PCO 633.01: Seminar in Substance Abuse Counseling

Sue King, MA PCC scTuesday: 3:30-6:10 pm

Mailbox location – Counseling CenterRoom: TBD

Phone Number: 513-244-8193 or3 credit hours

513-252-8535 (cell)



This course provides an introduction and overview of substance abuse/dependence counseling that includes alcohol, prescription and nonprescription drugs for adolescents and adults. Various theoretical models will be presented along with the stages and process of change toward recovery. Assessment, interventions, treatment modalities, motivational interviewing, dual diagnosis, the effect of trauma on addiction, family dynamics and treatment modalities are also included. Additionally, ethical issues in the treatment of substance abuse/dependence and licensure requirements are addressed.


The material in this course is designed to meet the Council on Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) curriculum standards for masters and post-masters. The specific maters (CODE) states that students are required to “have curricular experiences designed to develop an area of professional expertise.” The material also meet requirements for Ohio Administrative Code 4757—area 13 01 (A) (1) (e) (IV) and 4757-13-01 (A) (I) (e) (v) which state that persons seeking training for an LPCC must have graduate coursework in methods of prevention, intervention, and treatment of mental and emotional disorders.


Upon successful completion of this seminar, you will:

  • Have knowledge of the classifications of substances, their trade and street names; physical and psychological responses, possible effects to usage, overdose and withdrawal
  • Understand the effects of trauma on potential for addiction
  • Understand various theoretical models regarding addiction and the process of change in the treatment and recovery of addiction
  • Gain understanding of recovery and relapse prevention
  • Have overview of assessment tools and diagnosis in substance abuse counseling
  • Understand the impact of addiction on families and suggested approaches for coping with addiction within the family system
  • Be provided with an overview of motivational interviewing and dual diagnosis
  • Understand the ethical and legal issues associated with substance abuse counseling
  • Gain understanding as to the licensure requirements for a chemical dependency counselor


Attendance at all classes is required. This course will follow the Seminary grading scale.


  • Addictive Thinking by Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. ISBN #1-56838-138-7
  • Psychotherapy in Chemical Dependence Treatment by Buelow & Buelow. ISBN #0-534-26118-3
  • Changing for Good: A Revolutionary Six-Stage Program for Overcoming Bad Habits and Moving Your Life Positively Forward by Prochaska et al. ISBN #0-380-72572-X.

Methods and Procedures:

This class will utilize guest lectures, film, class lecture and discussion.

Disclaimer: The professor deserves the right to change or amend any part of the course plan as deemed necessary to offer the best possible educational experience for students.

Policy on Academic Integrity:

Please refer to the Seminary handbook for complete details of the seminary policy on academic integrity.

Note: You may begin any of the assignments prior to class; weekly requirements & schedule will be provided the first day of class.

Assignments and Readings:

  • Attend an Alcoholics Anonymous open meeting or Narcotics Anonymous meeting. You may prefer to do this in groups rather an attend by yourself. Complete a 2-4 page reaction paper to this experience.
  • Read required texts.
  • Write a 5 page research paper on a topic of interest to you, related to substance abuse, using three (or more) professional journals not more than five years old in APA format.
  • Complete one additional reading and provide a review and reaction to the reading; minimum of 3 pages from the following choices:
  1. Choices & Consequences—What to do when a Teenager Uses Drugs by Schaefer
  2. Cracked –Putting Broken Lives Together Again: A Doctor’s Story by Dr. Drew Pinsky
  3. A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
  4. Smashed—the Story of a Drunken Childhood by Koren Zailckas
  5. Dry: A Memoir – by Augusten Burroughs
  • Review one of the following movies (or a movie of your choice with prior approval)

about substance abuse and complete a 2-3 page reaction paper:

  1. 28 Days (Alcoholism)
  2. Clean and Sober (Addiction/Treatment)
  3. Requiem for a Dream (Addiction)
  4. Permanent Midnight (Heroin)
  • Working in groups of 2 or 3, you will be assigned a category of substances to present information to the class (30-45 minute presentation).
  • Interview – Substance abuse counselor. Spend 30-45 minutes with a certified substance abuse counselor and provide a summary of your impressions and information obtained; this will also be shared in class.

Readings and films will be available on reserve at the library.

Final Exam:

  • Part A – Complete by memory (in class) Substances and their effects chart
  • Part B – Case Study (take home) - Using all the information obtained through class lecture, guest speakers, film and readings, student will be required to include the following:
  • Recommended assessments
  • Case conceptualization as it pertains to addiction and use of substances
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment Plan