Table 1 The list of pathologic diagnoses of patients in the control group.
Disease / Number / Disease / Number / Disease / Numberparotid adenolymphoma / 79 / sialaden pleomorphic adenoma / 54 / schwannoma / 49
leiomyoma / 46 / hemangioma / 45 / lipoma / 41
colorectal adenoma / 37 / meningioma / 30 / papilloma / 25
pituitary adenoma / 22 / ovary mature teratoma / 18 / nodular goiter / 13
thyroid adenoma / 12 / breast fibroadenoma / 12 / adrenal cortical adenoma / 12
thymoma (type A) / 9 / fibroma / 6 / adrenal pheochromocytoma / 5
endometriosis / 4 / dermoid cyst / 4 / parotitis / 4
fibroangioma / 3 / fibrolipoma / 3 / angiomyolipoma / 3
neurofibroma / 3 / paraganglioma / 3 / osteoma / 3
parotid oxyphilic cell adenoma / 2 / prostatic hyperplasia / 2 / breast benigh phyllodes tumor / 2
maxillary enameloblastoma / 2 / adenomatoid tumor of the epididymis / 2 / parotid monomorphic adenoma / 2
urethritis / 2 / polycystic kidney / 1 / cystadenoma of the seminal vesicle / 1
funicular hydrocele / 1 / vocal cord mucosal leukoplakia / 1 / renal parotid oxyphilic cell adenoma / 1
metanephric adenoma / 1 / myopericytoma / 1 / ileal diverticulum / 1
lymphangioma / 1 / seborrheic keratosis / 1 / lung fibroadenoma / 1
adrenal cortical hyperplasia / 1 / mediastinal inflammatory pseudotumor / 1 / lymphoid tissue hyperplasia / 1
Pancreatic serous cystadenoma / 1 / liver focal nodular hyperplasia / 1 / renal hamartoma / 1
angiolipoma / 1 / cystitis / 1 / cholangitis / 1
bronchitis / 1
Table 2 Associations of gastric cancer risk factors, hepatitis B surface antigen with gastric cancer risk in objects without a family history of gastric cancer: univariate logistic regression analyses
variable / Gastric cancer group(n=539) No. (%) / Control group (n=575) No. (%) / OR / 95% CI / P valueABO blood group (A/B/AB/O) / 0.57
O / 207(39.1) / 242(42.5) / 1 / reference
A / 155(29.3) / 147(25.8) / 1.23 / 0.92-1.65 / 0.16
B / 132(25.0) / 145(25.4) / 1.06 / 0.79-1.44 / 0.68
AB / 35(6.6) / 36(6.3) / 1.14 / 0.69-1.88 / 0.62
History of chronic gastritis(No/Yes) / 468/71(86.8/13.2) / 554/21(96.3/3.7) / 4.00 / 2.42-6.61 / <0.001
Smoking (Never/Past and/or current) / 338/198(63.1/36.9) / 355/220(61.7/38.3) / 0.95 / 0.74-1.21 / 0.65
Alcohol consumption(Never/Past and/or current) / 441/95(82.3/17.7) / 483/92(84.0/16.0) / 1.13 / 0.83-1.55 / 0.44
History of diabetesmellitus(No/Yes) / 503/36(93.3/6.7) / 542/33(94.3/5.7) / 1.18 / 0.72-1.91 / 0.52
HBsAg(Negative/Positive) / 451/88(83.7/16.3) / 506/70(88.0/12.0) / 1.43 / 1.02-2.01 / 0.04
Table 3 Association between HBsAg with gastric cancer adjusted by age, sex and risk factors in objects without a family history of gastric cancer: multivariate logistic regression analyses
Variable / AOR / 95% CI / P valueHBsAg (Negative/Positive) / 1.49 / 1.06-2.11 / 0.03
History of chronic gastritis(No/Yes) / 4.00 / 2.41-6.63 / <0.001
Sex (Female/Male) / 0.98 / 0.75-1.27 / 0.85
Age (as a continuous variable) / 1.00 / 0.99-1.01 / 0.53
Year of diagnosis (2007/2008/2009) / 0.94 / 0.80-1.12 / 0.49
Table 4Subgroup analyses for patients with HBsAg negative and without a family history of gastric cancer: univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses
Variable / Univariate analyses / Multivariate analysesOR / 95% CI / P value / AOR / 95% CI / Pvalue
HBsAg negative (A) / 0.08 / 0.03
HBsAg negative&anti-HBc negative&anti-HBs negative / 1 / reference / 1 / reference
HBsAg negative&anti-HBc negative&anti-HBs positive / 1.01 / 0.73-1.41 / 0.95 / 1.01 / 0.72-1.41 / 0.95
HBsAg negative&anti-HBc positive&anti-HBs negative / 1.61 / 0.96-2.68 / 0.07 / 1.71 / 1.01-2.87 / 0.04
HBsAg negative&anti-HBc positive&anti-HBs positive / 0.81 / 0.55-1.20 / 0.29 / 0.76 / 0.51-1.13 / 0.18
HBsAg negative (B) / 0.08 / 0.03
HBsAg negative&anti-HBc positive&anti-HBs negative / 1 / reference / 1 / reference
HBsAg negative&anti-HBc negative&anti-HBs positive / 0.63 / 0.39-1.01 / 0.05 / 0.59 / 0.37-0.96 / 0.03
HBsAg negative&anti-HBc positive&anti-HBs positive / 0.51 / 0.30-0.84 / 0.01 / 0.45 / 0.26-0.75 / 0.002
HBsAg negative&anti-HBc negative&anti-HBs negative / 0.62 / 0.37-1.04 / 0.07 / 0.57 / 0.35-0.99 / 0.04
There were respectively 451 and 506 cases included in the analyses in gastric cancer and control group.
The results of multivariate analyses were adjusted by history of chronic gastritis(No/Yes), family history of gastric cancer(No/Yes), age (As a continuous variable), sex (Male/Female) and year of diagnosis (2007/2008/2009).
Table 5Multivariate logistic regression analyses for the association between ABO blood group and gastric cancer.
variable / AOR / 95% CI / P valueABO blood group (A/B/AB/O) / 0.33
O / 1 / reference
A / 1.30 / 0.97-1.74 / 0.08
B / 1.02 / 0.75-1.39 / 0.88
AB / 1.19 / 0.72-1.97 / 0.51
History of chronic gastritis(No/Yes) / 4.45 / 2.67-7.45 / <0.001
Family history of gastric cancer(No/Yes) / 8.07 / 3.13-20.83 / <0.001
HBsAg(Negative/Positive) / 1.51 / 1.07-2.13 / 0.02
Age (as a continuous variable ) / 1.00 / 0.99-1.01 / 0.55
Sex (male/female) / 1.01 / 0.78-1.31 / 0.95
Year of diagnosis (2007/2008/2009) / 0.94 / 0.79-1.11 / 0.46
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Table 6 The association between HBsAg status and Hp infection status in gastric cancer
Hp negative No. (%) / Hp positive No. (%) / PvalueHBsAg negative / 27 (75.0) / 172 (81.5) / 0.361
HBsAg positive / 9 (25.0) / 39 (18.5)