The West Virginia Department of Education has created a platform to host the Golden Horseshoe Test online. We hope to have it fully functional mid-to-late month. To begin preparations for online testing, all students will need to be able to log into WebTop to access the test. WebTop accounts for all students are automatically generated. Login and passwords are accessible by building principals and/or county administration.

2014-2015 Golden Horseshoe Multiple Choice Online Test Dates

If there is a snow day or delay please contact us to reschedule if necessary. If there are technical or internet issues please have the school contact us directly as soon as possible.

Essay Portion of the Golden Horseshoe Test

Each year the Golden Horseshoe test includes an essay question. The multiple-choice portion of the test will be delivered online to your students on your assigned test date are indicated above. For the sake of the time required to read the essays, the essay portion of the test must be given on February 10, 2015.

County coordinators are responsible for distributing the essay question to all of the students in their county. Remember that home-school students will be coming to their home public school to take both portions of the test. Make sure they are made aware of the time they need to report. The essay tests will be gathered by county coordinators and returned to my office by February 20, 2015. Please remember that there is no make-up day for the essay portion and students are not required to complete the essay test in order to take the online multiple-choice portion.

Honorary Golden Horseshoe Nominations

Each year it is customary to honor selected educators or individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to West Virginia, West Virginia studies, and/or the Golden Horseshoe Program by naming them as Honorary Knights or Ladies of the Golden Horseshoe. An individual is nominated by the county superintendent. Each county superintendent may nominate only one person per year. Only ten persons a year may receive the award. In the event more than ten nominations are received, a review committee will review all nominations and select the ten most deserving nominations.

The nominee should have accomplished at least one of the following:

  1. Produced at least ten winners of the Golden Horseshoe Award.
  2. Taught WV Studies for at least 20 years.
  3. Made some other outstanding contribution to West Virginia, WV Studies and/or the Golden Horseshoe Program.

To nominate an individual, please complete the online form at

Upcoming Dates

January / 3
Mid-Month / Deadline to request Braille Test
Deadline to submit county WV Studies teachers’ names and email addresses.
Practice test on Acuity become available for students. (Practice tests are posted once a week on Fridays.)
February / 10
24-26 / Golden Horseshoe Essay Test portion for ALL counties.This is for breaking ties and students are not required to take the essay to take the online multiple choice portion.
Essay tests must be in the WVDE, Office of Secondary Learning.
Private & Home-school students’ registrations are due to the WVDE, Office of Secondary Learning.
All students must have logged into Acuity to test their usernames and passwords.
Golden Horseshoe Online Multiple Choice Test
March / 3-6
6 / Golden Horseshoe Online Multiple Choice Tests
Deadline to nominate an Honorary Golden Horseshoe recipient
April / 3
15 / Golden Horseshoe winners will be sent to counties and winner/honorary packets will be mailed to winners and selected honoraries.
Deadline for name corrections for the program, certificate and name badges
May / 1
Mid-month / Golden Horseshoe Ceremony, Capitol Complex
Golden Horseshoe Online Multiple Choice test scores will be emailed to the county superintendent and county Golden Horseshoe coordinator. Website to enter nomination:
June / Middle to End of the month / Golden Horseshoe winner and honorary memorabilia packets will be mailed.


Office of Secondary Learning

Robert “Joey” Wiseman ()

Assistant Director,

OrVeronica Barron ()

1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East

Building 6 Room 603

Charleston, WV 25305

Phone: 304-558-5325

FAX: 304-558-1834