Adult Segment Tutorial Framework for
Full time and Substantial Part Time Learners
The learner is entitled to: / Elements of the Tutorial Frameworkfor full time & substantial part-time learners / Evidence
TF1 / A tutorial programme in line with the Adult segment standards / · All learners are able to meet their personal tutor at weekly tutor group meetings and/or by appointment as needed (normally within 5 working days) and for a minimum of 3 progress review sessions annually (in line with agreed programme review dates)
· Learners are informed of a named tutor at the start of the course (before or during induction)
· Tutors ensure that all the main elements in the Tutorial Framework are addressed either within tutorials or as part of the learning programme for each learner
· Tutors use appropriate materials and resources for group and individual tutorials
· A plan of the session is used whenever a group tutorial is delivered
TF2 / An induction in line with the Adult Standards / · Tutors contribute fully to the agreed induction programme getting to know their learners individually, identifying learners ‘at risk’ and providing the information required by the programme
· Tutors ensure that learners have received appropriate diagnostic assessment and are aware of the outcomes of this assessment
TF3 / A personal tutor who is skilled and confident in their role / · Tutors clearly understand their role and the purpose of tutorials and can explain these to learners
· Tutors are able to carry out their roles with confidence and commitment
· Tutors engage in development activities where necessary to maintain the skills required to deliver tutorials effectively
TF4 / Regular and effective progress monitoring by their personal tutor / · Tutors check that learners’ details recorded at enrolment are accurate, including: name, DOB, tel, address, fee status, qualifications, course, and learning support needs
· Tutors conduct regular overall progress reviews, agreeing targets based on relevant information (e.g. subject tutor reports, grades or marks, attendance figures, diagnostic assessment and information from learners themselves) agreeing remedial action, as appropriate, with the learner
· Attendance at tutorial appointments or group sessions is expected and any unexplained absence from tutorials is followed up as for any other session. Persistent absence reported by subject staff is also followed up with the learner as promptly as possible
TF5 / Initial and continued Information, advice and support from their personal tutor on a wide range of matters / · Tutors ensure that learners are given clear, accurate and impartial information or advice throughout the course either directly or by referral to central college services on issues to include: course advice, careers, progression, entry to HE, welfare, learning support, finance and extra-curricular activities
· The personal tutor acts as the first point of contact for learners to raise personal concerns
· The tutor supports learners to access ongoing learning support (e.g. ALS or ESOL) appropriate to their needs
· The tutor will normally arrange for impartial and detailed references to be provided
· The tutor encourages the learner to take responsibility for their own learning
TF6 / An expectation of high standards of behaviour / · The tutor challenges inappropriate behaviour promptly, sensitively and consistently and follows the appropriate Departmental and/or College procedures where required
TF7 / Accurate and up to date records / · The tutor maintains accurate and up to date records of the learner’s progress normally through an Individual Learning Plan, achievements and destination where known
· The tutor ensures that all relevant information about each learner is up to date and can be located when needed within an Individual Learner File
· Formal observation of at least one group or individual tutorial within a programme takes place annually
TF8 / Evaluation of the tutorial programme / · Learners are given an opportunity at least once per year to give their views about their individual and/or group tutorials to tutors or managers. More regular opportunities to comment on tutorials to their personal tutor is good practice, however.
Updated 3/July/09 BS
Adult Segment Tutorial Framework for
Part Time Learners on Short Courses or Limited Hours
Note: Where learners are studying for a limited number of hours that fall short of being counted as a ‘substantial’ part time course, it may nevertheless be good practice to offer more than just the minimum elements of the Framework as described below. Some groups (e.g. some NVQs or part time but all-year courses) could benefit from additional elements described on the ‘Full time/Substantial Part Time’ Framework, and it is for curriculum managers to make the judgement about this. For learners on most short courses, however, the elements below are appropriate and sufficient.
The learner is entitled to: / Elements of the Tutorial Frameworkfor part-time learners / Evidence
TF1 / Tutorial support / · Access to a named tutor for advice and referral where appropriate (normally the class teacher)
TF2 / A brief induction / · Basic, introductory information is given on College services, facilities, policies and procedures and Health and Safety
· Diagnostic assessment is made available where appropriate
TF3 / A tutor who is skilled and confident in their role in supporting learners / · Tutors understand their responsibilities in supporting students
· Tutors are able to carry out their roles with confidence and commitment
· Tutors are aware of and keep up to date with, the support services and facilities available for their students
Updated 3/July/09/BS