NHS North Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Local offer for Personal Health Budgets
NHS England’s forward view 2015/2016 holds the expectation that patients will hold more direct control over the care they receive. Personal Health Budgets (PHB) are part of a model for person centred care, that provides a focus on the individual developing a care and support plan that is outcome focused, taking a whole person approach. A PHB gives people the opportunity to access the type of support that they – in partnership with their health professionals, believe will help them meet their health and well being needs. A PHB offers increased choice, flexibility and control over how money and support for individual care is commissioned. A PHB is not about allocating new money, but is an alternative approach to providing money to support identified health and wellbeing needs. The expansion of this service delivery will take time and the ambition from NHS England is that over the next 3 – 5 years the uptake for PHBs will be approximately 0.1 – 0.2 percent of the practice population.The CCG will promote PHBs to the relevant practice population with the anticipation of receiving five expressions of interest within the first four months, looking towards receiving 10 expressions of interest by March 2017.
Adults and children who are eligible for Continuing Healthcare have been able to access a PHB since October 2014. This service is provided via NHS Arden & GEM Commissioning Support Unit via the Continuing Healthcare team. The CCG will now expand PHBs to those patients who have a learning disability and or autism, children with special health needs, educational needs and or disabilities, and those patients with a long term condition. The evidence supports that a truly personalised approach has benefits for these groups of people, and better use of resources can be achieved.
The CCG will develop a transparent, flexible, timely process to implement the local offer for PHBs, and will over the next three years monitor the uptake and effect a PHB has on care delivery and commissioning of care services. Working with people who request a PHB will remain important to ensure the correct support and advice is given when developing the support plan identifying the services required and how these can be safely provided. The PHB can be used for any services, activities or equipment that has been identified within the support plan. These could range from carers or personal assistants to provide care in the home, paying for activities to enable more community involvement, and equipment to assist with daily life. A PHB cannot be used for illegal activities, alcohol, gambling, household expenses, or to pay for services normally received from your GP. An expression of interest for a PHB can be made via the CCG website, making contact with the PHB coordinator identified.
As part of the personalisation agenda the CCG is committed to partnership working with local authorities, communities, voluntary sector organisations, patients and families to ensure the individualised choice and control promotes positive outcomes. A PHB will enable people to play an active role in managing their care and to work with health professionals as an equal partner to achieve their goals and aspirations.
For more information regarding PHBs please see
To express an interest in a PHB please contact .
Supporting information for the success of PHBs can be found at
Supporting information for the Derbyshire SEND Local Offer regarding personal budgets can be found at
For more information regarding personal budgets and a film featuring young people and integrated budgets see