NICE Preventing Obesity: whole systems approach at local and community level

Call for evidence

NICE is developing public health guidance, Preventing Obesity: whole systems approach at local and community level, on which a series of evidence reviews and an economic analysis are being conducted.

RCPCH invites the BritishAcademy of Childhood Disability to submit research and local information that could contribute to these reviews, particularly in relation to the following key questions set out in the scope (available at

  • What are the essential elements of a robust, community-based, whole-system approach to preventing obesity?
  • How do local and national policy impact on the effectiveness, cost effectiveness and sustainability of local action to prevent obesity? Are there any unintentional consequences (such as conflicting policies)?
  • What ‘packages’ of actions and strategies may be effective and cost effective in bringing about population-wide improvements in weight management within a given community?
  • What barriers and facilitators may influence the implementation and effectiveness of these ‘packages’ of actions and strategies among a given community? Who are the essential partners (formal and informal)?
  • What factors need to be considered to ensure the programme is robust and sustainable (for example, is public opinion important, is the sequence, phasing and timing of actions and strategies important)?

NICE are interested in a broad range of different types of information, including natural experiments (such as studies on changing transport policies), local process and evaluation reports, scrutiny reports, community plans or strategy reports and local or national government reports, alongside more traditional quantitative and qualitative evidence.

NICE are particularly interested in building up a picture of local obesity systems and so would also welcome receiving any documents mapping out the local systems in relation to obesity or other public health issues (such as smoking or alcohol). NICE intend to take a broad view of the obesity system and will not just be focusing on the NHS – they are also interested in all (directly or indirectly) relevant local strategies, action, barriers and facilitators. As highlighted in the scope, the following elements – and how they interact – may be considered:

  • locally implemented strategies, plans and initiatives aimed at preventing obesity
  • community or NHS-based services and delivery systems (including, for example, local area agreements)
  • partnership working (between, for example, primary care, local authorities, local community organisations and local businesses)
  • education systems
  • the natural and built environment
  • food systems
  • transport systems
  • wider influences, such as the local and national media
  • training and development for those involved in local efforts to prevent obesity

To submit evidence, please complete the attached form and return it, with an electronic copy (preferred) or full reference details, to by Friday, 16 April. Our deadline is set before that of RCPCH to allow time to consider all evidence received and to draft an official response with review to the RCPCH Clinical Standards Committee. Responses received after this deadline will not be included in the BACD response to this consultation.

If you wish to submit relevant unpublished information or research, please highlight which sections are confidential by using a highlighter pen or the highlighter function in word. Please refer to section 4.4 of the NICE Process Manual for further information on submissions of confidential material

The only type of material NICE are not interested in is unsubstantiated or non evidence based opinion / discussion pieces or promotional material.