2930Aug. 2015 CELL LEADER’S WEEKLY RESOURCE Compiled by Pr. Moy How



  1. Testimonies Through Reflections


i)Get hold of the Bible Reading Plan from:

and begin an exciting journey in the discovery of the Lord’s personal word to you.

ii)Request one of your members to share journal entry.

iii)Pair up members to share with, and pray for one another.

iv)If there are any good testimonies, ask your members to write out their testimonies and submit to the church:.

  1. Looking Ahead

b)Prayer Advance

IPM(intercessory &Prayer Ministry

Every Saturday |September 2015 | 7.00-9.30 am

Room 101|102

Contact person : Christie Chong@ 017-5610171

c)Mens Encounter Weekend

30 October – 1 November 2015 (fri-Sun)|Empress Hotel ,Sepang

Online Registration :

Closing Date :18 October 2015

Further Info Please contact : Wun Meng @

d)Ministry 202 (Moving in the Gifts of the Spirit)

i)Since we have embarked on the Book of Acts sermon series to get into action and living a radical life for God, there is a must attend equipping course ‘Ministry 202’ for us to sign up. To practice the importance of the presence and to be filledby the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.

ii)It is over two Saturdays, 12 and 19 September from 8.30 am – 1.00 pm.

iii)Sign up online at or at info-counter.


Learn to listen to the Holy Spirit.

i)Pause to release words for the person next to you within the boundaries with words of comfort, encouragement and strengthening. See 1 Cor. 14:3.

f)Prayer Focus


Faith@Work is a ministry that bridges the gap between one’s faith and daily life in the marketplace so that we are empowered to be his ambassadors and disciples in the world beyond the church walls. Christians also face various challenges at work, whether in terms of integrity, work ethics and honesty; thus support and encouragement is helpful in terms of reconciling one’s beliefs and work practices.


  • Christians to stand firm when faced with challenges at work that may compromise their faith.
  • Christians will be conduits of blessing to those around them.
  • Christians will be faithful to God’s calling upon their lives as responsible workers and make a positive impact/witness in communities.
  • Those who face issues or challenges will be able to find support and mentors who can guide them to do what is right.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters (Colossians 3:23)


National Day will fall on 31 August 2015 while Malaysia Day will be celebrated on 16 September amidst growing concerns regarding social and economic stability. The Malaysian Ringgitfell drastically in value over the last few months while the implementation of GST has affected consumers. Malaysians of all walks of life are feeling the effects of both these domestic issues and the drop in global oil prices.


  • Social and political stability.
  • Measures will be taken to strengthen the nation’s economy and currency.
  • The Church to continue praying for the land
  • Men of integrity and vision to lead the land and form national policies.
  • We will be faithful and diligent workers in our industries and workplaces.
  • Those who face unemployment to have His peace and be able to find work.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4)

g)Equipping Schedule

i)Have a thorough look at the weekend’s Celebration bulletin of courses running.

ii)Track your members’ log and sign them up.

*For all sign-up events and Equipping courses, we do encourage members to cultivate a habit to sign-up early as to help the task force in expediting their planning and preparation. The other plus point in registering early is the non occurrence for late charges.

Thank you for your understanding!


Sermon Topic:

Gossip the Gospel


By PrChris Kam (Deputy Senior Pastor)

  • Read the scripture passage.
  • Do a THREE-MINUTE SUMMARY of the sermon highlighting KEY POINTS – you do not preach the whole sermon again, as the majority of your cell members would have heard the sermon over the previous weekend. In this way, we want to allocate more time for sharing in the cell through the application questions below.
  • Transcript of the sermon at:

Questions for Discussion:

  1. Are we ready to Perish for the Gospel ?
  2. How can we stand ready to pray ? what steps must we take ?
  3. What is the difference between sharing and preaching?
  4. How can we Discern the need ?

Note to Word leader:

As you are preparing for this session, this is a great time to pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you to use the questions efficaciously. You can select, modify or entirely create your own questions, according to the needs of your CG.

Soft copy of the DUA is available at: 1