How Part-Time Adjunct Faculty Complete a Time Sheet
This handout explains how part time adjunct faculty submit time sheets online in order to track hours for reporting purposes. For detailed instructions and videos, please view the Web Time Entry links in the mystarkstate portal located on the Help Desk tab. Go to the Faculty & Staff Help channel, click on the Employee Payroll button, and click to expand the Web Time Entry section. If you have questions regarding completing this process, please call Help Desk Services (ext. 4357), because failure to report time will delay paychecks.
Log in to mystarkstate.
Click on the Employee/HR tab.
Scroll to the Employment Details – Payroll channel (usually top left), and click on the image link named Click here for: Banner Self-Service.
The Employee menu appears. Click on the Time Sheet link.
The Time Sheet Selection screen appears.
1. Select a Position Title (i.e. N00001 – Adjunct-Teach/Prep-Accounting). Please Note: If you have more than one contract position, you will need to do this for each position. For example, someone working in both Social Sciences and Human Services, would have to enter time for two positions.
2. Select the appropriate pay period from the Pay Period and Status** drop down menu.
3. Click the Time Sheet button after selecting the appropriate Title and Pay Period.
**Be sure to pay attention to the Disposition (Status) Indicator of the Pay Period. When starting a time sheet, it should indicate Not Started. The indicators are critical in starting and completing the Web Time Entry process. The disposition may be one of the following:
· Not Started – The time sheet has not been started.
· In Progress – You are in the process of entering your time for the pay period (not submitted).
· Pending – The time sheet has been submitted and is waiting approval from the supervisor.
· Returned for Correction – The time sheet has been returned to you for corrections. The corrections must be made, and the time sheet must be resubmitted.
· Approved – The time sheet has been approved and is ready for payroll to process.
· Completed – Payroll received and processed the time sheet.
The Time and Leave Reporting screen appears. Listed on the right are the Title, Department, and Time Sheet Period. Be sure these are correct for the time sheet you are entering (for example, if working for two departments, the correct info is displayed). Please take notice of the Submit By Date: information. This is the date in which the time sheet must be submitted and approved.
1. Click the Enter Hours link under a date to the right of the Staff – Regular Earnings.
2. Enter the number of hours worked for the day in the Hours: text box. Note: This includes the authorized class prep time for each class. Please see your Department Chair or Academic Dean for questions regarding authorized hourly determinations.
3. Click the Save button.
4. Click the Next button at the bottom of the screen to enter hours for the next day of the week.
To preview the entered hours, prior to submitting the time sheet for approval, click the Preview button towards the bottom of the screen. The Summary of Reported Time screen appears.
5. Verify the hours entered are correct and click the Previoius Menu button.
6. Click the Submit for Approval button to submit the time sheet.
A message appears stating the time sheet was submitted successfully.
This completes the time entry process for part-time contract employees.
Copying Daily Hours
If the time in and time out is the same for each day worked, the hours may be copied to save time when
entering a time sheet.
To copy the hours worked from one day to another within a pay period, go to the Time In and Time Out
screen as explained and shown above.
1. Enter the hours worked.
2. Click the Copy button .
3. The Copy screen appears. Check the boxes under the days to copy the hours.
4. Click the Copy button.
A message appears stating the hours have been copied successfully. Click the Time Sheet button to
return to the Time and Leave Reporting screen. Continue to preview and submit the
time sheet for approval as explained and shown above.
This completes the Copying Daily Hours process section.