Solicitation of 2012 Sweepings Requests
TO:Student Body President, Vice President, and Chief of Staff
Student Body Treasurer
Directors of Executive Agencies
Directors of Executive Bureaus
Directors of SGA Affiliated Projects
Director of the Office of Governmental Affairs
Directors of Student Academic Programs,
Oglesby Union Board Chairperson & Union Officials
Campus Recreation Board Chairperson & Campus Recreation Officials
Senior Class President
Chair of the Resource for Travel Allocations Committee
Chair of the Programming Allocations Committee
Division of Student Affairs Departments
FSU Departments
FROM:Itai Raz,Chair of the 65th Student Senate Sweepings Committee
Andrew Forst, Vice Chair of the 65th Student Senate Sweepings Committee
DATE:November9th 2012
This letter is to inform you of the upcoming allocation of $560,000 of sweepings funds. At this time, the Senate Sweepings Committee is soliciting requests for these monies from the organizations specifically enumerated above. Requests from Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) and other entities will not be considered; RSOs should apply for funding through either the Resource for Travel Allocations Committee or the Programming Allocations Committee, which are eligible to apply for sweepings allocations. Hearings and deliberations will be conducted by the Senate Sweepings Committee to determine the proper disbursement of these funds, which will then be formally allocated via the Senate Sweepings Bill before the end of the Fall term.
Please read and consider all deadlines and guidelines published in this packet carefully when composing your request. When you turn in your request packet along with any supplemental materials (due Friday, November 16th by 12:00 pm (Noon) to the SGA Accounting & Advising Office), you will sign up for a hearing date and time. Your organization is expected to be represented by the director, assistant director or financial officer. Please be prepared to discuss the benefit to the student body that the fulfillment of your request would provide, justify all proposed expenses, prioritize your requests, defend previous organizational fiscal decisions, and present any other information you feel would be necessary or helpful to the Sweepings Committee in their deliberations on your request.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the sweepings process, please feel free to contact the Sweepings Committee Chair Itai Raz at (954) 684-4029, or via email at . You may also contact Vicki Dobiyanski, Director of Student Affairs, at or (850) 644-0939. Thank you much for your time, and we look forward to seeing you in the coming weeks.
Timeline of 2012 Sweepings Process
Friday, November 9th Request Packets available
Friday, November 16thRequest Packet submission deadline @12:00 pm
November 26th – 30thHearings will be held Tuesday-Thursday. Please sign up for a hearing time when you turn in your request packet.
Wednesday, December 5thSweepings Bill put on 2nd reading at Senate; allocations made available to organizations immediately upon the bill’s passage by Senate majority and the signature of the Student Body President.
Forming Your Sweepings Request Packet
Your packet will consist of the form on the last page of this document, followed by answers to the questions below, along with any other detailed justification of your monetary requests. There is no specific format for this packet (aside from the form), but please keep these points in mind:
- Explain your organization’s purpose and mission.
- If requesting funds in any category, please give a description of what the funds will be used for. Be as detailed as possible.
- If your organization receives less funding, what category should be cut?
- Discuss how the proposals for which you are requesting funding will benefit the largest number of FSU students, and how they will better your organization and further its intended mission.
- Please ensure the email address and telephone number provided will be valid up to the time of hearings. Also include any other information or supplemental materials that you would like to add to your request.
- Address every line item in your request, and justify as much as possible. Leave no room for ambiguity.
- Include price quotes, receipts, advertisements, web printouts, or any other material that can assist us in assigning a concrete dollar value to your request. If possible, please provide several quotes for each item requested.
- Include the positive aspects of your organization, like successful fund-raising and self-generation of money, successful past programming, and the number of people who typicallyattend your organization’s events.
Guidelines for Categorical Requests
Your requests will be made on an account-by-account (category-by-category) basis, similar to the annual budget. The following guidelines have been set by the Sweepings Committee as a reflection of our priorities for funding; please bear them in mind when forming your requests.
Salary Wages and benefits for any USPS or A&P positions. Not generally considered in Sweepings.
OPS Wages Student employee wages; only relevant to Sweepings in cases where a new paid position has been created, there has been a rise in wages or hours of paid officers, or you wish to begin compensating a previously unpaid position. In any case, clear necessity must be demonstrated for such a request to be considered. Please plan on $7.67 per hour for minimum wage.
Contractual Services Money to pay for a contractually-bound visiting speaker or entertainer. Be able to furnish the name and prospective performance date of said speakers/entertainers, and provide a quote of the direct cost (only include those items paid for in the contract; this may or may not include lodging for visiting speakers, etc.)
Expense Advertising & Promotion (an event-by-event breakdown, including what amounts are to be spent on each medium, is preferred), Office Supplies (not generally considered in Sweepings; bring inventories of current office supplies), Facility Rentals, Membership Fees & Subscriptions (if looking to join a nation/state- wide organization that collects dues, bring documentation about the national/state-level entity), and Travel (be prepared with alternatives to airfare, reasonable hotel requests, and documentation about the event/conference being traveled to).
Food Requests for food account funding will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. This category is not for food for regular general body meetings. Cultural awareness activities and banquets (open to all FSU students) may be considered.
Clothing & Awards T-shirts, polos, costumes, nametags, trophies, plaques, certificates, etc. Please be prepared to explain the benefit to the student body from the distribution of any t-shirts or polo shirts.
Operating Capital Outlay Items costing more than $5,000 and that will last the organization several years.
65th Student Senate
Request Packet for Funding from Sweepings
Organization Name: ______
Director/Chairperson: ______
Phone #: ______Email: ______
Treasurer: ______
Phone #: ______Email: ______
Budgetary CategoryAmount Requested
Salary:$ ______
OPS Wages:$ ______
Contractual Services:$ ______
Expense:$ ______
Food:$ ______
Clothing/Awards:$ ______
O.C.O.:$ ______
TOTAL:$ ______
Signature of Director/Chairperson: ______Date: ______
Signature of Entity’s Treasurer: ______Date: ______