Enabling and supporting women in their decision to find a Midwife. www.findamidwife.org.nz

The following document contains 12 pages with contact information.

It is important to start your search for a Midwife Lead Maternity Carer (LMC) early in pregnancy due to availability. In the meantime, you are encouraged to see your GP. Your GP can arrange pregnancy bloods and scans to be done and can see you for any concerns. Ask your GP when you should visit them next if you are waiting for confirmation on booking with a Midwife.

Availability refers to the time you are due to give birth.

You may need to contact several Midwives.

Please contact midwives during working hours 9am-5pm Monday till Friday about finding midwifery care for the area that you live in.

If you are not able to find a Midwife contact us on 0800 Find MW (0800 346 369) and leave a message

LMC Midwives are listed under the area they practice in, and some cover all areas:


Broadmeadows, Churton Park, Glenside, Grenada, Grenada North, Horokiwi; Johnsonville, Khandallah, Newlands, Ohariu, Paparangi, Tawa, Takapu Valley, Woodridge Greenacres, Redwood, Linden


Karori, Northland, Crofton Downs, Kaiwharawhara; Ngaio, Ngauranga, Makara, Makara Beach, Wadestown, Wilton, Cashmere, Chartwell, Highland Park, Rangoon Heights, Te Kainga


Brooklyn, Aro Valley, Kelburn, Mount Victoria, Oriental Bay, Te Aro, Thorndon, Highbury, Pipitea


Berhampore, Island Bay, Newtown, Vogeltown, Houghton Bay, Kingston, Mornington, Mount Cook, Owhiro Bay, Southgate, Kowhai Park


Hataitai, Lyall Bay, Kilbirnie, Miramar, Seatoun, Breaker Bay, Karaka Bays, Maupuia, Melrose, Moa Point, Rongotai, Roseneath, Strathmore, Crawford, Seatoun Bays, Seatoun Heights, Miramar Heights, Strathmore Heights.


Aotea, Ascot Park, Camborne, Cannons Creek, Elsdon, Golden Gate, Hongoeka Bay, Karehana Bay, Kenepuru, Mana, Onepoto, Papakowhai, Paremata, Pauatahanui, Plimmerton, Porirua East, Pukerua Bay, Ranui Heights, Takapuwahia, Titahi Bay, Waitangirua, Whitby

Kapiti The Kapiti Coast District stretches from Pukerua Bayin the south toTe Horoin the north. It includesPukerua Bay, Paekakariki, Raumati, Paraparaumu, Otaihanga, Waikanae, Peka Peka and Te Horo.

Current list of LMC Midwives for Wellington

This list is current as of 25th October 2017 and will be updated monthly.

*Availability refers to the time you are due to give birth. If not available it means they do not have spaces for people who are due that month. You may need to contact several Midwives.

Please contact midwives during working hours 9am-5pm Monday till Friday about finding midwifery care for the area that you live in.

Name / Suburbs Practices In / Contact Number
Bay Midwives Wellington
Eva Stabler / Central, Southern Western Eastern / 021 0814 6149
Eva Stabler I am an experienced Midwife in practice as Bay Midwives Wellington, covering full range of care.
Area covered Central Wellington, Southern, Western Suburbs
Contact 021 0814 6149 between 9-5pm Monday till Friday for general enquires
Website www.bmw.org.nz
Clinic We have our clinic at 154 Victoria Street at The Natural Health Centre, Wellington.
Our clinics are held on Wednesday morning 8-12:30 and Thursday all day 8-17:00
Availability Please contact to check availability. Presently full until end of May 2018
Capital City Midwives
Noreen Jewell / Central /Karori / 021 475 978
Noreen Jewell I am a Midwife who has been working for 20yrs as an LMC in the Wellington region.
Contact Via listed contact number 9am till 5pm for general enquires
Availability Please contact to check availability. Presently full until end of March 2018
Wanni Tam / Northern / 021 182 4449
Wanni Tam Caseload Chinese and English speaking Midwife based at Wellington
Availability Please contact to check availability. Presently full until end of March 2018
Domino Midwives
Domino Midwives Dominos are a group of midwives who share similar views and beliefs about birth. The Midwifery Service provided by the Domino Midwives is based on the strong belief that pregnancy, labour and childbirth are normal life events for most women. The midwives encourage women to choose a natural approach unless there are clinical issues indicating otherwise. Support and trust in women are essential elements of our practice and we work to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family. Women's choice and our commitment to safety temper our practice. We specialise in waterbirth and homebirth, so give priority to those wishing to have these options. Kenepuru Birth Unit is also a choice that we can offer. A few of our midwives also offer acupuncture and homeopathy within their practice.
Contact: Please use the mail form on http://www.dominomidwives.co.nz/mailform.php for finding a midwife via their website http://www.dominomidwives.co.nz/
For enquiries about looking for a midwife please include the following information: your name, where you live (the suburb in Wellington), your due date, if this is your first baby (or how many children you have), a phone number and email address.
Clinic Newtown Lychgate Centre
Availability Contact us to check availability
Emmaleen Bowman / Central Eastern Southern / Use email enquiry form (preferred method)
Georgina Lewis / Central Western / Use email enquiry form (preferred method)
Annie Bennett / Central Eastern Southern / Use email enquiry form (preferred method)
Toni Dalgliesh / Central Southern / Use email enquiry form (preferred method)
Rhonda Moore / Northern Porirua / Use email enquiry form (preferred method)
Zoe Gardiner / Central Eastern Southern Northern / Use email enquiry form (preferred method)
Sarah Dow / Northern Porirua / Use email enquiry form (preferred method)
Joy Wadham
Joy Wadham / Eastern / 0211018291
Joy Wadham Caseload Midwife based at Wellington
Contact Via listed contact number 9am till 5pm for general enquires
Availability Please contact to check availability. Presently full until end of March 2018
Harbour City Midwives
Harbour City Midwives is a long-standing group of very experienced midwives, working together from our practice in central Newtown. We provide full care to women in all Wellington suburbs wanting to birth their babies at Wellington Hospital.
We all have a broad experience base both in the LMC community setting, and in hospital tertiary level, midwifery care. This enables us to provide a range of care suitable to everywoman's needs, from normal and natural, through to caring for woman with pre-existing risk factors, or more complex needs. We have a good rapport and are happy to collaborate with our obstetriccolleagues atWellington Hospital when indicated.
We pride ourselves on providing safe, thorough maternity care throughout your pregnancy, labour and birth experience, and during the first month of homecare following the arrival of your baby.We look forward to meeting you and your family regularly and getting to know you well during your pregnancy.Because we work as a team, you can be assured that your care in labour will be provided by a familiar, well-rested midwife, who understands your needs, and who will ensure safe,unrushed, one-to-one care.
Harbour City Midwives are
Jenny Petrovich (LMC and Practice Manager), Denise Garcia, Karen Labone, Amanda McCaw, Sally Horncastle and Sue Whitley
Area covered All Wellington city suburbs
Contact us via phone or text on021 656 995
Clinic Newtown Lychgate Centre
Availability Contact us to check availability. Presently full until end of April 2018
Home Birth Collective
Wellington HomeBirth Midwives Collective
We believe that pregnancy and birth are normal life events and support women to give birth naturally in which ever environment is right for them. We specialise in home birth, water birth and natural birth in Wellington hospital. We give individual care based on a common group philosophy and are dedicated to providing care that empowers birthing women.
The midwives in our group are Helen Cussins, Emma Wooldridge Hyett and Pauline Moran
Area covered All Wellington city suburbs
Contact Pager (04) 802-0749 Enquiries Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:30pm
Practice/midwife website http://wgtnhomebirth.co.nz
Availability Please page us or check our website for availability.
Helen Cussins / All of Wellington and Tawa / 04 802 0749
Helen Cussins To me, birth is a natural function not a medical procedure, and women can do it themselves with support, rather than being told what and how to have their babies. I see the Midwife’s role as a partnership with the woman, to share information and knowledge and support the woman to make the best choices for herself. I love the involvement and being part of the family; the relationships we form are based on mutual respect and trust.
Area covered Wellington up to Tawa
Contact Pager 04 802 0749 Enquires Monday till Friday 830am-630pm
Availability Please page me or check our website for availability
Emma Wooldridge Hyett / Central Northern Western Porirua / 022 465 6077
Emma Wooldridge Hyett Tena koeI have a natural approach to midwifery care and I pride myself on honest and open communication that encourages women and families to make informed choices about their care, tailoring information for you as an individual, and supporting you in your choices. My focus is on supporting physiological birth for healthy women who are are having a healthy pregnancy, utilising home birth and birth at Kenepuru maternity unit. I also support women, who may have more complex needs, to birth at Wellington hospital. I prefer to see you in your home for your appointments during your pregnancy and after baby is born. I look forward to supporting you on this empowering journey!
Contact 022 465 6077 text or call between 9-5
Website http://wgtnhomebirth.co.nz
Availability Please page or check website for availability
Hatched Midwifery
Amy Parker / Central Northern / 021 109 4313
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I love supporting women as they become mothers, whether this is your first baby or your 10! Your pregnancy and birth are important life events and I want you and your baby to have the best possible start together. I aim to provide support and information to enable every woman to make the best decisions for herself, her baby and her family. I provide maternity care suited to each woman’s individual needs. I run an antenatal clinic on The Terrace where I will see you during your pregnancy. I offer both home and hospital births, with waterbirth available in either location. After the baby is born I will visit you in your home for up to 6 weeks. I work with two lovely midwives who are my back up during my fortnightly weekends off. It is very important that you choose a midwife who makes you feel safe and comfortable, gives you good information and listens to your concerns. I would love to meet you to see if I am the right midwife for you.
Area covered Central Northern
Contact Ring or text Mon-Fri 9am-5pm on 021 109 4313
Clinic Antenatal visits take place in our clinic room on The Terrace in central Wellington
Availability Please ring to check availability.
Lyndi Cherian / Western Central Southern Eastern and Khandallah /
Lyndi Cherian Welcome to the wonderful world of pregnancy, birth, and parenting! As a mother of 5 boys, I had the chance to get to know a few midwives along the way and realised that I wanted to be part of this amazing profession. Originally from the US, I have lived in New Zealand for over 20 years. Before midwifery I was a teacher. I love the education aspect of midwifery as there is always so much to learn. I believe in birth and know that women are powerful. I offer caring support and research based information to guide you in your decision making. Your choice of birthplace is an important decision and I can support you at home or at Wellington hospital. I provide antenatal visits from our room on The Terrace, or can arrange home visits if required. Postnatal visits are in your home. I look after 3-4 women a month in order to give you the best care. My practice partners are Fiona Pullar and Amy Parker. I see it as an honour and a privilege to participate in your pregnancy, birth, and postnatal care.
Area covered Western, Central, Southern, Eastern and Khandallah
Clinic Antenatal visits take place in our clinic room on The Terrace in central Wellington
Availability email to enquire about availability
Fiona Pullar / All of Wellington and Porirua / 021 232 4503
Fiona Pullar I look after 4-6 women a month. I have been a midwife since 1994 and am the mother of three children. I practice both home and Wellington hospital birth. My focus is on the relationship of trust and nurturing I have with the woman, and those important to her. I have a strong belief in women's ability to give birth, and focus on pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding as normal life events. Waterbirth is an option some woman I give care to choose. I am experienced in waterbirth and acupuncture. Antenatal visits are in our clinic on The Terrace, postnatal visits are provided in the woman's own home. I encourage woman to meet me first and see if I am the midwife they are looking for.
Area covered All Wellington suburbs including Karori and Porirua
Contact 021 232 4503 between 9-3.30pm
Clinic Antenatal visits take place in our clinic room on The Terrace in central Wellington
Availability Please ring to check availability.
Gill Burdett – Acupuncture and Midwifery
Gill Burdett / Eastern Central / 027 443 5425
Gill Burdett I offer one to one antenatal care at my office in Miramar, birth care at Wellington Hospital and up to six weeks support in your home after birth. I care for up to two women a month.
Contact 027 4435425 text anytime or phone between 9-5pm Monday to Friday
Website www.gillburdett.co.nz
Availability Please ring to check availability.
Prue Carter
Prue Carter / Eastern,Southern,Central / 021 2566 021
Prue Carter I have been a midwife for four years now, my first year I spent working at Wellington Hospital and the remaining time I have spent being a LMC midwife in the Wellington community. I am a continuity of carer Midwife which means I look after women during the antenatal period, attend their births and visit them at home in the postnatal period. I have a solid team of back up midwives available to help out with time off and annual leave - all with many years experience.
I offer hospital based birthing at Wellington Hospital. I have two clinics, one based in the city on a Monday afternoon - easy to access during the working day for appointments. I have another clinic in Newtown which is on a Friday afternoon and runs until 6.30pm so is good for those that require an appointment outside of work hours. For special cases of hardship or need I can negotiate home visits also. Area I look after women from Seatoun, Miramar & Strathmore, through Kilbirnie & Lyall Bay, as well as Hataitai & Mount Victoria and Newtown, Berhampore, Island Bay and Houghton Bay areas. Contact Please call 021 2566 021 and leave a message if I can not answer, I will call you back, alternatively, you can email me at