Davidson Park Cup 2013

Saturday 15th June 2013

1PM Kick-off

Team Registration Form

Under 10 teams – Children born on or after 1st January 2003

Entrance Fee Per team is £ 25

Entrance fee must be paid in full before 5PM Friday 31stMay 2013.

If paying by cheque, please make payable to Ballywalter Rec Youth FC.

Team Name:______

Head Coach:______

Team Colours:______

Address for correspondence: ______


Postcode: ______Mobile: ______

Email address: ______

Teams should arrive no later than 12.30 on match day.

If you require any further details please e-mail

Completed Registration Forms should be sent to:

Gary Cromie
1 Strand View,
BT22 2TL

Davidson Park Cup


  1. Squads should consist of no more than 12 players.
  2. Please note: Female players are permitted to play 1 year down.
  3. A draw will be held to place competing teams in to groups and teams will be informed of their group a week before the tournament.
  4. Group Winners progress to the Finals.
  5. Games will be played as 9-a-side with roll-on / roll-off substitutes permitted.
  6. Each game will consist of 2 halves lasting minimum 7 minutes each (depending on the number of teams entered).
  7. 2 games will be played simultaneously on 2 grass mini pitches.
  8. Both games will kick off and finish at the same time.
  9. Points System
  10. 3 points for a win
  11. 1 point for a draw
  12. If, when all games are played, teams are on equal points the following will be considered in this order:
  13. Goal Difference
  14. Direct results between teams
  15. Goals Scored
  16. If teams can’t be separated, penalty kicks will decide; consisting of 3 penalties each, then sudden death penalties.
  17. Goalkeepers, if they choose to kick the ball out, must kick the ball from the ground and not out of their hands.
  18. Remind your goalkeeper that if he decides to kick the ball from the ground, it is still in play when set down.
  19. All free kicks are direct.
  20. There are no off-sides.
  21. Foul and abusive language by any player, team official or spectator will not be tolerated. Teams will be responsible for the behaviour of their spectators and players both on and off the pitch.
  22. Where any extra decision is required, the decision of the Games Co-ordinator is final.