The Phi Beta Sigma Seven Years of Jubilee Resolution
Whereas January 9th, 2007 marks the 93rd Anniversary of the
founding of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., the first of the predominately African-American fraternities specifically devoted to public service and,
And Whereas January 9th, 2007 stands exactly seven years prior to
the 100 Anniversary of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., which will celebrate a full century of ground-breaking achievement within the African-American community and beyond the fraternity to the world at-large and,
And Whereas the founders of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.,
established a new fraternity in the presence of two existing fraternities, and with the knowledge of another newly established fraternity beyond their campus, because they believed that a truly ecumenical fraternal organization did not at that time exist and,
And Whereas the principles of “Brotherhood”, “Scholarship” and
“Service” to which the founders dedicated themselves and their
new organization represent the very highest potential of the human spirit and,
And Whereas the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity has joined in membership
men of every race and creed based solely upon their willingness to swear to the simple oath to spread “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity” and,
And Whereas Phi Beta Sigma, throughout its ninety-three year history has
attracted to its membership men of sterling character and exemplary talents; men who by their achievements have brought assistance and benefit to others without pomposity, without seeking recognition, fanfare or fame and,
And Whereas the preservation ofhistory is to an organization as memory
is to an individual and the declaration of a ceremony of Jubilee is reserved for the most special occasions within the life of a nation, organization or people.
NOW THEREFORE by our hand and voice we declare that the seven
years, beginning on January 9th, 2007 and commencing on January 9th , 2014 be hereby declared the “Seven Years of Jubilee” within the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
And Be It Further Resolved that for each year of the next seven years the
chapters and members of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. shall dedicate themselves to the researching, remembering and sharing of the glorious history that has led to the longevity and achievement of the national fraternity; the impetus which motivated our beloved Founders, the honorable Ancestors who have given their devotion to the fraternity; the achievement which strengthens the current members standing firmly in the traditions set before them and will attract the legions of those who will in future years carry the banner so proudly left to them.
And Be It Finally Resolved that this resolution shall be transmitted to the
International Executive Director by certified mail (return receipt requested) postmarked not later than the final day of January 2007 to be presented to, read and entered into the minutes of, the General Board at their February meeting and conveyed through the regular process to the 2007 International Conclave; there to be presented and read at the first session by the International Executive Director for consideration of the appropriate conclave committee.