MSNA Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2014
Present: Shannon Hardy, Christina O’Connor, Sally Siems, Sarah Delaney, Bee Wilson, Kathy Lee (Advisor)
- The board discussed when to host the drive and the fundraiser for the organization: Be the Match. Action: Host the Be the Match drive with the blood drive or in April. The board would like to discuss the drive and fundraiser with the rest of the members to obtain their opinions and ideas.
- The board discussed what to do with 32 nursing bags. Action: The bags will be given as door prizes until all the bags are gone before buying anymore door prizes.
- The board discussed left over shirts and if they wanted to design and order new shirts. Action: Shannon Hardy will email members to check if anyone is interested in buying MSNA shirts in the event the board orders more shirts.
- The board discussed the convention on February 7th-9th. Kathy Lee has reserved two rooms at the Kalahari. Six people have reserved going to the Convention. The criteria for MSNA to pay for the member’s stay is the member must attend one meeting and volunteer once during a function last year. At the member’s meeting, the board will discuss the convention with the members to get a final count on who is attending the convention. The board approved to pay for the cost of the two rooms. Members should pay the convention fee and can be reimbursed following the convention according to policy.
- The board discussed the blood drive on March 10th, which will be held in room L133. The guest speaker for the blood drive will be at the member’s meeting in February. The sign up sheet will be available at the January member’s meeting.
- The board discussed how to recruit new members. In the past, first semester class (Fundamentals) was a good place for recruiting new nursing students to join. Sarah Delaney will contact Ann Ruesch. Shannon Hardy will go with Sarah Delaney to speak to the nursing students.
- The board discussed not having a guest speaker at the January’s members meeting. The board wanted to use this meeting to explain MSNA, introduce the new board members, talk about the convention and go over the calendar and events for the semester. The board would like the member’s inputs and ideas on activities MSNA can do.
- The board discussed updating the MSNA website. The old officers should be changed to the new officers. The board members should have a group picture taken. The board would like more pictures posted and updating to the website completed more often.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bee Wilson