Geography / US / Source: ORIGINAL
THE PROBLEM: OSHA rules require employers to use signs and tags to communicate certain safety information to workers. The OSHA Specifications for Accident Prevention Signs and Tags Standard (Section 1910.145 for General Industry, Section 1926.200 for Construction) set criteria such signs (and tags) must meet, including:
- How signs are used and where they’re posted;
- The color of the sign;
- How the sign is designed; and
- What information the sign must communicate (and, in some cases, how that information must be worded).
HOW TOOL HELPS SOLVE THE PROBLEM: Here’s a Checklist you can adapt and use to perform a self-assessment to ensure you comply with OSHA safety sign and tag requirements.
Item / Yes / No / Comments
All safety signs have rounded or blunt corners and are free from sharp edges, burrs, splinters or other sharp projections?
Ends or heads of bolts or other fastening devices are located in a way that doesn’t pose a hazard?
Wording of signs is concise and easy to read?
Signs make positive rather than negative suggestions?
Signs contain enough information so as to be easily understood?
Safety information contained in signs is accurate and up-to-date?
All workers are instructed that danger signs indicate immediate danger requiring special precautions?
Danger signs are red, black and white?
Design of danger signs meets either ANSI Z53.1-1967 or ANSI Z535.1-2006?
Caution signs are used only to warn against potential hazards or caution against unsafe practices?
All workers are instructed that caution signs indicate a potential danger requiring proper precautions?
Caution signs have a yellow background?
Panels of caution signs are black with yellow lettering?
Design of caution signs meets either ANSI Z53.1-1967 or ANSI Z535.1-2006?
Safety instruction signs are used when there’s a need for general instructions and suggestions about safety measures?
Safety instruction signs have a white background?
Panels of safety instruction signs are green with white lettering?
Design of caution signs meets either ANSI Z53.1-1967 or ANSI Z535.1-2006?
Biohazard warning signs are used to signify actual or potential presence of biohazards and identify equipment, containers, rooms, materials and/or experimental animals which contain or are contaminated with hazardous agents?
Item / Yes / No / Comments
Tags are used to prevent injury/illness to workers exposed to hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions, equipment or operations which are out of the ordinary, unexpected or not readily apparent?
Tags remain in place until the identified hazard is eliminated or the hazardous operation ends?
Tags contain a signal word—“Danger,” “Caution,” “Biological Hazard,” “BIOHAZARD”—or the biohazard symbol?
The signal tag can read at a minimum distance of 5 feet (or more if warranted by the hazard)?
Tags also contain a major message indicating the hazardous condition or instructions for the worker?
The major message is presented with text, pictographs or both?
The signal word and major message can be understood by all workers exposed to the identified hazard?
All workers are instructed are informed about the meaning of the various tags found in the workplace and the precautions each tag requires?
Tags are affixed as close as safely possible to the respective hazard via string, wire, adhesive or other positive means to prevent loss or inadvertent removal?
Danger tags are used only in major hazard situations in which an immediate hazard poses the threat of death or serious injury to workers?
Caution tags are used only in minor hazard situations in which a non-immediate or potential hazard or unsafe practice poses a lesser threat of injury to workers?
Warning tags are used to indicate hazards that are less serious than “Danger” hazards but more serious than “Caution” hazards?
Warning tags include the signal word “Warning”?
Warning tags include an appropriate major message?
Biohazard tags are used to indicate actual or potential presence of a biohazard and identify equipment, containers, rooms and/or experimental animals that contain or are contaminated with hazardous biological agents?
The symbol design for biohazard tags conforms to the design of Figure A below?
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