arabic but the assignment has to still be handed in:

Required Textbooks:

1. Al-Kitaabfii Ta callum al-cArabiyya A Textbook for Beginning Arabic: Part 1, 3rd Edition (Arabic Edition) (Arabic) Third Edition Edition

2. Easy Arabic Grammar by Jane Wightwick (Author), Mahmoud Gaafar (Author). McGrawHill, 2005

3. Arabic Practical Dictionary: Arabic-English English-Arabic. Awde, N & Smith, K. Hippocrene Books, Inc. NY: New York, 2004 (6th Ed).


1. Arabic Grammar Unravelled.Naglaa Ghali..Fun with Arabic. 2007

2. Practice Makes Perfect Arabic Vocabulary: Jane Wightwick, Mahmoud Gaafar.McGraw Hill Professional, 2012


The first step to learning/keeping up the learning of a subject, especially a foreign language is to show up every day for class, period. Otherwise, it will be more of a challenge than it already is. Indeed, it will take just a couple of absences for someone to fall behind. Also, please be punctual to class, preferably a few minutes before class starts. You’re only allowed four absences per semester. Anything after that, regardless of the reason will result in a reduction of your final grade. Please save those four absences for a real medical or family emergency.

If a student should misses a class, it is their possibility to catch up missed work/lecture etc., either by getting the information from a classmate or going to office hours.

To get an A+ in the course, the student can only miss one class, and must have a minimum of 98.

Course evaluation:

HW: 10 %

Six main Quizzes: 25% Every other thursday

Mid-term: Essay (In class)15%

Oral Exam: (Oral proficiency Interview Format) 15%

Final: Comprehensive Exam: 25%

TA Sessions: 10%

Memorize the class song"بشرة خير" by the end of the semester: Up to three points added to the FG.

General class behavior and Expectations:

In order to minimize class disruptions, help achieve maximum concentration for everyone in class, and out of respect for one another, a few reminders concerning class behavior:

  1. Do NOT use electronic gadgets in class (use your required paper dictionary, only)
  2. Use the bathroom before coming to class.
  3. Be on time for class, preferably a few minutes before class starts.
  4. Keep side discussions to a minimum, and please no non-Arabic material in class.
  5. Speak solely in Arabic in class.
  6. Be respectful of each other (and their views) at all times.
  7. Do participate in all class activities and discussions.
  8. Do HW before coming to class.
  9. Listen actively to everyone when they speak or read.
  10. Avoid leaving class unless it’s an emergency.

Please familiarize yourself with the following university policies as to religious holidays and other special accommodations, as well as the statement on academic integrity and the Honor Code (plagiarism etc) policies:

Honor Code information:

Please remember that you are required to pledge to uphold the Honor Code, available at:

Students with disabilities:

Information on disabilities services is available at Students with documented disabilities must request from the Dean in charge a letter outlining the accommodations to which they are entitled, and then submit it to me.

For the Observance of Religious Holidays

I will make every effort to reasonably and fairly deal with all students who, because of religious obligations, have conflicts with scheduled examinations, assignments, or required attendance, provided they notify me well in advance of the scheduled conflict. The four authorized absences may be used for religious holidays.

Finally, if you have any questions or requests, or having any issues please don’t hesitate to come and see me, I will be happy to do whatever I can to assist you.

Course schedule:

Calendar: استعمال الزمن

Week of
أيام الأسبوع / Monday
الإثنين / Tuesday
الثلاثاء / Wednesday
الأربعاء / Thursday
الخميس / Friday
1/26-1/27 / عطلة رأس السنة / عطلةرأسالسنة / عطلةرأسالسنة / 1. مقدمة الى الفصل
2. مراجعة
Review / 1. مقدمة الى الفصل
2. مراجعة
1/30-2/1 / مراجعة
Review / مراجعة
Review / الدرسالسادس: الهوايات, المثنى, المصدر, لماذا, أيامالأسبوع / الدرسالسادس: تتمة / ثقافة, لعب و منوعات
الكتاب / الدرسالسادس:
تتمة / الدرسالسادس: تتمة / الدرسالسادس:
تتمة / الامتحان الأول / ثقافة, لعبومنوعات
2/6- 2/10
الكتاب / الدرس السابع:مع العائلة و الأصدقاء, أفعل التفضيل, لـ و عند / الدرسالسابع / الدرسالسابع / الدرسالسابع / ثقافة, لعبومنوعات
2/13- 2/17
الكتاب / الدرسالثامن: دراسةالفعل, الماضيونفيه, الجذروالأوزان, القاموس / الدرس الثامن / الدرسالثامن / الامتحانالثاني / ثقافة, لعبومنوعات
2/20- 2/24
الكتاب / الدرس الثامن: / الدرسالثامن / الدرسالثامن / الدرسالتاسع: الأعدادالتربيية, استطاعوعاد, كمالساعة, / ثقافة, لعبومنوعات
2/27- 3/3
الكتاب / الدرسالثامن / الدرسالتاسع / الدرسالتاسع / الامتحان الثالث / ثقافة, لعبومنوعات
3/6- 3/10
الكتاب / الدرس التاسع: / االدرساالتاسع / الدرسالعاشر: بيت العائلة, "اذا" و "لو" , أفعل التفضيل, جامع الحسين, المضارع المنصوب / الدرسالعاشر / ثقافة, لعبومنوعات
3/11- 3/26
عطلة الربيع / عطلةالربيع / عطلةالربيع / عطلةالربيع / عطلةالربيع / عطلةالربيع
3/27- 3/31
الكتاب / الدرسالعاشر, / الدرسالعاشر / الدرسالعاشر / التعبير الكتابي في الصف / ثقافة, لعبومنوعات
4/3- 4/7
الكتاب / الدرس العاشر / الدرسالحاديعشر: الصداقة و العلاقات, جملة الصفة,أوزان الفعل, معالعائلةوالأصدقاء / الدرسالحاديعشر / الدرسالحاديعشر / ثقافة, لعبومنوعات
4/10- 4/14
الكتاب / الدرسالحاديعشر / الدرسالحاديعشر / الدرسالحاديعشر / الامتحانالخامس / ثقافة, لعبومنوعات
4/17- 4/21
الكتاب / الدرسالثانيعشر: المستقبل و النفي, الاسم المنصوب, الجملة الفعلية, مع العائلة و الأصدقاء, حروف الجر و الضمائر / الدرسالحاديعشر / الدرسالثانيعشر / الدرسالثانيعشر / ثقافة, لعبومنوعات
4/24- 4/28
الكتاب / الدرسالثانيعشر / الدرسالثانيعشر / الدرسالثالثعشر
أنّوإنّوأنْ, لم زائد المضارع, مراجعة النفي, "أرغب الحصول على منحة دراسية" / الامتحانالسادس / ثقافة, لعبومنوعات
5/1- 5/5
الكتاب / الدرس الثالث عشر / الدرسالثالثعشر / الدرسالثالثعشر / الدرسالثالثعشر / ثقافة, لعبومنوعات
5//8- 5/10
الكتاب / مراجعة , امتحاناتشفوية / مراجعة , امتحانات شفوية / مراجعة, امتحانات شفوية
الاستعدادات للامتحانات النهائية / الاستعداداتللامتحاناتالنهائية / الاستعداداتللامتحاناتالنهائية / الاستعداداتللامتحاناتالنهائية / الاستعداداتللامتحاناتالنهائية / الاستعداداتللامتحاناتالنهائية
5/16- 5/19
الامتحانات النهائية / الامتحاناتالنهائية / الامتحاناتالنهائية / الامتحاناتالنهائية / الامتحاناتالنهائية / الامتحاناتالنهائية

Useful expressions used in class:

For teacher
1. Pay attention (P)
2. Listen attentively (P)
3. Listen and repeat together
4. Listen and answer
5. Answer the question (M,F)
6. Speak louder ( M )
7. Speak louder ( F )
8. Repeat ( M , F )
9. Look at the board
10. Go to the board (M,S)
11. Write ( M , F )
12. Go back to your seat M
13. Go back to your seat F
14. Open your books
15. Turn in your HW
16. Stand up ( M / F )
17. Seat down ( M / F )
18. Thank you
19. You are welcome
20. Please
For student
21. Sorry, I didn’t understd
22. I do not know
23. Please repeat( F )
24. I forgot it
25. How do we say (….) in Arabic?
26. I did not hear correctly
27. Please speak slowly / 1. Intabihu
2. Istami‘u jayedan
3. Istami‘uwaa‘eedu Jame‘an
4. Istami‘u wa ajiibu
5. Ajib/ Ajibi ‘alas-su’aal
6. Irfa‘ Sawtak
7. Irfa‘i Sawtaki
8. A‘id - Aiidi
9. Undhuru ilas-sabbura
10. Ithhab ilas-sabbura
11. uktub / uktubi
12. ‘ud ila makaanik
13. ‘uudi ila makaaniki
14. Iftahu kutubakum
15. A‘iidu waajibaatikum
16. inhadh / inhadhi
17. Ijliss / Ijlissi
18. Shukran
19. ‘afwan
20. Min Fadhlik
21. ‘afwan lam afham
22. La a‘rif
23. A‘iid min fadhlik
24. Nassaitu thaalik
25. Kaifa naquul ( ….) billugha-l‘arabiya
26. Lam asma‘ jayedan
27. Takallambibot’ min fadhlik / للأستاذ
1. إنتبهوا
2. اسْتَمِعُوا جَيِّدًا
3. اسْتَمِعُوا وَ أعِيدُوا جميعاً
4. اسْتَمِعُوا وَ أجِيبُوا
5. أجِبْ / أجَيبِي عَلى السُّؤَال
6. إرْفَعْ صَوْتَكَ
7. إرْفَعِي صَوْتَكِ
8. أعِدْ / أعيدِي
9. أنْظرُوا إلى السَّبُورَة
10. اذْهَبْ إلى السَّبُورَة
11. أكْتُبْ / أكْتُبِي
12. عُدْ إلى مَكَانِك
13. عُودِي إلى مَكَانِكِ
14. افْتَحُوا كُتُبَكُمْ
15. أعِيدُوا وَاجِبَاتِكُمْ
16. انْهَض / انْهَضِي
17. اجْلِسْ / اجْلِسِي
18. شُكْرًا
19. عَفْوًا
20. من فضلك
21. عَفْوًا لمْ أفْهَمْ
22. لا أعْرِفْ
23. أعِدِ مِنْ فَضْلِك
24. نَسَيْتُ ذَلِكَ
25. كيف نقول (....)
باللغة العربية
26. لمْ أسْمَعْ جَيِّدًا
27. تَكَلَم بِبُطْء مِنْ فَضْلِكِ

Important note: May be subject to minor changes, students will be notified by email and in class of any changes.

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