Rady Children’s Hospital

In-Kind Wish List

The following are a list of items for various age groups that are needed at the Hospital. Please note the following:

■ Items must be new (not used, even slightly).

■ The Hospital needs more toys rather than stuffed animals, due to germs and infection control.

■ Items should not be gift wrapped.

■ The Hospital collects donations all year round.

■ In-kind donationsare charitable donations and may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Infant/Toddler Wish List

■ Pop-Up Toys

■ Crib Mirrors – Plastic

■ Musical Toys

■ See-n-Say

■ Rattles (in original wrapping)

■ Mobiles (Sassy, Infantino Brands)

■ Board Books

■ Sound Books

■ Handheld Water Toys

■ Infant Lullaby CDs

■ Baby Einstein DVDs

■ Push-n-Pull Toys

■ Light-Up Toys

■ Soft/Squeeze Toys

■ Teething Toys in Packaging

■ Infant Videos

■ Fisher Price Peaceful Planet Lights and Sounds Aquarium

■ Tactile Toys

Preschool/School Age Wish List

■ Hot Wheels

■ Fisher Price People

■ Fisher Price Farm, Garage, Castle, etc.

■ Fisher Price Medical Kits

■ Etch-a-Sketch

■ Magna-Doodle

■ Duplo Blocks

■ Tool Kits (Plastic)

■ Plastic Animals and Dinosaurs

■ Rescue Heroes Toys

■ Mr. or Mrs. Potato Head

■ View-Masters and Slides

■ Culturally Diverse Dolls

■ Plastic Shape Sorters

■ Plastic Stacking Cups or Toys

■ Plastic Trucks

■ Sesame Street Character Toys

■ Musical Books

■ Plastic Blocks

■ I Spy books

■ Nerf Balls


Teen Wish List

■ Model Cars (snap-together)

■ CD Players/Headphones

■ Journals (blank)

■ Music/CDs

■ Gift Cards (Target, Wal-Mart, Borders etc.)

■ Bop-It

■ Rubik’s Cube

■ Handheld Electronic Games

■ MP3 Players

Electronics Wish List (GAMES SHOULD BE RATED “E” or “T”)

■ Game Boy

■ Game Boy Advance

■ Game Boy Games

■ Nintendo Wii

■ Nintendo Wii games

■ Game Cube Games

■ Xbox 360 Games

■ Play Station 2

■ Play Station 2 Games

■ PSP Games

■ Digital Camera

■ Portable DVD Player

■ Recent-Release DVDs Rated “G,” “PG” or “PG-13”

Board Games Wish List

■ Candyland

■ Chutes and Ladders

■ Sorry

■ Monopoly/Monopoly Junior

■ Guess Who/Guess Who Junior

■ Clue/Clue Junior

■ Gone Fish’n

■ Battleship

■ Cootie

■ Life

■ Don’t Break the Ice

■ Connect Four

■ Yahtzee

■ Trouble

■ Trivial Pursuit

■ Pictionary

■ Cranium

■ Taboo

Arts and Crafts

■ Crayola Crayons

■ Stickers

■ Crayola Brand Anything

■ Crayola Washable Markers

■ Colored Pencils

■ Fiskars Scissors

■ Coloring Book

■ Watercolor Painting Books

■ Play Doh

■ Pipe Cleaners

■ Shrinky Dink Sheets

■ Glitter Glue

■ Simple Cross-Stitch Kits

■ Simple Jewelry Kits

■ Glitter Pens

■ Paint Pens

■ Fuzzy Posters with Coloring Pens

■ Paint by Number

■ Craft Project Kits with Directions for Kids or Teens

■ Sun Catchers

■ Simple Latch Hook

■ Elmer’s Craft Glue

■ Model Magic

■ Color Wonder

■ Felt

■ Stamping Kits

■ Googly Eyes

Sports Equipment

■ Basketball

■ Baseball and Mitt

■ Soccer Ball

■ Koosh Ball

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