1. NAME:

The name of the Alumni shall be the ZAKARIYAN ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONOF PHYSICSTS hereinafter called the Alumni. The name represents the Alumniof the Physics graduates from Bahauddin Zakariya University of Multan.


The registered office of the Alumni shall be located at the Department of Physics,Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, at the place designated by the Patron. Theplace so may be used and considered as an office for the purpose.


Under the constitution, unless there is any thing repugnant in the subject orcontext, the following shall mean:


ii)"MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL", means a personso elected as member of the executive council under the constitution.

iii)"MEMBER" means such a person who has been registered as amember of the Alumni.

iv)"PATRON" means a person designated as Chairman, Department ofPhysics, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, by the Universityauthorities.

v)"PRESIDENT" means a person elected, as President of the Alumniunder the constitution.

vi)"VICE PRESIDENT" means a person elected as Vice-President ofthe Alumni under the constitution.

vii)"GENERAL SECRETARY" means a person elected, as GeneralSecretary of the Alumni under the constitution.

viii)"INFORMATION SECRETARY" means a person elected. AsSecretary Information of the Alumniunder the constitution.

ix)"SECRETARY FINANCE" means a person elected as SecretaryFinance of the Alumni under the constitution.

x)"JOINT SECRETARY" means a person elected as Joint Secretary ofthe Alumni, under the constitution.

xi)"EXECUTIVE MEMBER" means a person executiveMember of the Alumni, under the constitution.

xii)"AREA REPRESENT A TIVE" means a person elected asrepresentative of the Alumni, under the constitution.

xiii)"BZU" means the Bahauddin Zakariya University of Multan.

xiv)"FACULTY" means the Department of Physics, BZU, Multan.

xv)“GRADUATE” means a person declared qualifiedM.Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D. from the Physics Department of BZU. Multan.


To provide a forum for the members to exchange their experiences andknowledge acquired from physics and to develop a community oriented towardssocio-scientific needs of the alumni.


The aims and objectives of the Alumni shall be as follows:

i)To foster unity and mutual co-operation amongst the Members.

ii)To maintain the relations between Members and the Faculty.

iii)To secure fair terms/conditions, of service and work, for the Membersand to safe-guard their interests, rights and privileges.

iv)To endeavor. resolve and redress individual and collective grievancesof the Members.

v)To undertake measures to improve the academic conditions of theMembers.

vi)To develop and maintain activities concerned with the global scientific,activities. .

vii)To promote and maintain high tone of efficiency in scientificeducation particularly in Physics.

viii)To co-operate and federate with any organization! Alumni havingsimilar objectives for their members.

ix)To render stipend/scholarship or otherwise to promote academicachievements.



All the Graduates from the Physics Department of BZU, Multan shall be eligibleto become Members of the Alumni.


The Membership of the Alumni shall consist of the following categories andqualifications:

* Fellow Member

Distinguished Physicists having the status of Life/Honorary membership with 10years professional experience

* Life Member

A member of the Alumni who contributes Rs. 1000/- once at the time ofregistration shall be considered as Life Member.

* Member

M.Sc. Physics from BZU, Multan.

* Honorary Member

A person who is faculty member of the Department of Physics of BZU, Multan,shall be considered as Honorary Member automatically without making anyrequest. The Membership fee tor Honorary Member shall be Rs. 1000/-. Anyperson leaving the Faculty shall cease to be an Honorary Member automatically.

* Associate Member

Students of the Department of Physics shall be considered as Associate Memberuntil the completion of their M.Sc./M.Phil/Ph.D. degree.


i)All Members of the Alumni will have to abide by this constitution andamendments thereof.

ii)Any Member who fails to pay his/her Annual subscription for threeconsecutive years may cease to be a Member of the Alumni, at the solediscretion of the Executive Council.

iii)If any Member ceases to be a Member as a result of default in payments ofsubscription as per clause 6.3 (ii) above he/she shall be entitled to continue hisMembership provided he pays the arrears of his subscription and InstallationCharges. In all such cases approval of the Executive Council shall benecessary. General Secretary on behalf of such Members shall obtain approvalfrom the Executive Council and intorn1 the applicant accordingly.

iv)Membership of a Member may be cancelled if he/she act against the interestsof the Alumni. In such case the General Secretary shall present the case to the Executive Council. The Member shall be inforn1ed of an intending action inwriting at his/her last available residential and lor office address by theGeneral Secretary and be given an opportunity to clarify his/her position. TheExecutive Council mayor may not cancel the Membership after its entiresatisfaction.

i)In the event of the cancellation of the Membership, the Member can appealagainst the decision to the Chief Patron of the Alumni within 60 (sixty) daysof the issuance of the letter of cancellation.

6.4 DUES:

i)Registration Charges:

Admission charges shall be Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only) to be paidonce with the application.

ii)Annual Subscription:

Annual Subscription shall be Rs. 100/- (Rupees One hundred only) to be paidannually for renewal of Membership except Life/Honorary Membership.

ii)Installation Charges:

Installation charges shall be Rs.200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) to be paidfor reinstatement of Registration after cancellation.


All the members of the Alumni will constitute the General Body which will be thesupreme authority of the Alumni.


i)The meeting of the General Body will be held at least once a year. Exactdate, time and place of which shall be intimated to all the Members ontheir last postal Addresses available in the Registers of the Alumni. at least30 (thirty) days in advance, by the General Secretary of the Alumni.

ii)Ten percent(10%) of the total Registered -Members of the Alumni willconstitute a quorum for a general Body Meeting.

iii)The following business shall be transacted in the Annual meeting(s) of theGeneral Body.

a)Confirn1ation of the minutes of the previous meeting.

b)To discuss and approve the annual budget for thefinancial year.

c)To adopt and approve report of the General Secretarywith regard to the activities of the Alumni during theyear.

d)To approve audited statements of accounts.

e)To appoint Auditors to check the accounts for the currentyear.

f)To transact any other business which may be brought forth with the permission of the Presiding Member.

iv)The extra-ordinary or emergent meeting of the General Body may becalled any time at short notice by the President or General Secretary ifhe/she is satisfied that such a meeting is necessary or at the request of Halfof the total strength of the Registered Members or by the 2/3 majority ofthe Executive Council.

v)If the General Secretary fails to convene the General Body meeting within10(ten) days from the date such call under clause 7.1 (iv) then the 2/3rdMember of the Executive Councilor half of the total Member maythemselves convene the Meeting and the Meeting so held shall beconsidered to be valid provided any decision taken therein is supported bythe majority of the total Members of the Alumni.

vi)Ten percent(10%) of the total Registered Members the Alumni constitutesa quorum for Generaf Body Meeting, but no quorum shall be required forthe Adjourn Meetings i.e. when an earlier Meeting has been adjourned tosome other specified date tor want of quorum. At least 24 hours priornotice will be given to the Members for an Adjourned meeting. But forany decision. majority of total Members as explained in clause 7.1 (v)above will be essential.


The Executive Council of the alumni shall be vested in the form of the followingoffice bearers:



iii)General Secretary

iv)Information Secretary

v)Secretary Finance.

vi)Joint Secretary

vii)Executive Members 5 (Five) Nos. -"


i)All office bearers of Executive Council enumerated in Article 8 above shall beelected by the General body after every two years at the time of the AnnualGeneral Body Meeting.

ii)Only the Member(s) with no outstandi;1g dues shall have the right to vote. '

iii)All the Members with no outstanding dues of Alumni shall be eligible to seek election for all posts.

iv)A Member can seek election for one office only.

v)At the time of Annual General Body Meeting the Executive Council will constitute an Election Authority, comprising one Chairman and four members (from the members of the alumni other than the members of the Executive Council), for conducting and supervising the elections..

vi)Chairman and the members of the Election Authority shall not be entitled to seek election for any office for the term of which such Election Authority has been constituted.

vii)The Election Authority shall notify the Election schedule, procedure and other Rules and Regulations pertaining to the elections at the time of Annual General Body Meeting.


i)All powers of the Alumni will be vested in the General Body which will be the Supreme Authority of the Alumni.

ii)It will elect the office bearers who will constitute the Executive Council of the alumni for a term of two years.

iii)It will formulate proposals, policies and mandate for the guidance of an implementation by the Executive Council.

iv)It will recommend the areas and approve nomination of a Member$ as Area Representative.

v)It will approve and pass the Annual Accounts and budget presented by the Executive Council.

vi)It will approve appointment. of Auditors to check and authenticate the Accounts of the Alumni.


i)The Executive Council shall conduct all affairs of the Alumni within the framework of the Constitution except those which are expressly directed orrequired to be done in a General Body Meeting.

ii)It will chalk Qut the program and policy of the Alumni and will take suitableaction to implement the same.

iii)The Executive Council may constitute sub-committee(s) for the purpose of supervising and managing the affairs of the Alumni. It will specify the nature of work of each Sub-Committee. The Sub-Committee will submit a report to Executive Council in respect of the work assigned to it. The Executive Council may ti.ame the rules and lay down the procedure for functioning of such Sub-Committee(s) shall act accordingly.


i)The Executive Council shall hold its regular Meetings at least once in every 6 months. Notice in writing of which will be given to all the Members of Executive Council by the General Secretary at least six days before the date of the Meeting.

ii)The General Secretary shall intimate the date, time and place of the meetingalong with a copy of the Agenda to all the Members of the Executive Council.

iii)The President or in his absence Vice-President will !Jreside over all themeetings.

iv)Decisions in the Executive Council Meetings shall be taken on the basis ofmajority of votes of all the Members present in that Meeting. In case of equal votes on both sides the Presiding Members shall exercise the right of casting his vote.

v)Voting by proxy will not be allowed in any meeting. .

vi)The extra-ordinary meeting of the Executive Council may be called, at any time, by the President or General Secretary at a short notice if he/she is satisfied that such a Meeting is necessary or upon a requisition in writing of a majority of Members of the Executive Council to consider and decide urgentmatters placed before the Committee.

vii)If the President or General secretary fails to convene a meeting within 6 (six)days of the receipt of a requisition under clause 7 (iii) above, the membersrequisitioning such meeting shall convene the meeting themselves and decision taken therein by a majority of the members of the meeting shall be valid and binding, provided any decision taken therein is supported by themajority of the total.members of the Alumni. .

viii)One half of the members of the Executive Council shall constitute the quorumfor a meeting provided that no quorum shall be required for a meeting as adjourned for want of a quorum. At least 24 hours prior notice shall be givento members of Executive Council for an adjourned meeting.



i)The president shall be responsible for general !lupervision of the activities ofthe Alumni and preside over the meetings or the Executive Council andGeneral Body.

ii)The President shall exercise all the powers which are required to maintaindiscipline in the meetings of the Executive Council and General Body.

iii)The president shall examine, finalize and approve the Agenda of the meetingof the Executive Councilor General Body when submitted to him by theGeneral Secretary.

iv)The President shall discharge such other functions as are entrusted to him bythe General Body or the Managing Committee.


i)The Vice-President shall assist the President in discharge of his duties andfunctions.

ii)Vice-President shall discharge such other duties, as assigned to him by theExecutive Councilor the President from time to time.

iii)In the absence of the President, Vice-President shall discharge the saidfunctions aJ1d duties as assigned to the President. upon such authorization inwriting by President.


i)The General Secretary shall maintain and keep in his custody all recordsrequired to be maintained for working of the Alumni.

ii)He/She shall correspond with the Members and any other body on behalf ofthe Alumni.

iii)He/She shall prepare an Agenda of the General Body meeting and ExecutiveCouncil Meeting. He/She shall invite proposals from the Members and aftergetting the approval of the President incorporate them in the Agenda.Approved Agenda for the meeting shall be communicated to all the Membersor the Members of the Executive Council at least 7 (seven)/3 (three) daysprior to the General Body Meeting / Executive Council Meeting, respectivelyas the case may be. '

iv)He/She shall supervise and maintain proper functioning of the affairs of theAlumni. When any proposal is submitted to him/her with regard to theexpenses being incurred for the purpose of the Alumni by "the MemberManaging Committee, he/she shall scrutinize it and authorize the expenseswith consultation of the President.

v)He/She shall discharge such other functions as are assigned to him/herby theGeneral Body and/or Executive Councilor the President.

vi)He/She shall prepare Annual Report of the activities of the Alumni and submitit to Executive Council and after its approval he/she shall present it to theGeneral Body Meeting.


He/She shall assist the General Secretary in dealing with matters concerned with Social aspects, Relationship with Public and Media.


i)He/She shall assist the General Secretary in dealing with all the moneytransaction connected with the Alumni.

ii)He/She shall maintain the Registers, as detailed in Clause 16, of the Alumni.

iii)He/She shall prepare a Balance Sheet at the end of every calendar year andsubmit to the Executive Council for its approval.

iv)He/She shall prepare annual returns showing the receipts, expenditures, assetsand liabilities of the Alumni for the year ending 31 sl day of the December ofevery year.


i)Joint Secretary shall assist the General Secretary in discharging of his/herduties and functions.

ii)Joint Secretary shall discharge such other duties .IS assigned to him/her by theExecutive Councilor President or General Secret.lry.

iii)In the absence of General Secretary. Joint Secretary shall discharge thefunctions and duties of General Secretary upon such authorization in writingby President or General Secretary.


Executive Members shall assist the Executive Committee in related matters asrequired.


Area Representatives shall assist and coordinate with the Executive Committeefor Alumni matters.

14. FUNDS:

i)The amounts collected for the Alumni through subscription or otherwise(herein called funds) shall be deposited in an account. opened in the name ofAlumni, in a branch as approved by the Executive Council.

ii)The amount in the bank account shall be operated jointly by the Alumni officebearers namely the President or General Secretary)' and Finance Secretary.

iii)Any amount received by the Alumni shall be deposited in the bank accountsof the Alumni immediately.

iv)The Accounts of the Alumni shall be audited by Auditors approved by the General Body on December 31st of every year. Audit of Accounts shall bemade in accordance with the provisions of I.R.O. 1969 and its subsequentamendments thereof.


i)The income of the Alumni whatsoever derived shall be applied solely towardspromotion of the objects and purposes of the Alumni as set forth in article 5 ofthis constitution.

ii)Payment of expenses for the administration of the Alumni including audit ofaccounts and the funds of the Alumni.

iii)Provision of education or social benefits for the Members (including thepayment of the expenses of the funeral for the deceased members) or for thedependents of the members.

iv)Payment, in furtherance of any of the subject of the Alumni and towards anycause to its benefits and other lawful expenses.


iii)Vacancy arising in result of the resignation, removal or cessation ofMembership of President or General Secretary shall be filled in bymeans of Normal Election Procedures.

iv)If any member of Executive Council is found to have committed fraudor has acted against the interest(s) of the Alumni or has willfullyviolated the provision of this Constitution, he shall be given anopportunity to explain his conduct and the Executive Council shallconsider the explanation. If the charges against such a Member areestablished, he may be removed by 2/3 votes of the members of theExecutive Council.