Isle La Motte Elementary School’s


February 20, 2013

Dear ILM Families,

It was so wonderful to see the Isle La Motte community come out for dinner Monday night. The heartfelt greetings of people who hadn’t seen each other for months, neighbors and extended families sitting together, farmers relishing the sight of people enjoying their food, and children preparing their school proudly for their adult guests – it was a satisfying night Thank you so much for coming out. I want to extend special thanks to Chef Lisa Best, who cooked a delicious meal with local ingredients, greeted people with an open heart, and created a fun atmosphere in the kitchen, all at once with 150 people coming to dinner. Barbara Callahan was also a great help. We are so lucky to have such talent and warmth in our kitchen!

Bread Oven Update

Prior to the dinner, we had a very interesting bread oven meeting. Jonah Bourne from Woodbelly Pizza came to show us pictures of his portable bread oven operation. He explained to us what we need in order to complete our project, which will include a trailer for hauling the oven, a person with welding expertise, and a variety of building materials. This oven will be in high demand serving farmer’s markets, civic events, and potentially weddings and other private parties. Right now we need to hear from anyone who is interested in joining us in this endeavor, or who has expertise or materials to share. Please contact Edorah if you’re interested.

Updated Contact Information

Recently we have discovered that some families have changed their phone numbers. Please let Barb Larvey know as soon as you have a new phone number or address, or if you would like to change emergency contacts or approved pick-up people.

Spelling Bee Champions

Nick Creller, Ellen Jeffery, and Dillen Goodsell were the first, second, and third place winners, respectively, in our First Annual Scripps Spelling Bee. Nick won a free on-line foreign language course from Middlebury College, and Ellen and Dillen each won a free one-year on-line subscription to Encyclopedia Brittanica. Congratulations to them, and to all the participating students in grades 1-6. All the students gave their best.

Turn in Your Box Tops

The final deadline for this year's Box Tops for Education is March 1st. Please bring yours in by the end of next week so the PTO has time to sort and package them. Just drop them in the orange box in the front hallway. We've earned $45 so far this year and we're hoping to hit $100. Thank you!

Be well, Everyone-

Edorah Rubin, Principal


February 25-March 29 – SCHOOL VACATION

March 4 & 5 – NO SCHOOL, Teacher In-Service

Saturday, March 2, 10:00 – Town Meeting