Access 2007 Unit C: Using Forms


1. A text box control is a bound control.

2. A tab control is an unbound control.

3. Forms can be used to enter and edit data.

4. Bound controls exist only to clarify or enhance the appearance of the form.

5. In the figure above, item 1 points to text box controls.

6. In the figure above, item 3 points to the combo box control.

7. In the figure above, item 4 points to option button controls.

8. A form contains Record Navigation buttons, with information about the current record number and total number of records, similar to those found on a datasheet.

9. Form Design View allows you to add, but not delete, controls.

10. On a form, text box controls display data from an underlying record source.


1. Which control, when "pressed" displays "yes" information?

a. / Bound image control / c. / Tab control
b. / Combo box / d. / Toggle button

2. This control is used to display "yes" or "no" answers for a field.

a. / Check box / c. / Combo box
b. / List box / d. / Option box

3. This control is used to provide consistent descriptive text as you navigate from record to record.

a. / Text box / c. / List box
b. / Combo box / d. / Label

4. This control is used to display, edit, or enter data for each record. It does not provide a list of possible data entries.

a. / Label / c. / Combo box
b. / Text box / d. / Command button

5. This control displays a list of possible data entries from which the user can choose.

a. / Label / c. / List box
b. / Text box / d. / Tab control

6. This control is used to create a three-dimensional aspect to a form.

a. / Command button / c. / Rectangle control
b. / Toggle button / d. / Tab control

7. This control is used to display OLE data.

a. / Option button / c. / Unbound image control
b. / Bound object frame / d. / OLE control

8. This control provides an easy way to initiate a command or run a macro.

a. / Check box / c. / Command button
b. / Toggle button / d. / Image control

9. This control is both a list box and a text box control.

a. / Bound image control / c. / Combo box
b. / Unbound image control / d. / Toggle button

10. Which of the following is NOT a bound control?

a. / Text box / c. / List box
b. / Combo box / d. / Label

11. In the figure above, item 1 points to a(n) ____.

a. / field name / c. / combo box
b. / option button / d. / text box

12. In the figure above, item 2 points to ____.

a. / option buttons / c. / combo boxes
b. / labels / d. / list boxes

13. In the figure above, item 4 points to a(n) ____.

a. / option button / c. / command button
b. / option group / d. / New record button

14. In the figure above, item 5 points to a(n) ____.

a. / combo box / c. / option button
b. / record navigation button / d. / text box

15. In the figure above, item 8 points to the ____.

a. / field names / c. / selections
b. / properties / d. / toolboxes

16. In the figure above, item 7 points to the ____.

a. / Field List button / c. / vertical ruler
b. / Ascending button / d. / Descending button

17. Which type of control would you most likely use to display first name information?

a. / Text box / c. / Combo box
b. / Label / d. / List box

18. Which of the following is NOT a way to create a new form?

a. / Create Wizard / c. / Form Wizard
b. / Form Design View / d. / All of the above

19. Which of the following would most likely be used to display a Yes/No field on a form?

a. / Check box / c. / Combo box
b. / Command button / d. / Label

20. You can resize controls one pixel at a time by pressing ____ and an arrow key.

a. / [Shift] / c. / [Alt]
b. / [Ctrl] / d. / [Tab]

21. After making modifications in Form Design View, click the ____ View button to view the form and enter data.

a. / Object / c. / Form
b. / Database / d. / Preview

22. In Form Design View, you use the white arrow pointer to ____ controls.

a. / Select / c. / Resize
b. / Move / d. / Add

23. In Form Design View, double-click a sizing handle of the selected label when you want to ____.

a. / move all selected controls / c. / resize the label to fit the entire caption
b. / resize all selected controls / d. / rename the label

24. Which technique would you use to select several controls in Form Design View?

a. / Click, [Shift]+click / c. / Click, [Ctrl]+click
b. / Click, [Alt]+click / d. / Click, [Tab]+click

25. When referencing field names within an expression, surround the field name with ____.

a. / [square brackets] / c. / (parentheses)
b. / {curly brackets} / d. / "quotation marks"

26. You can press ____ to move the focus through the controls of the form.

a. / [Page Down] / c. / [F5]
b. / [Tab] / d. / [F12]

27. Controls placed in this form section print once for every record in the underlying object.

a. / Form Records / c. / Form Footer
b. / Form Header / d. / Detail

28. Controls placed in this form section print only once at the top of the printout.

a. / Form Header / c. / Form First
b. / Detail / d. / Form Top

29. Which of the following would NOT be considered a graphic image?

a. / Picture / c. / Text
b. / Logo / d. / Clip art

30. Bound object frame controls are used to display data from a field defined with what data type?

a. / Text / c. / Image
b. / Memo / d. / OLE Object


1. The ______object frame displays a picture or clip art that doesn't change as you navigate from record to record.

2. The ______button control provides an easy way to run a macro.

3. The ______button control displays "yes" or "no" answers for a field.

4. The ______object frame control displays OLE data, such as a picture.

5. ______controls are used to display and edit data on a form.

6. In Form Design View, the ______List contains the database tables and fields from the record source.

7. You would modify fonts and colors in Form ______View.

8. To change the text shown by a label, you can modify its ______property.

9. The ______Sheet is a comprehensive listing of all characteristics that have been specified for that control.

10. ______images, such as pictures, can be added to a form.


1. You would use line and rectangle controls to add data to a form. ______

2. In Form Design View, the pointer that looks like a white arrow will move records. ______

3. By default, only the first text box in a form has a tab stop and is placed in the tab order. ______

4. A calculation can begin with a >, >, or equal sign. ______

5. The only way to select all controls that intersect the selection line is to click in the horizontal ruler. ______


Match each term below with the statement that best defines it.

a. / Command button / e. / Tab control
b. / Check box / f. / Combo box
c. / Option button / g. / Toggle button
d. / Unbound object frame / h. / Bound object frame

1. Used to display a choice for a field in an option group.

2. Used to create a 3-D aspect to a form.

3. Used to display yes/no answers for a field; if the button is pressed it means yes.

4. Used to display yes/no answers for a field; if the box is checked it means yes.

5. Displays data stored by an OLE field.

6. Displays an image that doesn’t change from record to record.

7. Used to run a macro.

8. Displays a list of possible data entries for a field; uses both the list box and text box controls.


Matt Jeffries is a database designer at Quest Specialty Travel. He has used the main Tours database to isolate and analyze Adventure tours that occur in Colorado.

1. Matt needs to add a text box to calculate these tours’ end dates in a form. Which View should he select?

2. Show the expression Matt should enter to calculate each tour’s end date.

3. Matt has been asked to add Quest’s logo to the top of the form to print only once if the form is printed. In which section should he add it?

4. Matt’s boss wants him to insert an image of the state of Colorado for each record. In which section should he add this image?