Faith & LoveChristianCenter
Wylie G. Frederick, Pastor
Telephone Numbers:
Home: (803) 377-3323
Church: (803) 377-8302
540 Great Falls Hwy.
Chester, SC 29706
Ministry Times:
Faith School: Sundays at 9:00 A.M.
Morning Worship:Sundays at10:00 A.M.
Wednesday Night Service: 7:00 P.M.
Youth (F.L.Y.): Wednesdays, 7:00 P.M.
"We walk by 'faith which worketh by love'." (Galatians 5:6)
**Our Vision & Mission**
We believe that God has called and placed our church in ChesterCounty to be a light to all living in this community. We believe that God has an established purpose and plan for our church. We know our mission and our vision and we plan to implement it to our fullest potential. Our vision is to "build a mature group of believers consisting of people from various backgrounds and ethnic groups." We welcome all people to worship with us as we praise and worship Jesus Christ our Lord. As Galatians 3:28 states it plainly, "we are all one in Jesus Christ." We believe that through Jesus Christ we can win Chester for Jesus!
We further believe:
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God.
- Jesus Christ is God.
- Man needs to be saved.
- In the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
- In the power of prayer.
- Praise & worship is crucial.
- In tithing.
- Jesus is coming back.
Church Auxiliaries & Functions
- FaithSchool (for all ages)
1. Nursery
2. Beginners
3. Primaries
4. Youth
5. Adults
- Ladies of Love Ministries
Holds functions designed for women of
all ages.
- Men of Faith
Holds functions designed for men of all
- F.L.Y. (Faith-filled & Loving Youths)
Youth ministries are held for practically all ages. Some sessions consist of teachings from God’s Word, refreshments, and games. Special trips throughout the year are planned.
- Nursery
We provide nursery during our Sunday services for ages 0 - 3 yrs. old.
- In the Word Broadcasts
FLCC airs its daily broadcasts on Mon. – Fri. at 10:00 AM. Tune in each weekday to hear Pastor Frederick minister the Word with simplicity and understanding.
- Trained Altar Counselors
We have people trained to minister salvation, rededication, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
- Steps of Faith
FLCC’s dance team ministers to lead people into praise and worship.
- Intercession
This is a time for the body to come together for prayer and intercession.
- Recording Ministry
Sermons are recorded and can be purchased for a minimal fee.
- Foundations Class
A class designed specifically for people who just received Jesus Christ in their lives. It is also appropriate for those Christians needing to understand the basics of the Christian faith. If interested, contact the church office.
- New Members' Class
A mandatory class for all persons interested in joining our church designed to inform potential members of our beliefs and other pertinent information.
- Double or Nothings
We provide several sessions primarily for married couples but can be applied to dating singles. Each session usually consists of mini-teachings, games, activities, and refreshments.
- 5th Sunday Fellowships
A covered dish dinner after the morning service that provides opportunities for fellowship of our brothers and sisters.
- Disciple Classes
This small group meets to discuss the word and fellowship.
- Food/Clothing Bank
Our Food Bank is stocked with food and other items used to minister to needy persons in the community.
- Praise & Worship Team
Our Praise & Worship Teamleads the congregation during each service in songs of praise to our God.
- Teaching Ministry
The Lord has given the pastor a teaching ministry. We have been blessed to have other teachers in our local body also.
- Special Occasions
We sponsor various activities for people of all ages from "lock-ins" to picnics. These activities are excellent fellowship opportunities.
- Workshops and Seminars
The pastor and other qualified people provide workshops and seminars. Some members attend workshops sponsored by outside churches and speakers. All workshops are designed to equip our members for spiritual warfare, to encourage excellence of ministry, and to foster spiritual maturity.
- Family Fun Day
The members of Faith & Love Christian Center provide outside activities, primarily during the summer that are filled with action, games, food and other things that make for fun, clean, and wholesome fellowship!!
- Fall Festival
An alternative to Halloween! Halloween is an evil holiday that should not be observed by Christians. God, through His Word, has nothing good to say about witches and other evil characters. Come, join the fun with other Christianbrothers and sisters on the night that Halloween activities are observed in the world. This event is totally scriptural!
- Ministry of Helps Classes
Classes are being developed to train all persons desiring to work in the ministry of helps. God has ordained this ministry in His Word. At the time of this printing, these classes are in the planning stages.
- Daughters In Christ
Hold functions designed for young ladies ages 12-21.
- Health Moments
Health Moments videos are viewed at the end of all services. Sample topics include fire safety, exercise, diet and nutrition and a host of other topics.
- FLCC’s Choir
FLCC’s choir ministers to lead people into praise and worship through song.
A Personal Invitation
If you are not a Christian but truly desire to be one, ask Jesus to come into your heart. Confess Him as Lord of your life and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you shall be saved. Notice what the Word says:
(Romans 10:9) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Pray this prayer: Dear God, come into my life. Forgive me of all sins. I confess Jesus as my Lord and I believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. According to your Word, I am saved. Thank you, Father, for saving me.
If you just asked Jesus to come into your life, please call Pastor Frederick at: (803) 377-3323 (Home) or 377-8302 (Church).