2018-2019 Speaker Proposal Submission Guidelines

ICF Washington State is a charter chapter of the International Coaches Federation (ICF) committed to advancing the art, science and practice of professional coaching. The ICF definition of professional coaching is available on the Global ICF Website.

Our Purpose as a coaching culture is to nurture, serve and expand our profession both globally and within ICF Washington State. Our commitment is to raise awareness for our profession: building bridges to create powerful and inclusive groups of coaches and allied professionals committed to the vision of helping people live meaningful and productive lives.

We are an interdependent community of professionals who are committed to the ICF core values of integrity, excellence, collaboration and respect and the ICF core coaching competencies. Our commitment includes modeling coaching excellence, advancing public awareness about professional coaching and confidence in coaching as a profession, as well as collecting relevant research which applies to coaching and the impact on consumers of coaching. We serve people at all system levels ranging from individuals and groups to organizations, communities and the global community.

Our meetings are a gathering place where members and allied professionals network and whereleaders and innovators provide instruction and guidance on topics, tools, coaching models and ideas important today and in the near future for professional coaches and coaches-in-training.


Coaching topic areas could include and are not limited to:

  1. ICF Core Competency training
  2. Building a service business
  3. Marketing & sales tools and techniques for service professionals
  4. Social networking as a tool in building credibility and attracting clients
  5. Using behavioral assessments in coaching
  6. How to determine a coaching niche
  7. Other - Please explain how the topic would benefit the chapter’s member coaches.

In-Person ICFWA Satellite Meetings:Our IdealSpeakerswill offer presentations that are relevant and exciting to professional coaches, organizational practitioners, strategic partners, and coaches-in-training. We appreciate speakers who both invite and challenge our thinking with their presentations. We are interested in speakers who balance stand-and-deliver speaking with opportunities for audience interaction and application of learning. Successful proposals will address today’s challenges with pragmatic, proven solutions and/or model fresh approaches and dynamic opportunities for coaching excellence—projects that are unique, innovative and results-focused will be given preference.

In-Person presentations at one or more of the Satellites - ICF Washington State has 6 Satellites: NW Coaches Corner, North Seattle, Downtown Seattle, Kitsap, Eastside, and South Sound. We invite speakers to plan on 90interactive minutes for their presentation and Q&A with attendees depending on the event. We encourage speakers to allow time for reflection and dialog as part of the presentation in order to honor multiple learning styles.

  • Marketing: We market your class to our network of ICF Chapter Members and our Affiliate Chapter Members. We post your presentation on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. We ask that you also market the class to your network

Virtual Platform: Our Ideal Speaker is someone comfortable with working on a Virtual Platform. ICFWA hosts the class, takes care of the housekeeping issues in Zoom (muting oneself, being on or off camera, etc), we can help you with your slides, if you have slides. Otherwise, you moderate the class and group discussions, you offer in-depth knowledge, exercises, experience of the topic area, and a willingness and ability to assess challenges presented and provide answers, tips and solutions.

Virtual Lunchtime Learning Classes are heldmonthly except for the combined Nov/Dec class. We deliver the class via ZOOM.All virtual classes are recorded and shared with participants and Chapter members.

Purpose: These virtual presentations are intended to provide our members with information specific to ICF Core Competencies, or to address the need of our coaches for Resource Development in the operating and marketing a service business.The classes are typically 1.5 hours long. ICFWA manages the process of applying for CCEUs, we record the classes to share with our members on our website for future learning opportunities, and we provide the Zoom Room.

Marketing: We market the class to our network of ICF Chapter Members, to our Affiliate Chapter Members, to ICF Global Members, on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. We ask that you also market the class to your network. To that end, please add your Twitter and Instagram Handles, connect with your support host through LinkedIn, and you are welcome to join our ICF Washington State Facebook Page.


  • The opportunity to share your brilliance with our 500+ Chapter Members and 850+ Chapter Affiliates. Visibility and exposure to our ICF WASHINGTON STATE chapter membership as well as allied organizations such as SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), ASTD (American Society of Trainers and Developers) and PNODN (Pacific Northwest Organizational Development Network).
  • A link to your website and your logo on the event page for your presentation.
  • Real-time feedback/input to your presentation from attendees. On the Virtual Platform, we gather feedback and within the following month can forward the feedback to you after it’s collected.
  • In the virtual classes, you will have access to the video recording 3 months after your class and you may use up to 30 minutes of the video for your own marketing purposes.
  • Please note: Due to a limited budget, we do not pay for speakers or travel-related costs.


The information below is alsoavailable on the ICF WASHINGTON STATE website: Events > Apply to Speak > Speaker Interest Form > Submit

  1. Review the International Coach Federation Definition of Coaching.
  2. Determine how your presentation can best address the professional development needs of our members within the contexts of the ICF Definition of Coaching.
  3. Complete the Speaker Application Form and Submit it.
  4. We will want a Class Name, Class Description, Key Learning Objectives, your Bio, website address, and social media information.
  5. We will notify you that your information has been received, within 7-10 business days.
  6. If you have not heard from us, please contact our Virtual Assistant at:

What to Submit

  • Completed Online Speaker Application Form

Please remember: If your proposal is submitted in a different format than the one posted on our website we will return it. We are responsible to review numerous proposals and a consistent format allows us to appropriately review and assess your proposal and your expertise.


We will acknowledge receipt of your proposal within ten business days. Our review will consider individual merit, the needs of our organization, and the balance of the year-long program content.

After acceptance of your proposal we will send you more specific information pertinent to the location, date(s) and other details regarding your presentation,


Please email Ann Baus:

Thank you for your interest in participating with our ICF Chapter!


Revised February 2018