Present: Garbis, Tiffany; Hernandez, John; Howell, Scott; Lamourelle, Regina; Lennertz, Will; Pham, Minh; Tjiptahadi, Rudy; Voelcker, Aaron; Wagner, Joyce; Walker, Mary

I.  SLO and Assessment Checklists

A.  Class criteria for success was added and approved. It was suggested that the samples not all use 70%.

B.  The checklists will be sent to CIC for them to use as they see fit.

C.  The committee decided that the entry of assessment methods should not be required in CurricUNET. Hopefully, TaskStream will be up soon and the information will be entered there.

II.  Student Guide Link

A.  The proposed “An SLO Guide for Students” was presented and approved with minor revisions. If no further suggestions are forthcoming, the guide will be posted on the SLOARC and OIE&A web pages.

B.  The guide will go to ASG for discussion, and ASG will document the discussion via minutes.

III. Sustainable, Continuous, Quality, Improvement (SCQI) Document.

A.  The document was viewed and some minor changes suggested.

B.  The revised document will be sent to the CIC for approval.

C.  There were still some questions about where certain areas fit. Aaron will make available the list he used in setting up TaskStream.

D.  There was also a question about whether we needed Institutional Learning Outcomes distinct from our General Education SLOs (LCATs).

IV. Updates:

A.  Accreditation:

1.  The ACCJC annual report is due on March 30.

a.  One of the sections is about student learning outcomes and assessment.

b.  The OIE&A will be working on collecting the numbers. Some of the answers depend on the definition of program and student learning and support activities.

c.  The question “Percent of all programs with SLO assessment results available to prospective students” is an issue because many programs have been doing program assessment via maps to courses that were assessed. This method does not give results tied to specific program SLOs.

B.  TaskStream: The implementation is still underway. One of the biggest difficulties is seeing how the different work areas tie together. This will not be an issue for the users; they will see only their areas.

C.  ParTest and ParScore:

1.  Faculty are continuing to pilot the product.

2.  One of the key benefits is the item analysis features which allow faculty to determine if questions are valid and achieving what is hoped for.

D.  Student Article:

1.  There will be an article about SLOs in the next student newsletter.

E.  Publicity:

1.  Eric Harsen submitted a draft of all-text graphics to publicize the LCATs. There were some suggested modifications.

2.  The art department will be contacted about designing a logo or some images to represent the LCATs or SLOs in general.

F.  Other:

1.  A draft of the Catalog will be sent out March 12. Departments will have a chance to see how the Program Award SLOs look.

Next Meeting Date: Thursday, March 7, 3pm, Room E-204.