NMUN 2007~ Jamaica’s Committee Assignments
*General Assembly*
General Assembly Plenary: Anne Haley and Shirae Leslie, with Kelly Hawkes assisting
1. Structuring and Implementation of the New Human Rights Council
2. Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers
3. Developing International Partnerships to Combat the Spread of Diseases Resulting from Environmental Degradation
Special Political & Decolonization (GA Fourth Committee): Ashley Thomas and Farah Derfoufi
1. Improving Regional Partnerships in Peacekeeping Operations
2. Economic Activities which Affect the Interests of Peoples of Non Self-governing Territories
3. Implementation of the Declaration on Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions Associated with the United Nations
*Economic and Social Council*
Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ): Natasha Petrova and Alex Bojarska
1. International Cooperation in Combating Transnational Organized Crime
2. Maximizing the Effectiveness of Technical Assistance Provided to Member States to Combat Terrorism
3. Promoting International Law in Protecting the Environment
Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND): Florentina Fortuna and Jennifer DeJesus
1. Building Partnerships in the Reduction of Cross-National Drug Trafficking
2. Eliminating Drug Supplies through Alternative Development
3. Developing Drug Information Systems to Ensure Global Comparability
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): Sam Schaffstall and Christina Morgan
1. Building Institutions for Economic Growth
2. Creating Grassroots Economies: Developing Credit and Linkages to Social Programs in Rural Areas
3. Bolstering Regional Macroeconomic Coordination
*Specialized Agencies & Other Bodies*
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO): Sasha Petrova and
Himesha Ranamukhaarachchi (let’s admit that she has the best last name on the delegation), with Brittany Eubanks assisting
1. Information Sharing and Privacy Rights
2. Eco-Tourism
3. Ethics in Tourism: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
World Health Organization (WHO): Hillary Peabody and Amber Montgomery, with Ena Ogasawara assisting
1. Twenty-five years of HIV/AIDS: Evaluating the Epidemic and Global Response
2. Combating the Spread of the Avian Influenza
3. Developing Stockpiles and Distribution Strategies for Antibioterrorism and Related Agents
International Hydrological Programme (IHP): Kelly Chapman and Kiersten Weissinger, with Sabell Bello assisting
1. Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources
2. Water as an Agent of Cooperation
3. Urbanization and Water Management Challenges
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY): Matea Osti
1. Prosecutor v. Karadzic/Mladic (Joined Cases, "Bosnia and Herzegovina" and "Srebrenica")
2. Prosecutor v. Mrksic, Radic and Sljivancanin (Joined Cases, "Vukovar Hospital") Short form for this case is Prosecutor v. Mrksic, et al
3. Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalic, Zdravko Mucic, Hazim Delic and Esad Landzo (Joined Cases, "Celebici:) (short form for this case would be Prosecutor v. Delalic, et al.)
*Intergovernmental Organizations*
Organization of American States (OAS): Olya Chervatyuk and Evgenia Filimyanova, with Maria Lugo assisting
1. Evaluating Human Rights in the Americas
2. The OAS and Free Trade Areas and Promotion
3. Special Security Concerns of Small Island States