

First Name : Anthony

Last Name : Ku Ong

Student Number : 991040119

First Name : John

Last Name : Ngo

Student Number : 990991085

Course : CSC309 H1F

Date : Friday October 17, 2003.

Part 1 (a) Question 4.6




Project 1 CSC309


Member #1 : Anthony Ku Ong (991040119)

Member #2 : John Ngo (990991085)




<!-- the original image -->

<img src = "deitel.gif" alt = "deitel.gif orig"


<!-- Question 4.6 a) Increase the image size to 100% -->

<img src = "deitel.gif" width = "400" height = "300" alt = "deitel.gif 4.6 a)"


<!-- Question 4.6 b) Increase the image size to 50% -->

<img src = "deitel.gif" width = "300" height = "225" alt = "deitel.gif 4.6 b)"


<!-- Question 4.6 c) Increase the image size to 2:1 ratio -->

<img src = "deitel.gif" width = "400" height = "200" alt = "deitel.gif 4.6 c)"




Part 1 (b) Question 4.7


Project 1 CSC309


Member #1 : Anthony Ku Ong (991040119)

Member #2 : John Ngo (990991085)


<!-- PART 1 XHTML -->

<!-- (a) 4.7 Create a link to each of the following -->

<?xml version = "1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<title>Part 1(a) Question 4.7</title>



<!-- create an unordered list -->


<!-- (a) index.html located in files directory -->

<li<a href="files/index.html">Index.html Located

in Files Directory</a</li>

<!-- (b) index.html located in text subdirectory of the files

directory -->

<li<a href="files/text/index.html">Index.html Located

in Text subdirectory</a</li>

<!-- (c) index.html located in the other directory in your

parent directory -->

<li<a href="../other/index.html">Index.html Located

in Other Directory</a</li>

<!-- (d) A link to the President of the United States'

email address () -->

<li<a href=" mailto:">President's Email</a</li>

<!-- (a) An FTP link to the file named README in the pub directory of

ftp.cdrom.com -->

<li<a href=" mailto:">





Part 1(c) Question 4.8




Project 1 CSC309


Member #1 : Anthony Ku Ong (991040119)

Member #2 : John Ngo (990991085)




<!-- Question 4.8 Write in XHTML a markup version of your resume>

<!-- Title of my Resume -->



John Derrick Ngo


26 Murray Ave.

<br> Scarborough, Ontario <br> M1S-2A2 <br>





<!-- Profile of My Resume -->

<h3 align = "left"<u> Profile: </u</h3>



A self-motivated and quick-learning team player seeking to design and implement <br>

professional websites with opportunities to utilize exceptional technical, artistic, <br>

and communication skills.<br>



Able to learn and adapt quickly as a result of a strong problem solving and <br>

Computer Science foundation at U of T. <br>




<!-- My Education -->

<h3 align = "left"<u> Education: </u</h3>

<b> University of Toronto </b> <br>

September 2000 to Present <br>

Toronto, Ontario <br>

<i> Honours in Computer Science and Economics - 4th Year </i> <br>

<i> Specialist in Information Systems Program, Major in Economics </i> <br>


<b>St. Andrews College </b> <br>

September 1998 to June 2000<br>

Aurora, Ontario <br>

<i> Grade 11 to OAC </i> <br>



<!-- My Computer Skills -->

<h3 align = "left"<u> Computer and Language Skills: </u</h3>



Proficient using utilities from Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop, MS Front Page, Word, PowerPoint and Excel



Capable of scripting and Web development using Perl, Shell, Javascript, SQL /MySQL HTML, XML, ASP, CGI, PHP



Java, C/C++, DB2, Visual Basic Language Programmer



Experienced in Internet hardware/software/ISP selection and LAN/OS/software installation.



Comfortable working in Windows 95/98/NT and Unix Environments



Speaks English Mandarin and Filipino Fluently




<!-- My Work Experience -->

<h3 align = "left"<u> Work Experience: </u</h3>

<b> Web Designer - Blah Technologies Limited </b>

<br<i> April 2003 to Present </i> <br<br>



Created WebPages for the company



Regular site maintenance and updates for the company



Created graphics/logo for the company website




<b>Computer Operator - Trapp Inc. </b>

<br<i>January 2000 to August 2002</i>



Assists in operating equipment including terminals and peripheral equipment



Performs routine tasks such as monitoring and controlling disks and tapes




<!-- Awards Recieved -->

<h3 align = "left"<u> Awards Recieved: </u</h3>

<ol type = "i"


Governor General’s Millennium History Prize 2000



Michael’s Prize for the Highest Mark in OAC History



Silver Medallist Ontario Winter Games 2000



Ontario Scholar 1999-2000



Honour Roll, St. Andrews College






<!-- Awards Recieved -->

<h3 align = "center"References Provided Upon Request</h3>



Part 1(d) Question 5.7


Project 1 CSC309


Member #1 : Anthony Ku Ong (991040119)

Member #2 : John Ngo (990991085)


<!-- PART 1 - XTHML -->

<!-- (d)5.7 Create XHTML markup that produces the table in Fig 5.12 -->

<?xml version = "1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<title>Part 1(d) Question 5.7</title>



<table border = "1">

<!-- note there is no header -->




<!--sets the first row (and only row) of this table -->


<!--The first column of this row, sets table data-->

<td width = "65%" >




<li>To be able to create tables with rows

and columns of data.</li>

<li>To be able to control the display

and formatting of tables</li>

<li>To be able to create and use forms.</li>

<li>To be able to create and use image maps

to aid <br>hyperlinking</br> </li>

<li>To be able to use the <strong>

frameset</strong> element to

display multiple

<br>Web Pages</br</li>



Yea, from the table of my memory

I'll wipe away all trival

<br>fond records. </br>


William Shakespeare



<!--The second column of this row, which

has the camel image-->

<td align = "center">

<img src = "camel.gif" width = "205"

height = "167" alt = "Picture of a camel" />







Part 1(e) Question 5.8




Project 1 CSC309


Member #1 : Anthony Ku Ong (991040119)

Member #2 : John Ngo (990991085)




<!-- Question 5.8 -->

<h1 align = "left" Table Example Page </h1>

<table border = "1" align = "left" width = "24%"

<caption align = "left" Here is a small example table.</caption>

<!-- the head of the table -->


<tr<th> This is the head. </th</tr>


<!-- the body of the table -->


<tr<td> This is the body.</td</tr>





Part 1(f) Question 5.7


Project 1 CSC309


Member #1 : Anthony Ku Ong (991040119)

Member #2 : John Ngo (990991085)


<!-- PART 1 - XTHML -->

<!-- (f)5.9 This is a University feedback form -->

<?xml version = "1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<title>University Feedback</title>



<h1>University Feedback Form</h1>

<p>Please fill out this form to help

us improve your next campus visit.</p>

<form method = "post" action = "/cgi-bin/formmail">


<input type = "hidden" name = "recipient"

value = "" />

<input type = "hidden" name = "subject"

value = "Feedback Form" />

<input type = "hidden" name = "redirect"

value = "main.html" />


<!-- Defines a Name field to enter your text -->


<input name = "name" type = "text" size = "25" />


<!-- Defines an address field to enter your text -->


<input name = "name" type = "text" size = "25" />


<!-- Defines an email field that is "masked" with asterixes when

entered -->

<p<label>E-mail Address:

<input name = "email" type = "password"

size = "25" /</label</p>


<!-- Defines a text area where comments can be made -->

<p<label>Comments:<br />

<textarea name = "comments" rows = "4"

cols = "36"</textarea>


<!-- Defines check boxes where you can select an entry -->

<strong>Things you liked mout about the campus:</strong<br />


<input name = "thingsliked" type = "checkbox"

value = "Students" /</label>


<input name = "thingsliked" type = "checkbox"

value = "Location" /</label>


<input name = "thingsliked" type = "checkbox"

value = "Campus" /</label>


<input name = "thingsliked" type = "checkbox"

value = "Atmosphere" /</label>

<label>Dorm Rooms

<input name = "thingsliked" type = "checkbox"

value = "Dorm Rooms" /</label>


<input name = "thingsliked" type = "checkbox"

value = "Sports" /</label>


<!-- Radio Buttons that ask prospective student how they -->

<!-- became interested in the university. -->

<!-- Note: only one radio button -->

<!-- in a group can be selected. -->


<strong>How did you get interested in the University:



<input name = "howtosite" type = "radio"

value = "friends" checked = "checked" />



<input name = "howtosite" type = "radio"

value = "tv" /</label>


<input name = "howtosite" type = "radio"

value = "internet" /</label>


<input name = "howtosite" type = "radio"

value = "other" /</label>


<!-- Submit and Reset Buttons for the form, note when clicked,

they do nothing -->


<input type = "submit" value =

"Submit Entries" />

<input type = "reset" value = "Reset Entries" />





Part 2 (a) Question 6.8


Project 1 CSC309


Member #1 : Anthony Ku Ong (991040119)

Member #2 : John Ngo (990991085)


<!-- PART 2 - CSS -->

<!-- 2(a) 6.8 Displays the results of a Colour Survey -->

<?xml version = "1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<title>Favourite Colour Survey</title>

<link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css"

href = "style_2a.css" />



<h1>Favourite Colour Survey</h1>

<form method = "post" action = "/cgi-bin/formmail">


<input type = "hidden" name = "recipient"

value = "" />

<input type = "hidden" name = "subject"

value = "Feedback Form" />

<input type = "hidden" name = "redirect"

value = "main.html" />


<!-- See style_2a.css for more -->

<div class="vote">

<!-- Creates Radio buttons for the user to check their

favourite color -->

<p<strong> Vote for your favourite Colour</strong> </p>

<p<label class="percent">Red

<input name = "howtosite" type = "radio"

value = "red" checked = "checked" />


<p<label class="percent">Blue

<input name = "howtosite" type = "radio"

value = "blue" />


<p<label class="percent">Yellow

<input name = "howtosite" type = "radio"

value = "yellow" /</label>

<p<label class="percent">Green

<input name = "howtosite" type = "radio"

value = "green" /</label>

<p<label class="percent">Orange

<input name = "howtosite" type = "radio"

value = "orange" />


<!-- Includes a reset and submit button -->


<input type = "submit" value =

"Submit" />

<input type = "reset" value = "Reset" />



<!-- the <table> tag opens a table -->

<div class="colorChart">

<!-- creates an "invisible table" without any borders for

the results of the colour survey -->

<table border = "0" cellspacing=15 width = "100%"

summary = "This table provides information about

the price of fruit">

<!-- the <thead> is the first section of a table -->

<!-- it formats the table header area -->



<!-- <tr> inserts a table row -->

<th>Current Results of Favourite Colours</th>

<!-- insert a blank entry-->




<!-- all table content is enclosed -->

<!-- within the <tbody> -->



<td class="red">Red</td>

<!-- insert a data cell -->

<td class ="percent">25%</td>



<td class="blue">Blue</td>

<td class ="percent">42%</td>



<td class="yellow">Yellow</td>

<td class ="percent">11%</td>



<td class="green">Green</td>

<td class ="percent">9%</td>



<td class="orange">Orange</td>

<td class ="percent">13%</td>



<!-- there is no <tfoot> in this table. It is the

last section of a table it formats the table footer -->







Style Sheet for 2 (a) Question 6.8


Project 1 CSC309


Member #1 : Anthony Ku Ong (991040119)

Member #2 : John Ngo (990991085)


/*PART 2 - Style Sheet for Question 6.8

This is the style sheet for Part 2a ,Question 6.8

which defines the styles for the file 2a.html


body, td, th {

font-family: Serif,Arial;

font-size: 14px;



/* uses absolute position to

place the text of the vote

in the top left area */

position: absolute;

left: 100px;

top: 80px;


.colorChart {

/* uses absolute position to

place the text of the results

in the top right area */

position: absolute;

left: 350px;

top: 65px;

width: 500px;

text-align: left;


/* Used for the background colors of the survey results */

.red { background-color: red; }

.blue { background-color: blue; }

.yellow { background-color: yellow; }

.green { background-color: green; }

.orange { background-color: orange; }

/* defines the text that present the Percentage of the results */

.percent { text-align: left;

font-size: 30px }

strong {

font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-sze: 16px;

text-align: center;

font-style: oblique;



font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

font-sze: 16px;

text-align: center;


Part 2 (b) Question 6.9



Project 1 CSC309


Member #1 : Anthony Ku Ong (991040119)

Member #2 : John Ngo (990991085)



<style type = "text/css"

h1 {color: blue}

a { text-decoration: none; color: blue}

a:hover {background-color: yellow}


<title> Internet and WWW How to Program </title>



<?xml version = "1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<!--Fig 4.5:links.html -->

<h1> Here are my favorite sites</h1>

<p<strong>Click a name to go to that page.</strong</p>