Sudanese Arabic-English Dictionary
Draft: August 2007
#a∫∫ - (#∫;) [n] cheat; c.ing?; trickery?
#a∫∫ - (#∫;) [n] trickery; deception; deceit; fraud?
#a∫∫a ya#u∫∫ (#∫;) [vt] cheat; deceive; fool; mislead?; dupe
#a∫∫aa∫ –iyn (#∫;) [n] fraud?; cheat; swindler?; imposter?; deceptive; deceitful
#a∫iym –iyn; #u∫ama (#∫m) [a?] green (= naive); gullible; naive; credulous
#aab ya#iyb (#yb) [vi] down; go d. (sun, moon, tars)
#aaba –aat (#yb) [n] forest; wood/w.land; copse; thicket?; jungle
#aafal yi#aafil (#fl) [vt] distract (in order to remove st. from so.); take unawares (in order to take st. off so.); unawares; take u. (in order to take st. off so.)
#aafil –iyn (#fl) [a] negligent; neglectful; careless; heedless
#aalaT yi#aaliT (#lT) [vt] contradict?
#aalib –iyn? (#lb) [n] winner; victor
#aaliy (#la) [a] expensive; dear; costly; high (price)
#aamig ? (#mg) [a] dark (of colour; as opposed to 'light')
#aar #iyraan; –aat (#yr) [n] cave/cavern
#aar ya#iyr (#wr) [vt] raid; invade; attack; aggress/commit a.ion?
#aar (passive: [it–], ([in–])) ya#iyr (#yr) [vt] raid?; invade?; attack; aggression; commit a. on
#aar 9ala ya#iyr (#yr) [vj] raid?; invade?; attack; aggression; commit a. on
#aar 9ala ya#iyr (#wr) [vj] raid; invade; attack; aggress/commit a.ion against?
#aayib –iyn (#yb) [a] absent; present; not p.; there; not t.
#aayt-uw (#wa) [n] fair; f.ly"?; reasonable; r.ly"?; quite"?; somewhat"
#aayt-uw (#wa) [n] okay; bad; not b. (e.g. reply to [inta kuwayyis]); reasonable
#aaz –aat? (#az) [n] gas
#aaZ ya#iyZ (#yZ) [vi] irritate; annoy; anger
#abba yi#abbiy (#ba) [vt] deny (that one knows so.)
#abiy –iyn; a#biya (#ba) [a] fool/f.ish; idiot/i.ic; stupid
#abyaan –iyn (not) *[#abaaya]) (#ba) [a] absent–minded (by)disposition); inattentive (by)disposition)
#abyaan –iyn (#ba) [a] fool/f.ish; idiot/i.ic; stupid (to be confirmed)
#ada #idyaat (#da) [nm] lunch; midday meal; dinner (at)midday)
#aDab (#Db) [n] wrath?; rage?; fury?; anger; exasperation
#aDbaan –iyn (; [#aDaaba] – possibly; rural (#Db) [a] angry; furious?; infuriate; i.d?; enrage; e.d?
#aDDab yi#aDDib (#Db) [vt] annoy?; exasperate?; anger; enrage?; infuriate
#afa ya#fa (#fa) [vi] doze off; doze; nap; take a nap
#afa ya#fa (#fa) [vi] nap; take a nap; slumber; doze
#afal (passive: [in–], [it–]) ya#fil (#fl) [vt] neglect; disregard?; ignore?; heedless; be h.
#afiyr #afar; #ufara (#fr) [ne] guard (esp. in school); watchman (esp. in school)
#afiyr #afar; #ufara (#fr) [ne] guard (esp. in school); watchman (esp. in school)
#aflaan –iyn (#fl) [a] surprise; taken by s.; unaware (caught u.); off-guard
#afwa –aat (#fa) [n] sleep, short sleep; nap; doze
#afwa –aat (#fa) [nsv?] slumber; nap; doze
#ala ya#liy (#la) [vt] boil; ferment?
#alab ya#lib (#lb) [vt] beat; defeat; triumph; win; victorious; be v. (over)
#alab ya#lib (#lb) [vt] defeat (be)too difficult for); difficult; be too d. for so. (to do); hard; be too h. for so. (to do); unable"; be u. to do (more literally: defeat)
#alab ya#lib (#lb) [vt] overcome
#alabaawiy –a (#lb) [a] troublesome (causes lots of problems)
#alaT coll? (#lT) [ng?] error; mistake; blunder?
#albaan –iyn; #alaaba (#lb) [n] tired; exhausted?
#allat yi#allit (#lT) [vt] contradict (tell so. they are wrong)
#alTa –aat?; #alaaTaat? (#lT) [ns?] error; mistake; blunder?
#alTaan –iyn (#lT) [a] mistaken; wrong; err; e.ing
#alyaan (#la) [a] boil; b.ed; ferment; f.ing; f.ed?
#amaz lay ya#miz (#mz) [vj+] wink at (as a sign)
#amda –aat (md)[n] sleep, short sleep; nap; doze
#ammas (passive: [it–] yi#ammis (#ms) [vt] steep?; immerse?; submerse?; sink?; dip?; plunge?
#aniy a#niya (#na) [a] rich; wealthy; prosperous
#anna (passive: [it–]) yi#anniy (#na) [vt?] sing; chant?
#anyaan –iyn (#na) [a] rich; wealthy; prosperous
#araama –aat (#rm) [n] fine
#arab ya#rab; ya#rib (#rb) [vi] set (sun); go down (sun)?; down; go d. (sun)?
#araD ? (#rD) [n] goal; intention; aim; purpose
#arbiy –iyn (#rb) [a] western/w.er (i.e. European,American etc.)
#arbiy –iyn (#rb) [a] western/w.er; occidental
#arib (#rb) [n/] west
#ariyb –iyn (#rb) [a] extraordinary?; remarkable?; peculiar; ridiculous
#ariyb –iyn (#rb) [a] strange; odd; queer; quaint?; unusual?; curious?
#ariyb #uraba (#rb) [a] stranger; outsider
#ariyg ? (#rg) [a] deep
#ariyg ? (#rg) [a] deep (well, water? +?)
#arram yi#arrim (#rm) [vd] fine
#asal (passive: [in–], [it–]) ya#sil (#sl) [vt] wash; launder?
#aSban 9an (#Sb) [dj] despite; spite; in s. of
#aSban 9an (9n)[j] spite; in s. of; despite
#aSban 9an (#Sb) [dj] spite; in s. of; despite
#asiyl (#sl) [nv] wash; w.ing
#asiyl (#sl) [n] washing (i.e. clothes being washed)
#assaal –iyn (#sl) [n] washer/w.man; launderyman
#assaal –iyn (#sl) [n] washer/w.man; laundryman
#assaal –iyn (#sl) [n] washer/washerman; laundryman
#assaala –aat (#sl) [n] washing-machine
#assal (passive: [it–] yi#assil (#sl) [vt] wash; launder?
#assal (passive: [it–] yi#assil (#sl) [vt] wash; launder?; clean?
#aTa a#Tiya? (#Ta) [n] cover/c.ing (e.g. to wrap os. up in); lid; wrapper?
#ayr (#yr) [o?] apart from
#ayr (#yr) [j?] different from; unlike
#ayr (#yr) [j?] else
#ayr (#yr) [o?] except; save; but; other than
#ayr qaanuwniy (gn;) [a] illegal
#ayyar yi#ayyir (#yr) [vt] change (money); exchange (money)
#ayyar yi#ayyir (#yr) [vt] alter; change
#ayyar yi#ayyir (#yr) [vt] alter; modify?; different; make d.; change
#ayyar yi#ayyir (#yr) [vt] exchange; change (= exchange); replace
#aza ya#ziy (passive: [it–], [in–]) (#za) [vt] raid (of modern warfare only); attack (of modern warfare only); assault (of modern warfare only); invade? (of modern warfare only)
#aza 9ala ya#ziy (#za) [vj] raid (of modern warfare only); attack (of modern warfare only); assault (of modern warfare only); invade? (of modern warfare only)
#azwa –aat (#za) [ns?] expedition; military e.; foray; raid; incursion
#azwa –aat (#za) [ns?] invasion; attack; aggression; conquest
#i∫∫iy∫ (= [#a∫∫aa∫]) –iyn (#∫;) [n] fraud?; cheat; swindler?; imposter?; deceptive?
#ifa ya#fa (#fa) [vi] nap; take a nap; slumber; doze (off)
#ila ya#la; ya#liy (#la) [vi] boil; bubble up?; ferment?
#ilaaf ? (#lf) [n] cover (of a book); jacket (of a book)?
#ilib ya#lab (#lb) [vi] wear; bc. worn out (person); exhaust; bc. e.d (person); tire; bc. t.d out; ill; bc. I.; old; bc. old and worn out
#ilit ya#lat (#lT) [vi?] commit; commit an error/mistake
#ira (#ra) [nm] glue (for wood +?)
#ira - (#ra) [nm] glue (for wood: +?)
#iyaab (#yb) [n] absence (in school +?)
#iyaar ? (#yr) [n] change (of clothes, bandage)
#ulub - (#lb) [n/] victory (e.g. in football, cards); win (e.g. in football, cards); defeat (e.g. in football, cards); lose (e.g. in football, cards)
#usul (#sl) [n/] wash; w.ing (ritual, Islamic); ablution; major a.
#uTa a#Tiya? (#Ta) [n] cover/c.ing (e.g. to wrap os. up in); lid; wrapper?
#uTa #uTyaat; a#Tiya (#Ta) [nm] plug (for bath, sink)
∫a##aal ? (∫#l) [a] work; w.ing (of a machine); operate; o.ing (of a machine); run; r.ing (of a machine); motion; in m. (of a machine
∫a##aal bay –iyn (∫#l) [aj] care about; bother; be bothered about
∫a##aal bay –iyn (∫#l) [aj] use"; employ"; utilise"
∫a##al yi∫a##il (∫#l) [vt] employ; work; find/get w. for/put to w.; job; find/get a j. for
∫a##al yi∫a##il (∫#l) [vt] employ; work?; use (a machine +?); operate (a machine)
∫a#al (passive: [it–], [in–]) ya∫#al (∫#l) [vt] distract; disturb?; occupy?; busy; keep b.?
∫a#al min ya∫#il (∫#l) [vt] distract (e.g. to allow so. else to do st.); divert (so.'s attention)
∫a#al min ya∫#al (∫#l) [vt]?? distract; disturb?; occupy?; busy; keep b.?
∫a#ala –aat (∫#l) [n] matter; affair?; business?
∫a#ala ∫a#alaat (∫#l) [n] thing; object
∫a#alaana ? (∫#l) [n] thing?
∫a#alaana –aat (∫#l) [n] matter; affair?; business?
∫a#alaaniyya –aat (∫#l) [n] matter; affair?; business?
∫a#laana –aat? (∫#l) [n] task; job (specific task)
∫a#laana –aat? (∫#l) [n] thing; object; subject (of discussion)
∫a#laaniyya –aat (∫#l) [n] thing; object; subject (of discussion)
∫a9ab ∫u9uwb (∫9b) [n/] people; folk?; nation; race; tribe?
∫a9ar coll (∫9r) [ng/] hair; bristle; b.s?; fur?; pelt?
∫a9ar ya∫9ur (∫9r) [vts] perceive; feel; sense; conscious; be c.; aware; be a.
∫a9ar bay ya∫9ur (∫9r) [vjs] perceive; feel; sense; intuit; conscious; be c.; aware; be a.
∫a9biy (∫9b) [a] popular; folk (in compounds)/folksy?
∫a9ra –aat (∫9r) [ns] hair; bristle?
∫aa∫ coll (∫a∫) [ng] lint (used medically in bandages)
∫aa∫a –aat (∫a∫) [ns] lint; piece of (used medically in bandages)
∫aa9ir ∫u9ara (∫9r) [n] poet
∫aa9ir bay ∫nuw (∫9r) [a] feel; what do you f.
∫aa9ir bay ∫nuw (∫n)[q] feel; what do you f.
∫aaf ya∫uwf (∫wf) [vd] believe; think; consider; regard as
∫aaf ya∫uwf (∫wf) [vd] deem; regard; consider; think of (as)
∫aaf ya∫uwf (∫wf) [vt] go and see (i.e. meet unofficially); see; go and see (i.e. meet unofficially)
∫aaf ya∫uwf (∫wf) [vt] witness
∫aaf ya∫uwf (∫wf) [vt] experience; undergo; suffer?; taste; sample; test?
∫aaf ya∫uwf (∫wf) [vt] experience; undergo; suffer?; taste; sample; test?
∫aaf ya∫uwf (∫wf) [vt+] believe; think; deem; regard; consider; hold?
∫aaf ya∫uwf (∫wf) [vt] look at; have a look at; take a look at
∫aaf ya∫uwf (∫wf) [vt] see; look at?
∫aaf9a –aat; ∫uffa9 (∫f9) [n] girl; small/little girl
∫aafi9 ∫uffa9 (∫f9) [n] boy; son?
∫aafi9 ∫uffa9 (∫f9) [n] child; boy?
∫aahid ∫uhuwd (∫hd) [n] witness
∫aahid *–iyn; ∫uhuwd (∫hd) [n] witness (in court only?/+of an incident?)
∫aaHina –aat? (∫Hn) [n] lorry (large lorry); truck (large truck)
∫aakal yi∫aakil (∫kl) [vt] fight?; quarrel with; argue with
∫aakal yi∫aakil (∫kl) [vt] quarrel with; argue with; fight
∫aakiy –iyn (∫ka) [n] complainant (person who registers complaint with police)
∫aakuw∫ ∫awaakiy∫ (∫ak∫ [n] hammer
∫aakuw∫ ∫awaakiy∫ (∫ak∫ [n] hammer
∫aal ya∫iyl (∫yl) [vt] clear away (remove)
∫aal ya∫iyl (∫yl) [vt] cure of (i.e) remove an illness)
∫aal ya∫iyl (∫yl) [vt] handle (= pick up)
∫aal ya∫iyl (∫yl) [vt] hold; contain
∫aal ya∫iyl (∫yl) [vt] lift (up)
∫aal ya∫iyl (∫yl) [vt] support (e.g. of a beam supporting a roof)
∫aal ya∫iyl (∫yl) [vt] take off/from; remove
∫aal ya∫iyl (∫yl) [vt] take out (e.g. in a medical operation); remove (e.g. in a medical operation); extract (e.g. in a medical operation); cut off (e.g. a finger)
∫aal –aat (∫al) [n] scarf
∫aal ya∫iyl (∫yl) [vt] carry
∫aal ya∫iyl (∫yl) [vtm?] carry; convey; transport
∫aal –aat; ∫iylaan (∫al) [n] shawl
∫aal ya∫iyl (∫yl) [vt] take; contain
∫aal ya∫iyl (∫yl) [vtm?] take; obtain?; receive?; get?
∫aal amur awaamir ('xd) [vts] receive an order/command/nstruction; get an order/command/nstruction
∫aal nafas anfaas (nfs) [n] breath; take a b.; breathe (take a breath); take a breath
∫aam coll (∫ym) [ng] mole; m.s; birthmark; b.s?; mark; birthmarks?
∫aama –aat (∫ym) [ns] freckle
∫aama –aat (∫ym) [ns] mole; birthmark?; mark; birthmark
∫aat ya∫uwt (∫wt) [vi] shoot (in football)
∫aaTir –iyn; ∫uTTaar (∫Tr) [a] clever; smart; bright; adroit?; skillful?
∫aaTir –iyn; ∫uTTaar (∫Tr) [a] skilful; skilled; competent
∫aawar yi∫aawir (∫wr) [vt+] advice; ask for/seek a.; consult; counsel; take c.
∫aay (∫ay) [n] tea
∫aay aHmar (Hmr) [a] tea; black t.
∫aay aHmar (∫ay) [n] tea; black t.
∫aay bay laban (lbn) [n] milk; tea with m.
∫aay bay–laban (∫ay) [n] tea with milk
∫aay bi-l-Haliyb (Hlb) [n] milk; tea with milk
∫aay bi-l-Haliyb (∫ay) [n] tea with milk
∫aay laban (lbn) [n] milk; tea with m.
∫aay laban (∫ay) [n] tea with milk
∫aay saada (sad) [n] black tea; milk; tea without m.
∫aay saada (sad) [am] black tea; without; tea w. milk
∫aay saada (sad) [am] milk; tea without m.
∫aay saada (∫ay) [n] tea without milk/black tea
∫aay saada (∫ay) [n] tea; black t.
∫aay tagiyl (tgl) [a] strong tea
∫aay tagiyl (∫ay) [n] tea; strong t.
∫aay xafiyf (∫ay) [n] tea; weak t.
∫aay xafiyf (xf;) [a] weak tea
∫abaab (∫b;) [n] youth (up)to mid/late 30s)
∫abaab (∫b;) [n] youth (up)to mid/late 30s)
∫abaaka ? (gwm) [n] net (of goal, in football)
∫abah ? (∫bh) [n] similar"?; like"?
∫abak ya∫bik (∫bk) [vt] quarrel; cause a q.; argument; cause an a.; instigate/cause a problem
∫abaka –aat (∫bk) [n] net; fishing-n.; fishing-net
∫abaka –aat (∫bk) [n] network
∫abaT ∫ubaaTa (∫bT) [n] sandal (made of leather)
∫abHa –aat (∫bH) [n] step
∫abiyh (bay) –iyn (∫bh) [aj] similar to; like; resembling
∫abka ? (∫bk) [n] ring, and other objects given to fiancee as part of dowry; dowry; ring and other objects given to fiancee as part of d.; engagement present (from bridegroom to bride); present; engagement p. from bridegroom to bride
∫abka –aat (∫bk) [n] quarrel?; argument?; fight?; dispute?; disagreement?; problem?
∫adar coll (∫dr) [ng] tree/t.s
∫adda ya∫idd (∫d;) [vt] excite; attract?; engross?
∫adda ya∫idd (∫d;) [vt] stretch
∫adda ya∫idd (∫d;) [vt] tighten; pull tight; taut; pull t.; tight; pull t.; straight; pull s.
∫adda ya∫idd (∫d;) [vt] tighten; tight; make t.; taut; draw/make t.
∫adiy9 ∫ud9aan (∫d9) [a] courage; brave; valiant; bold?; audacious?
∫adiyd –iyn (∫d;) [a] bad (e.g. of pain, headache); terrible (e.g. of pain, headache)
∫adiyd –iyn (∫d;) [a] strong
∫adiyd (∫d;) [a] strong (of wind)
∫adiyd –iyn (∫d;) [a] strong (still strong when not expected; e.g. of old man); powerful (still p. when not expected; e.g. of old man); forceful (still f. when not expected; e.g. of old man); vigorous (still v. when not expected; e.g. of old man)
∫adiyd –iyn (∫d;) [a] well (in good health); health; in good h.
∫afa ya∫fiy (∫fa) [vt] restore to health (of God); cure (of God)
∫afaga (∫fg) [n] sympathy; compassion; commiseration?; pity
∫afgaan –iyn (∫fg) [a] impatient (when wanting st.); hassle; h.ing (when wanting st.)
∫afgaan 9ala –iyn (∫fg) [aj] worry; w.ied about (now) or general tendency); concern; c.ed about (now) or general tendency)
∫agga (= [∫agga]) ? (∫g;) [n] flat; apartment
∫agiy –iyn (∫ga) [a] unhappy; umlucky; miserable; wretched; distressed?
∫agiy –iyn; a∫giya (∫ga) [a] unhappy; unlucky; miserable?; distress; d.ed?
∫agiy –iyn; a∫giya (∫ga) [a] unlucky; unfortunate
∫agiyg a∫igga (∫g;) [n] brother; full brother?
∫agiyga –aat (∫g;) [n] sister (on both paternal and maternal side?)
∫aHad ya∫Had (∫Hd) [vt] beg (from); alms; ask for a. (from); charity; ask for c. (from)
∫aHam coll (∫Hm) [ng/] fat (on meat only?); grease?
∫aHama –aat (∫Hm) [ns] fat (on meat only?); piece of f.; grease?; bit of g.
∫ahar ∫uhuwr (∫hr) [n/] month
∫ahar ∫uhuwr; a∫hur (∫hr) [n/] month
∫aHHaad –iyn (∫Hd) [n] beggar
∫ahiyya - (∫ha) [n] appetite
∫aHmaan –iyn (∫Hm) [a] fat (used negatively, of people); corpulent (used negatively, of people); plump (used negatively, of people); fleshy (used negatively, of people); stout (used negatively, of people); obese (used negatively, of people)
∫ahri arba9a (∫hr) [n/] month; (in the m. of) April (cf)[∫ahri kam])
∫ahri kam (∫hr) [n/] month; (in) which m. of the year
∫ahriy (∫hr) [a] monthly
∫ahriy (∫hr) [d] monthly
∫ahwa –aat (∫ha) [n] sexual desire; desire; sexual d.
∫ajar coll (∫jr) [ng] tree/t.s; shrub/s.s?; bush/b.es?
∫ajar lubaan coll (lbn) [ng] olibanum tree(s); incense tree(s)
∫ajara –aat (∫jr) [ns] tree; shrub; bush
∫ajarat lubaan –aat (lbn) [ns] olibanum tree; incense tree
∫ajja9 yi∫ajji9 (∫j9) [vt] favour?; support; back; promote?; further?
∫ajja9 (zawl) 9ala (Haaja) yi∫ajji9 (∫j9) [vt+] encourage (so.) to do (st.); hearten?
∫ak∫ak yi∫ak∫ik (∫k;; [vt] shake
∫ak∫uwka –aat; ∫aka∫ (∫k;; [n] immoral woman (in general sense, e.g. gossips)
∫ak∫uwka –aat; ∫aka∫ (∫k;; [n] loose woman; woman; loose w.
∫ak∫uwka –aat; ∫aka∫ (∫k;; [n] prostitute, who operates secretly; whore, who operates secretly
∫aka ya∫kiy (∫ka) [vt] complain about
∫aka min ya∫kiy (∫ka) [vtj] complain of; suffer from?
∫akal coll (∫kl) [nv] argue; a.ing (always with violence)
∫akal coll (∫kl) [nv] fight; f.ing; quarrel; q.ing (always with violence)
∫akal coll (∫kl) [ng] quarrel/q.ing (always with violence); fight/f.ing (always with violence)
∫akar (lay/ 9alay ‘for’) ya∫kur (∫kr) [vtj?] thank; grateful; be g. to (passive: [it–]/[i∫–], [in–])
∫akil a∫kaal (∫kl) [n/] appearance
∫akil a∫kaal (∫kl) [n/] shape; figure; form
∫akiyya ∫akaaya (∫ka) [n] complaint; accusation?; suffering?; grievance
∫akk ∫ukuwk (∫k;) [n] doubt; uncertainty; suspicion?; misgiving?
∫akka fiy ([fiy] commonly used; cf. [min]) ya∫ikk; ya∫ukk (∫k;) [vj?] suspect?; doubt; mistrust?; distrust; suspect; apprehensive; be a. of; doubt; have d.s about
∫akkar OBJ/fiy (zawl) yi∫akkir (∫kr) [vt]/[vj] praise; laud?; extol?
∫akla –aat (∫kl) [nsv] argument (normally, but not necessarily with violence); quarrel (normally, but not necessarily with violence); dispute (normally, but not necessarily with violence); fight; disagreement (normally, but not necessarily with violence)
∫akla –aat (∫kl) [nsv] argument (normally, but not necessarily with violence); quarrel (normally, but not necessarily with violence); dispute (normally, but not necessarily with violence); fight; disagreement (normally, but not necessarily with violence)
∫akla –aat (∫kl) [nsv] argument (normally, but not necessarily with violence); quarrel (normally, but not necessarily with violence); dispute (normally, but not necessarily with violence); fight; disagreement (normally, but not necessarily with violence)
∫akl-uw kayf (∫kl) [n] look; what does he l. like
∫akwa ∫akaawiy (∫ka) [n] complaint; grievance
∫allaal –aat (∫l;) [n] cataract?; rapids?; waterfall
∫allaal –aat (∫l;) [n] cataract; waterfall?; rapids?
∫altuwt ∫alaatiyt (∫lt; [n] rag; shred?; tatter?
∫amaal (∫ml) [nf?] left/left–hand/left side
∫amaal (∫ml) [n] north
∫ambuwra ? (∫mbr)[n] penis (nonsexual usage, esp. of children, slightly humorous)
∫ami∫ ∫umuw∫ (∫m∫) [nf/] sunlight; light from sun; sun (light from s.)
∫amis ∫umuws (∫ms) [nf/] sunlight; light from sun; sun (light from s.)
∫amla ∫imal; *∫umaal; ∫imaal (∫ml) [n] rug; long wollen r.; carpet; long wollen c.
∫amma ya∫umm? (∫m;) [vt] kiss"; i.e. cup hands and smell small chld's face (traditional Sudanese equivalent to kissing child in Western society; kissing in Sudan is not traditional)
∫amma ya∫umm (∫m;) [vt] smell; sniff
∫amma ya∫umm (∫m;) [vt] smell; sniff?; snuff?
∫amma ya∫umm (∫m;) [vt] stand a chance (of getting); have a chance (of getting); chance; have/stand a c. (of getting)
∫ammaa∫iy –a (∫m∫) [n] vagrant (boy) or young man); waif? (boy) or young man); tramp (boy) or young man); vagabond (boy) or young man); street-child (male)
∫ammaa∫iyya –aat (∫m∫) [n] vagrant (girl or young woman); waif? (girl or young woman); tramp (girl or young woman); vagabond (girl or young woman); street-child (female)
∫ammaam coll (∫m;) [ng] cantaloupe melon; melon; cantaloupe m. (vegetable)
∫ammaam coll (∫m;) [ng] melon; musk–melon?; musk–melon?; canteloupe?
∫ammaama –aat (∫m;) [ns] melon; musk–melon?; musk–melon?; canteloupe
∫ammaasiy –a (∫m∫) [n] vagrant (boy) or young man); waif? (boy) or young man); tramp (boy) or young man); vagabond (boy) or young man); street-child (male)
∫ammaasiyya –aat (∫m∫) [n] vagrant (girl or young woman); waif? (girl or young woman); tramp (girl or young woman); vagabond (girl or young woman); street-child (female)
∫amtaan –iyn (NOT) *[∫amaata]) (∫mt) [a] malicious; m.ly pleased; gloat; g.ing
∫amtaan –iyn (∫mt) [a] malicious; gloating; misfortune; enjoying so.'s m.
∫anab a∫naab (∫nb) [n] moustache
∫anab ∫unuwb; a∫naab (∫nb) [n] moustache
∫anaº (/∫ana?) (∫na) [n] ugliness (moral) ([∫ana°] is normally used in specific phrases)
∫anaº (/∫ana?) (∫na) [n] ugliness (physical) ([∫ana°] is normally used in specific phrases)
∫ankal ∫anaakil (∫nkl)[n] hook
∫anTa ∫inaT (∫nT) [n] bag; suitcase; satchel?; handbag?
∫araab ? (∫rb) [n] drink (alcoholic)
∫araab - (∫rb) [n] drink; d.ing
∫aRaf (∫rf) [n] honour; glory
∫araH ya∫raH (∫rH) [vtj] explain to; interpret?; comment on,to?
∫arbaan –iyn (∫rb) [a] thin and exhausted (metaphorically of a person); weak and exhausted (metaphorically of a person); exhausted; weak/thin and exhausted (metaphorically of a person)
∫arbaan –iyn (∫rb) [a] thin; having bc. t. (of crops, through having used up water in soil); weak; having bc. w. t. (of crops, through having used up water in soil); wilt; having w.ed (of crops, through having used up water in soil)
∫arbaan (∫rb) [a] water; well w.ed (ground); irrigate; i.d (land)?
∫argiy –iyn (∫rg) [a] oriental (non–western); eastern/easterly
∫arig (∫rg) [n/] east
∫arika –aat (∫rk) [n] company (commercial)
∫ariy9a (∫r9) [nx] law; Islamic Religious L.; Islamic Religious Law
∫ariyf –iyn; ∫urafa (∫rf) [a] honest; honourable?; respectable?
∫ariyHa ∫araayiH (∫rH) [n] slice (of fruit, meat, etc.?); rasher (of meat)
∫ariyk *–iyn; ∫uraka (∫rk) [n] partner; participant?; associate; companion?
∫ariyk *–iyn; ∫uraka (∫rk) [n] partner; participant?; associate; companion?
∫ariyT ? (∫rT) [n] bandage; outer layer of (medical) b.
∫ariyT ∫araayiT; a∫riTa (∫rT) [n] ribbon; band; tape; cord?; string?
∫ariyT a∫riTa (∫rT) [n] tape (for measuring/recording, etc.)
∫ariyT a∫riTa (∫rT) [n] tape (for measuring/recording, etc.)
∫armuwTa (∫rmT)[n] prostitute (who) openly uses her house of a brothel); whore (who) openly uses her house as a brothel)