Introduction to TWO for EROs

December 10, 2010

This discussion does not cover the steps needed to physically set up the site, but deals only with the activities that a TC or ERO may need to do, either from his/her home computer or at the site. The person setting up the site will have Administrator permissions, and the ERO can either be assigned Admin, Efile Manager, or SuperUser roles depending upon the local option.

Note: The discussion and screen shots are meant to supplement the data presented in IRS PUB 3189. But there is some duplication.

Setting Up the Site Pre-Season

The following components of the toolbar, below, will be described in this document. If you are using TWO for the first time, there will only be an Admin user when selecting the Manage Users button. If you are a returning user, the usernames from the previous year will be shown – you should be logged in as Admin or a user with the Administrator role for the purposes of this document.

Managing Users. Let’s start by illustrating “Manage Users.” Managing users consists of two steps: creating a user name for a volunteer and assigning a “role” (“group,” to use the TaxWise desktop naming convention) to that user name. The role allows the user to perform, or to not perform, a variety of functions based on the duties of the user. The Admin users can also inactivate users (TWO does not allow deleting them), reset passwords, enable/disable remote assistance, and more.

USERS: The following describes the User functions. The figure below, “User Manager,” is a visual presentation of the Manage Users window.

Admin User: The Admin user, the Administrator, has full control over setting up users and the assignment of roles; submitting e-files; preparing client letters, setting up defaults, and more. User names may be assigned to each computer or preferably to each counselor, the latter of which is the recommendation of TaxWise. Each user may be assigned one or more roles, as illustrated below. The Administrator does not have the ability to create returns. Also, notice in the figure that the Admin user cannot be edited, unlike the other users. However, the Admin user password can be reset.

Other Users: The Administrator creates users and assigns them roles as desired. It is recommended that the Administrator create a second username with an Administrator Role so the actual Administrator account is rarely need to be used. This allows the person who is the Administrator to have a backup position in case he/she gets locked out of their account. The remaining users are created as shown in the figure below and assigned roles. To create a user, you will need the user’s first and last name, email address, and desired username.

ROLES:There are seven roles that can be assigned to a user as described below. Before assigning roles, you should define the tasks of each user you have created and know the tasks they will be required to do in TWO.

Admin: The “Administrator” role. The Admin role has complete control over all TWO functions. The exception to this rule is that only the actual Admin user, not other users who have been assigned the Admin role, can make entries under the “Settings“ -> “User Settings,” Tax Preparer and ERO functions.

ReturnPreparer: Counselors assigned as “ReturnPreparer” are limited to preparing returns (which includes the printing and creating e-files) but they are unable to access returns prepared by any other user. They cannot transmit the returns or review and print acknowledgments.

SuperUser: The “SuperUser” role can access all returns and has a full range of permissions, with the exception of the ability to change the templates (defaults), or to Manage Users. They also have the capability of transmitting returns, although this requires additional steps which immediately alert them as to what is happening. This allows them to discontinue this operation unless that is what was desired.

Interviewer: The “Interviewer” can access all functions associated with creating andediting a tax return. The Interviewer cannot submit e-files or review orprint acknowledgement reports. Additionally, the Interviewer MUST Go toInterview upon creation of a new return. The Go to Tax Forms option isnot available

Reviewer: The reviewer has all the rights of the SuperUser, except the ability to submit e-files. The reviewer can see all returns.

TemplateManager: The “Template Manager” can create new return templates, edit existingtemplates, assign and un-assign templates to users

EfileManager: Can submit e-files and print checks, only.

The following users, by default, cannot override fields: Interviewer, ReturnPreparer, and Reviewer. The Admin user can enable the override function for these users by checking the applicable box in the Advanced menu (see below figure).

User Settings.

While logged in as Administrator, select the User Settings icon on the taskbar.

The User Settings screen displays a listing of several options for your use. You will find that the first two entries, Tax Preparer and ERO are optional for our Tax-Aide use and do not need to be used. If used, as stated above, ONLY the Admin user can make entries here – other users do not have permission to make entries in these areas. However, the third entry, Display, may be useful if you wish to change the color scheme.

High Contrast Color Scheme. You may find it desirable to change from the default color scheme to one with higher contrast. It is easy to try this out since one can always switch back if desired.

Click on the Display entry to reveal the display setting screen. In the case below we have already checked the box for using the high contrast color scheme.

The next screenshot illustrates what your display will look like using the high contrast color scheme. You may ignore the yellow border since it displays only while in the template mode. Note how the required fields show up more clearly in this high contrast mode when compared to the standard mode. This setting may be a better one for our Counselors.

Custom Fields (for Preparer Use).

You can make any preparer field red for a required entry for preparer’s and/or quality reviewer’s initials. You can also assign a history list to these fields, if desired. All fields will carryover to the next year, except for fields 13, 14, and 15. Preparer field 14 must have the QR person’s initials. We recommend using field 13 for the preparer’s initials. Both of these fields should be required, “red,” entries. For more information on the use of the preparer fields, refer to the TaxWise Online User Guide that was shipped with your software package, or available from the TWO Home page,for instructions.

User Defined Return Stages.

Assigning a Return stage to each tax return provides a very handy tool for the ERO when preparing to “transmit” returns to TaxWise. It is recommended that a Return stage listing be generated by the Administrator and that the Counselors be instructed on its use. Refer to the figure below to create User Defined Return Stages, using the following procedure:

  1. Select Settings on the toolbar.
  2. Select Return Stages by clicking on Return Stages in the tree at left.
  3. The Return Stage screen will be blank initially.
  4. Decide on your desired stage descriptions and the desired order.
  5. Type in your first description in the bottom box.
  6. Click Add. This will move your text to the main box.

The below descriptions are recommended, but you may choose your own.

Print Sets.

See the below figure. You may find that printing the Primary Forms and Signature Forms or Completed Forms works well for your site in which case you need only to check the two boxes shown below. We also have the ability to set up our own customized print set for Federal and State forms to create your Federal Print Set, click, “Edit My Print Set.” For the State print set click “Create My State Print Set.” The procedure for selecting forms for your print set is identical to that of the desktop version.

It is recommended that you plan the order in which you would like your forms to appear when printed out – see the below figure. Then, add those forms to the print set in that order. When you are ready to install the 1040 and remainder of the forms, just select them all and bring them to the print set. Then you can adjust the number of copies of each form you would like to print out, if it is greater than one.

The next entry under Administer Settings is Advanced. Clicking on this results in the below screen. If one has a suitable high-speed Internet connection then data is written to the CCH servers as it is entered, which is the preferred mode since all of data entry is captured. This can proved to be quite helpful in event one loses connectivity for any reason.

On the other hand if the page refresh is noticeably slow, you may want to switch to Classic mode, which allows one to enter data more quickly but suffers from some limitations. In this case the data isn’t written to the servers until a Save command is received. Thus the below caution: You must select the Save Return icon to refresh the data on a page otherwise the entries will be lost. When using the Classic mode you must caution the counselors to save the data regularly and to make it a required procedure after finishing (or editing) a given form. Also, data can be more easily lost in event of an outage since all data entered since the last “Save” will be lost. We DO NOT RECOMMEND use of Classic mode unless absolutely necessary.

The next entry after Advanced is “Send Settings.” This entry allows you to send your templates from the “Template Publisher” to other EFIN holders that were identified in your SPEC software order as “Template Subscribers.”

The last entry on the Administrator Settings listing is for “Salutations.” This entry allows you to modify the salutation list that appears in the field at the beginning of the taxpayer’s name in the Main Info Form.

Filing Season ERO Functions

Now that the site has been set up we will next discuss performing ERO functions after returns have been accumulated from a site. See the below figure, left pane. Note that there are six normal views, shown by the red box. Instead of these various views one may search for any specific return in any category by simply entering a few characters into the Search Returns box. Entering a partial social security number or a last name, etc. works well. This is by far the easiest method of finding a single return.

From this same view one may Print Returns (Note: Printing from here turns out to be a chore; it is better to print from a return that has been opened).

Alternatively the ERO may Move Returns from one user to another, which is easily done by just following the on-screen instructions.

Active Returns View. This is the View that will be most commonly used, and the below screenshot illustrates some of the information that can be obtained from this view. The names and SSNs in the figure are not real – they were generated for the purposes of illustration.

An ERO may sort on any of the columns.This is an important consideration that is extremely helpful in doing bookkeeping and the like.

The ERO view will list all returns from all users, with their status shown in either the US e-file column, the State e-file column, or the Stage column. For those returns that have been completed and the e-file written the US e-file column will contain a “Ready” notation. Some returns will also be listed showing blanks in the first two columns, but with a notation in the Stage column indicating the status. After sorting to group all of the “Ready” returns together, the ERO is ready to “transmit,” which in this case is just notifying the CCH computers to begin processing those returns into the IRS e-file cycle. Note that only the ERO (or an alternate counselor with Admin, SuperUser or EfileManager permissions) has the ability to process returns into this cycle. ReturnPreparer or other users can not eFile. On-screen instructions are provided to walk one through all of these steps. Caution: If a return is edited then an efile must again be created, just like the desktop version.

At this point the process is identical to that of the desktop version. A DCR is prepared and shown, with an option to print it. Assuming the DCR is okay, the ERO then clicks “continue,” which authorizes final submittal of those returns for eventual transmittal to the IRS.

After the usual wait time one can then query the system for an updated status by clicking on “Active Returns”. In the above view, the status of the return will be shown under the US e-file and State e-file columns. The “All Returns” view will always show which returns are in the system as well as their status.

The Stage column shows information that the counselor or reviewer selected from the Return Stage history list. If the counselor did not set this field, then it can be set in this window. If, for example, one of the returns that have been sent is subsequently rejected, that fact will be evident when the acknowledgments are received and that return will also then show in the Rejected view as well.

An ERO can ascertain the status of any return that has been opened into TaxWise and that is marked as an e-file. Those marked as paper returns by the counselor will be listed in the Paper view. Good Counselor discipline will identify returns that don’t have a signed 8879 as a Hold, either by marking the return stage or by supplying a short written reason to the ERO.

In this manner bookkeeping of returns that are to be e-filed is taken care of directly without any additional logs, which of course may still be used if desired. All returns to be e-filed will remain listed in the Active view until either accepted by the IRS and the State or converted to a paper return or just deleted.

The other two columns provide additional important information. The Date Edited column provides useful information to help identify returns that have been waiting for additional information and the User Name column identifies the user who prepared the return.

Accepted Returns Viewcan provide a listing of all returns that have been accepted during the season, each screen displaying about 20 returns. Clicking on the View Acks” icon gives one an option of archiving returns, which are still available for viewing, if required. Note that one must input the date range desired in order to display the correct list of returns.

However if one is looking for a specific return then the Search Returns tool should be used. By typing in a few characters such as the last name or a partial SSN, the program will find and display that individual return on the following screen so it can be opened for viewing or for preparing an amendment, for example.

An alternate and perhaps better view of the ACKS is to click on the View Acks icon. You may view either recent ACKS, such as just after downloading recent returns, or you may view ACKS for any specific date range as well as print them out if you wish. To aid with bookkeeping one can also archive recent ACKS to clean up the display. Note however that archived returns are still available for retrieval and review. The below partial listing is from the Archive Folder, sorted on the Name. The SSN has been omitted, as has the date of the acceptance and the DCN number associated with each return. These are all displayed in the original version and any field may be sorted.

Rejected ReturnsView is illustrated below. In the example shown the Rejected Returns display has already been clicked, resulting in the short info box shown. One then must click on “more info” and another screen (not shown) in order to actually view the reject reasons, etc. This process is a bit awkward, but works.