To: Charles B. Rangle
From: Lorelei Bishop
Date: 2/18/16
RE: Glyphosate Health Risks
Problem Memorandum
On March 20, 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a branch of the World Health Organization, found glyphosate to be a “probable human carcinogen.” The IARC group that determined this consisted of seventeen experts from eleven countries around the world. They studied various research conducted on cells, animals and humans exposed to glyphosate. Some of the results that pushed them to this conclusion were human cell damage and tumor growths in animals.[1]
To: Charles B. Rangle
From: Lorelei Bishop
Date: 2/18/16
RE: Glyphosate Health Risks
Glyphosate is a chemical used in herbicides and pesticides. It is used in agriculture, home lawns, city parks and much more. The most popular weed killer that uses glyphosate is Roundup and is made by the Mosanto Corporation.They also make Roundup Ready Seeds, genetically modified seeds made to withstand glyphosate. The seeds were introduced in the 1990’s, cropswere easier and cheaper to produce, which created an explosion in demand for both Roundup and Roundup Ready Seeds throughout the world.The most popular genetically modified seeds are corn, soy, wheat and cotton.[2] Roundup Ready crops can use much more Roundup than non-genetically modified crops. Many question the effects of the increase in Roundup usage on our food and in our environment. Studies have already found glyphosate residues in our food and rivers.[3]A research professor from Washington State University found that out of a sample of 300 soybeans, 90% had increased levels of glyphosate. The USGS studied water samples from 38 states and found glyphosate in various bodies of water.2
A study that administered low levels of glyphosate to rats for an extended amount of time showed health risks to the rat’s liver and kidneys.[4]Another study found Roundup to be toxic to human placental cells and presented reproductive issues for agriculture workers.[5]A study done in 2013 found that Roundup posed various health issues such as infertility, cancers, and neurological disorders. The glyphosate found in Roundup actually increased the effects of other damaging chemical and toxic residues found in food and encouraged disease. They also said that the damagingeffects on the body were revealed slowly over time and harms the cellular system of the body.3
There are studies that say glyphosate is harmful as the ones I’ve presented and some that say it is not. It’s hard to navigate through all the studies and decide which are valid. It is curious that the Mosanto Corporation funded the studies on glyphosate that were submitted to the EPA for approval. I know this practice is not uncommon. Our government doesn’t always have the required funding it needs forresearch, so they conveniently use the ones provided by the industry. This poses a conflict of interest that makes me skeptical of the studies that are funded by the various industries.
Countries such as the Netherlands, Sri Lanka, and Colombia have started to ban the use of glyphosate.2 California is in the process of trying to get products with glyphosate labeled with a “Carcinogen and Reproductive Damage Warning.”[6]There are many in the NYCcommunity that arealso concerned about the health risks glyphosate poses to the
public. Harmful chemical damage sometimes manifests itself after long periods of time. Something should be done before it’s too late. Do we really want to gamble with the public’s health?
[1]“IARC Monographs Volume 112: evaluation of five organophosphate insecticides and herbicides” International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization. 20 March 2015.
[2]Grossman, Elizabeth. “What Do We Really Know About Roundup Weed Killer?” National Geographic., 23 Aug. 2015.
[3]Samsel, Anthony, and Stephanie Seneff. “Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases.” Entropy, 15(4) (2013): 1416-1463. Print
[4]Antoniou, Michael, Arno, Matthew, Costanzo, Manuela, Malatesta, Manuela, Mesnage, Robin, and Gilles-Eric Seralini. “Transcriptome profile analysis reflects rat liver and kidney damage following chronic ultra-low dose Roundup exposure” Environmental Health, 14(70) (2015).
[5]Benachour, Nora, Moslemi, Safa, Richard, Sophie, Seralini, Gilles-Eric and Herbert Sipahutar. “Differential Effects of Glyphosate and Roundup on Human Placental Cells and Aromatase.” Environmental Health Perspectives, 113 (6) (2005): 716-720. Print
[6]Hood, James R. “Monsanto sues California to block listing of Roundup as carcinogen.” Consumer Affairs. 25 Jan. 2016.