Speech Coach II: An Exercise in Learning by Reflection
[10 bonus pts. possible]
Your assignment is to help yourself become a better speaker through practice and reflection outside the SpCm 212 classroom. For purposes of this bonus assignment the speech you are reflecting on should be a prepared speech of at least 10 minutes in length (being part of a group presentation can qualify you, but your part of the presentation must have been at least 10 minutes).
Begin by reviewing the part of the Roman Rhetorical canon that we have covered this semester:
inventio [invention]: analyzing their audience, finding materials, creating ideas for the speech, creating/designing a visual aid
dispositio [arrangement]:: helping them arrange their speech, create a good introduction and conclusion and to develop an easy to follow outline
elocutio [language/style]: helping to edit and enliven the verbal expression of the speech–to guide word choice (make sure it isn’t too technical or too dull) and to encourage some use of stylistic devices to add attention, interest, and impact to the speech.
pronunciatio [delivery]: coaching them in aspects of verbal and non-verbal delivery
Choose one of the above issues as a focal point for your reflection. You might choose the concept that was most problematic for you or that was most complex or simply that you find most interesting. Write up your responses to all 6 questions on a separate sheet of paper and turn it in to your instructor by the deadline announced in class. For questions 4- 6 below you should respond in depth and answer the questions with particular attention to that concept.
1. Context. What was the occasion/situation for the speech? [Identify the date, time, place, type of situation and size and composition of the audience]
2. Describe. What was the goal (specific purpose) of the speech you gave? Who determined the goal (you or the person asking you to speak?) How long was the speech and who determined the length?
3. Which of the four parts of the Roman Rhetorical Canon will focus on in your reflection?
4. What were the specific challenges you faced relative to the concept noted in question 3? Be specific and detailed in your response.
5. What were the choices you made concerning that rhetorical canon? Be specific and detailed in your response.
6. Do you believe that you were effective in implementing that rhetorical canon? Why or why not? Be specific and detailed in your response. Feel free to refer not only to your own perceptions, but also to feedback you may have received during and after the presentation.