Priority Resource Inventory
Use of the Map Template for Conservation Planning*
The Priority Resource Concern Map identifies specific resource concerns that are present in the planning area and are of particular importance to the Pennsylvania resource base. The resources identified on the map, as well as alternatives that can improve the identified resource concern(s), should be presented and explained to the client during the initial field visit. The purpose is to support the discussions with the landowner and ensure no topics regarding priority resources or the objectives of the plan are forgotten or overlooked. The document is not part of the customer’s conservation plan. A copy of this map will be retained in the office file.
All priority resource concerns present in the planning area will be identified by checking the box next to the existing priority resource concern and, as appropriate, by showing the resource concern on the map.
Set-Up for Priority Resource Inventory in Conservation Planning:
One-Time procedure to put tools in place on individual computer
1)On the F:\ drive, there’s a new directory: Toolkit9
2)The new directory contains the following list of folders and files:
- Data_Layers
- ortho_imagery
- Species_of_Concern_Shapefiles
- Style_Sheet
- PLANNING_STRATEGY_PriorityResourceInventory2017.docx
- PriorityResourceInventory_Template.pdf
3)Make a new folder in C:\Temp and name it Priority_Resource_Inventory
4)Locate the planning symbols inF:\Toolkit9\Style_Sheet\National_Conservation_Practice_Standards_CST9_December_2016.style for the inventory and copy to: C:\Temp\Priority_Resource_Inventoryor where you can access easily
5)In F:\Toolkit9 find the Priority_Resource_Inventory.mxd. Copy to
C:\Program Files (x86)\USDA\Toolkit5\Templates for easy access in the toolkit folder using the Change/Add ArcGIS Template. (Location is where all customized GIS templates are stored for planning.)
6)Copy and paste the PriorityResourceInventory_Template.pdf into the same Temp directory created above or paste to the Desktop.Format is legal-sized paper. User should have easy access for future planning projects if saved in a common place. To open document, double click on it.
Begin Filling out the form: Open the empty PriorityResourceInventory_Template.pdf
Go toCustomer Service Toolkit:
OpenCustomer Service Toolkit.
- Search an existing folder; check out customer folder
- OR, create a new folder, if needed
In Customer File > ArcGIS_Projects, bring in the Priority_Resource_Inventory.mxdArcMap project:
- Use the Change/Add GIS Template button to navigate to where you stored yourPriority_Resource_Inventory.mxd.(Saved in the folder described above in Set-up instructions)
- Using the Add Data or the Catalog, bring in the latest clu_copy_a_paXXX.shp file if not already on the project.
- Zoom to the tract.Polygons should be selected. No edits on the land units need to be made at this time.
- Create an AOI
Save your selected fields for the tract by exporting the fields to a shapefile.
Right click on the clu_copy_paXXX.shp layer name on the Table of Contents in the project
Go to DataExport Data
Save the layer in Customer file\Resource_Maps and name Fields.shp. Save As Type: shapefile
Symbolize to yellow outline. Make line width 2. Layer is not the conservation plan. No need to create a Case PLU, edit or attribute fields at this time.
Save project and CLU will be available next time you open the project.
NOTE: the above steps are intended to be followed when there is no Case PLU. No Case PLU is needed to do this step, and no fields have to be in planned status to do the inventory. If you have a Case PLU already created, using the ExportTool on the toolkit toolbar will export a Fields.shp with the selected fields in the Case PLU (See Task Guide 29, Export Features Too—new in Toolkit9 for more information.)
Using the GIS layers to fill out the Priority Resource Inventory template.
- Double click to open template .pdf if not opened. Save As to the customer folder in Determinations folder. Name file Priority_Res_Inv_Map_TXXX_date.pdf. Adding a date to the file name is an option,but is a good practice.
- Type in the customer name and date in designated box on template.
OVERVIEW for the Inventory:
Begin the inventory in ArcMap turning layers on and off in the GIS project as they apply to the tract. Input results of the inventory onto the Priority Resource Inventory template, which is a fillable form. To mark a box, click on the box and a check mark will appear. To remove a check mark, click again and check will disappear.
There are two sides to inventory template. The left side is the Legendfrom the layout view in the GIS project. The right side has two boxes with more description below. The GIS layers will help determine the results for these boxes. See the Pennsylvania Priority InventoryResources*tab in the Guidancefor explanation of the data layers.
Box Number 1 – Priority Watershed Types: Using the provided layer (.lyr) files in the ArcMap project, determine if the tract(s) are in priority watershed areas and check appropriate boxes on the Priority Resource Inventory_template.pdf. The planning unit is either in or out of the watershed. Turn off the layers in ArcMap project when finished.
- HQ – High Quality
- EV – Exceptional Value
- 303d Ag-Impaired for Nutrient and Sediment
- Brook Trout, Greatly Reduced
- Naturally Reproducing Brook Trout
- Priority Watershed
Box Number 2 – Species of concern: - ¼ mile radius is the buffer created by the AOI using toolkit digitizer(pencil icon) Create\Update AOI button. If AOI is not on the map, you can quickly find the buffer distance around tract needing the inventory. If a larger radius is needed, planner can manually draw a larger area with the polygon button or use the Buffer tool on the Toolkit Toolbar and designate a buffer width.
Check the appropriate box to indicate if the tract is impacted by any of the listed species of concern. Priority areas of the species are covered by designated areas or counties. Use the GIS layers to determine if tract falls in the county or within ¼ mile of the species of concern boundary.
Layers to use in the ArcMap project to determine priority species resource concern include the following:
Northern Long-eared Bat is statewide
PNDI Environmental Review on PA Conservation Explorer: Check box if results of a search show a potential impactor avoidance measure to threatened, endangered, and special concern species. Attacha copy of the document describing the result of the search.
“Snip” map to Template:
Once the inventory is complete,use Snipping Tool**to select and paste map from the Data View in the projectto the white space over the note: (must use ctrl V- right click and “Paste” will not work.) The snipped area from the map will become a graphic image. Adjust size to fit form if needed.
When form is complete, print a copy and save to the customer folder in Determinations. Name the file Priority_Res_Inv_Map_TXXX_date.pdf. Dating the file in the filename is helpful. This document will be part of office Case File, but not part of the customer’s conservation plan.
- Zoom out in the project to grab the map if you have a species of concern on the inventory.
- Must use the ctrl V function to paste onto inventory template form.
- May have to adjust size of snipped image to fit onto the template. Only use the corners of the selected image to reduce (or enlarge) size and no distortion will appear. Drag the selected image to center properly on the template. (No need to be concerned with scale at this stage.)
- May have to adjust size of .pdf document to access corners of image to reduce size.
- Save and/or print for office planning case file and for use in producer discussions.
- Do not adjust symbology on the GIS project or won’t match legend on the form.
- - Important - Completed template is not part of the conservation plan.
Resource Layers on Map Legend:
The Legend has required layers as part of the inventory. Planner must display the layers on the map ifthey appear on the tract being planned. (Manually check boxes on the legend if displayed on the map.)
Resource layers in the Legend:
- Tract and Field Boundary
- Cerulean Warbler
- Golden-winged Warbler
- Potential Areas of Concentrated Flow Erosion (Medium and High Risk categories)
- All Hydric Soils (categorized)
- High Runoff Soils PA
- Leaching Soils PA
- Ag Impaired Streams
- Any surface water bodies and streams
- Pennsylvania county boundary if farm falls onmultiple counties
Revised: January 2017PA NRCS