March 26, 2003
TO:Ole Petterson (‘Tycho’)
De Anza Student Body (DASB) Representative
FROM:Andrew LaManque
De Anza College Researcher
SUBJECT:Honors Students Enrolled in Honors Courses, Fall 2002
Please find below information you requested on De Anza College Honors Program enrollments.
At De Anza College the calculation of honors student enrollments is based on a number of factors, including:
- First, as you are aware, students must meet certain requirements to be considered eligible for the Honors Program.
- Second, each quarter there are students who may be eligible for the program, but do not register for a course designated with an ‘H’ (for Honors) in the section number.
- Third, due to low course enrollments, many honors sections were opened up to students not verified as eligible for the Honors Program.
As depicted in Figure 1 below, in the fall of 2002, five courses were run as honors sections.
Figure 1Fall 2002 De Anza College
Honors Courses
ANTH001.05H / Phys Anthro
ELIT012.01H / Intro Dramatic Literature
ELIT030X01H / Special Topics In Lit.
EWRT001A22H / Composition & Reading
SPCH010.15H / Fund Of Oral Commun
Note: EWRT1A14H was not run as an Honors Course and is not
included in the enrollment figures.
De Anza Research, March 26, 2003
Enrollment figures can be view from at least two perspectives:
A)Duplicated Course Enrollment, which counts the number of seats occupied in each class, regardless of whether the same students may be sitting in more than one course.
B)Unduplicated Headcount Enrollment, which counts the number of individuals served, counting each person once, even if they are enrolled in more than one course.
The Duplicated Course Enrollment (including both honors and non-honors students) for the sections listed in Figure 1 was 110. The Unduplicated Headcount for all students in these sections was 64. The number of Duplicated Course Enrollments from honors eligible students was 95. The Unduplicated Headcount Enrollment of honors students enrolling in honors sections in the fall of 2002 was 52 (note: There were 12 students enrolled in these sections who were not in the Honors Program). The last figure (52 students) is most often used as a measure of the number of students served by the program.
The results presented in Figure 2 below are consistent with the figures outlined in the March 21, 2003 memo from Dr. Marion Y. Winters to DASB Students.
Figure 2Fall 2002 De Anza College
Enrollment Comparisons
Total College Enrollment / 25,286
Honors Students Enrolled In Honors Courses / 52
cc: President of DASB