“The New Communications Reality - Social Media in Disaster and Crisis Management”
Tuesday, September 13, 2011; 12:00 to 4:00 PM
Royal Bank Auditorium, Rooms A, B & C, 315 Front Street West
Time / Speaker / Topic
12:00-1:00 / Registration and Luncheon / A light lunch buffet will be available
1:00 -1:05 / Joe Ozorio
DRIE Toronto Program Commitee / Welcome and Opening Remarks
1:05 – 1:15
1:15 – 2:15 / Todd Bardes
President - DRIE Toronto
David Black & Crisis Commons / Update from Board of Directors
“The New Volunteers: How Virtual Communities are Changing Disaster Management”
Crisis Commons volunteers will look at the changing landscape of online technologies and examine how it has changed volunteerism; specifically in respect to open source technologies, open data, and crowd-sourced projects.
2:15 - 2:25
2:25 – 2:50
2:50 - 3:50
3:50 – 4:00
4:00 – 4:05 / A word from our Sponsors: FirstOnSite; DRI Canada
Networking Break
Boyd Neil; National Practice Leader, Social Media – HillKnowltonCanada
Ann Wyganowski – Chair GTIME II
Joe Ozorio
Wrap-up / Jerry Kofsky from FirstOnSite and Graeme Jannaway from DRI Canada will present a brief message
Opportunity to network
“Digital Defence: Understanding the Dynamics of Social Media in a Crisis”
A look at how social tools start and exacerbate crises as well as what strategies can help mitigate the worst impacts.
Details on the upcoming Greater Toronto Incident Management Exercise II – scheduled for October 13. 2011
David Black – Emergency Manager, U of T - & CrisisCommons
Crisis Commons is a global network of volunteers who use creative problem solving and open technologies to help people and communities in times and places of crisis. Their projects include using social media and crowdsourcing initiatives to collect and organize information to support disaster and crisis response organizations.
David Black – Emergency Manager – U of T
Heather Leson – Crisis CommonsCanada
Brian Chick – Social Media Trainer – Left Button Solutions
Melanie Gorka – International Human Rights Advocate – Association for Women’s Rights in Development
Boyd Neil – National Practice Leader, Social Media – HillKnowltonCanada
Having worked as a corporate communications consultant for 25 or so years, the last 14 at Canada’s leading strategic communications agency, HillKnowltonCanada, a light went on six years ago when Boyd realized that the social web really is a communications game-changer. Yes, Boyd is older than the typical image of a digital citizen. But he likes connection, sharing, content creation, networks, and idiosyncratic but transformational ideas. (And yes, alternative music.) So what better place to be than leading a team of smart, quirky and really personable social media strategists . . . than his current role at Hill & Knowlton.
In addition to a career as a magazine journalist, Boyd has created and guided crisis, issue management and corporate communication strategies for companies in the airline, travel, food, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, financial, professional services and manufacturing industries. Boy is currently also on retainer with a number of organizations to provide crisis communications counsel as needed.
As a social media and digital strategist, Boyd has helped organizations in the insurance, natural resource, airline, food and not-for-profit sectors make the most of new and metamorphic social tools.