Oak Grove Elementary
“ITuneInto Learning”
Yvette Dillingham, Ed.S.
Oak Grove Elementary School
5703 Oak Grove Road
North Little Rock, AR 72118
Office: 501-851-5370
Fax: 501-851-5376
The mission of Oak Grove Elementary School is to provide a safe and caring environment in which every child can develop their full potential.
OGE, in partnership with our families and community, is committed to providing a strong academic atmosphere within a positive learning environment. Students will develop responsible decision-making skills necessary to be productive citizens. Evaluation and support will be provided to ensure success.
Purpose for Book of Procedures
This Book of Procedures is intended to clearly present pertinent rules, regulations, and other school information. Please read it carefully and refer to it as needed. All other information will be provided in the district’s Parent/Student Handbook. You are encouraged to read the rules and regulations and to support the school in our efforts to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment for students.
Parents and students are to acknowledge receipt of the Book of Procedures by signing and returning the Parent-Student Statement of Responsibility’s page.
ATTENDANCE: School attendance is a state law. Attendance is one of the indicators used by the Arkansas Department of Education that can place a school on the “needs to improve list”. It is important that students be present and on time each day to receive an optimal educational experience. Excessive unexcused absences may result in denial of promotion as it relates to your child’s. Please see the PCSSD Parent/Student Handbook for Student Conduct and Discipline for details on attendance policies.
TARDIES: A tardy is any time a student arrives after school begins. An early check out is a departure any time before the school day ends. If a student misses two and a half (2.5) hours of instruction, it is considered a half day absence. All students must be checked in by a parent after 7:55 a.m. There are no exceptions.
CHECK OUT: If your student will need to leave campus (doctor’s appointment, etc.) you will need to sign the child out in the office. We are required to adjust attendance accordingly. Parents, no child will be allowed to check out after 2:00 p.m., no exceptions. Please make doctor and dental appointments prior to 2:00 p.m. Any change of pickup arrangements should be called into the office not later than 1:30 p.m. This will help us maximize your child’s instructional time and reduce confusion in the office during one of the busiest times of the day.
Parents are reminded that promptness is learned behavior and that elementary age children require constant parental supervision and assistance if they are to avoid tardiness and not lose educational opportunities. A tardy policy will be implemented to curb unexcused tardies. Excused tardies will only be permitted with a medical note from a doctor or dentist. Each time a student is tardy past the grace period; his parent will sign the tardy binder. For every 5 tardies, the parent will be notified via note that the next tardy will result in a required 2 hours of volunteer time served by the parent during school hours. If the volunteer time is not served within a week, the student will be assigned two thirty minute school detention halls from 6:50 a.m. until 7:20 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, where parents provide transportation. Once five tardies have been reached, the process begins again with the same consequences. We will reward students who are working with their parents to maintain a flawless tardy record. For students who are not tardy at all during each month, a free dress pass for one day will be given for each month. This includes excused or unexcused tardies. In order to earn the pass each month, a student cannot have any tardies at all. Any time you check your child out early (before 2:35 p.m.), it will be considered an EARLY CHECKOUT and subject to the aforementioned Tardy Policy.
ABSENCE: Students shall not be absent, as defined in Board Policy: code LE-R, more than (10) days in a semester. When a student has five (5) unexcused absences, his/her parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis shall be notified that the student has missed half the allowable days for the semester. Notification shall be by telephone by the end of the school day in which such absence occurred or by regular mail with a return address sent no later than the following school day. Whenever a student exceeds (five) 5 unexcused absences in a semester the District shall notify the prosecuting authority and the parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis shall be subject to a civil penalty as prescribed by law.
There will be a required parent /administrator conference after parent notes documenting more than five (5) unexcused days of illness per semester.
Students will be referred to the Counselor for absenteeism concerns/ for assistance.
Behavior: In lieu of Saturday School, after school detentions are held twice per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If the student does not serve the two 40 minute detentions within a one week period of time, they will be suspended for two days out of school beginning the Friday of the week the detentions were to be served. The time for detention is 2:35 p.m. until 3:20 p.m. Parents are responsible for picking up their students.
“A Student will not practice a mode of dress that disrupts the educational process, calls attention to the individual, violates federal, state or local law, or affects the welfare and safety of students and teachers. Furthermore, students are prohibited from obscene, lewd or vulgar comments or designs and wearing clothing directed toward or intended to threaten, intimidate or demean an individual or group of individuals as well as items advertising alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs.
Students in the District, grades Kindergarten (K) through five (5), will wear school uniforms; navy and khaki bottoms and solid polo style shirts without emblems.
Exemptions: Parents may apply to building principal for full or partial exemptions or waivers for students due to handicapping condition or religious observation. New students to district schools will be given two weeks to comply with the Uniform Dress Code. Denied exemption requests may be appealed to the Assistant Superintendent for Equity and Pupil Services.”
The elementary lunch price is $2.50for a regular priced lunch, $.40 for a reduced price lunch, and $3.25 for adult and /or non-student lunch. Breakfast prices will be $$1.50for regular, $.30 for reduced, and $2.00 for adult and /or non-student.Students must be in the breakfast line no later than 7:40 a.m. to eat breakfast. No exceptions.
Your student’s education and welfare are our first concern. Drivers are asked to carefully follow our traffic rules. Upon arrival in the morning please drop off students in the circle drive at the designated areas. To minimize traffic congestion, parents are asked to park in the designated parking area if leaving the vehicle for any reason during arrival or dismissal times. Parking in the fire lane areas may result in a citation from law enforcement. Parents should not under any circumstance park in the Teachers’ Parking Lot or enter into the buildings from the Teacher Entrance. During dismissal, there will be two lanes. The Pre-K parents should use the lane closest to the awning beginning at 2:15 p.m., or earlier. All other parents who arrive early should use the lane closest to the flag pole. All parents of students K-5 may begin merging to the PreK- lane beginning at 2:30 p.m. Students of parents who remain in their cars will be called first. This is for safety purposes.
We have read through the Oak Grove Elementary School Handbook. We understand that the students must adhere to the rules and regulations of the school while they are in school or in attendance at school sponsored activities.
Student Signature______Date______
Parent Signature______