Carmunnock Primary School

Drama Policy

August 2010


Physical, emotional and intellectual development is an essential part of any child’s education. Drama affords pupils an opportunity to grow and develop in all these areas. Using a variety of contexts children will be able to explore issues and ideas with their peers developing creativity and enhancing self-esteem.


·  To develop and enhance drama skills

·  To understand drama as a subject

·  To explore issues through drama

·  To familiarise pupils with the language of formal drama

Planning for effective learning and teaching

The teaching of drama will be based on the Curriculum For Excellence Outcomes Experiences

·  Creating and Presenting

·  Expressing and communicating ideas, thoughts and feelings

·  Evaluating, appreciating and commenting

Planning and Assessment

Planning will be based on the children’s needs and assessment of prior learning. Content will enhance the children’s knowledge and understanding and will be used to ensure that the children are confident and comfortable with the subject.

Teachers will plan for their class’s drama lessons each term. Elements to be taught will planned, resources and activities recorded, then evaluated at the end of each term.

Assessment strategies should be highlighted each term and the teacher should refer to this in the evaluations. Assessment will be ongoing throughout the unit. This will be carried out by the teacher in the form of:

·  Observation

·  Questioning

·  Peer discussion

Children who are showing strengths or making limited progress should be noted.

Time Allocation

At Carmunnock we allocate approximately 30-45 minutes a week to Drama. Teachers may decide to allocate this as discrete blocks each week or as a major focus in certain terms to take into account factors such as visiting specialists or class productions. Cross-curricular approaches to the teaching of drama skills are encouraged.


The core drama resource is The Strathclyde 5-14 Drama pack and Glasgow CFE drama topics which can link to other curricular areas.

Teachers can choose to supplement these programmes with a range of other activities, resources and experiences as appropriate.

Roles and Responsibilities

The class teacher is responsible for the planning, organising and evaluating of the drama programme for his/her class.

The Headteacher has responsibility for monitoring and evaluating the class teachers’ planning, and the effectiveness of this in regard to the children’s development and learning.

Equal Opportunities

Carmunnock Primary aims to provide equal opportunities for all children irrespective of ability, gender and cultural background. We strive to enable each child to maximise his/her potential.

Health & Safety

We aim to provide health and safety standards as per Standard Circulars, Master Safety File, General Safety File and C.O.S.H.H.

Files available in H.T. room and office.

Review date: August 2012
