Office of Culture, Recreation and Tourism
RFP for Environmental Services
Questions and Answers – Addendum #1
Bid Number 261-RFPOSP021115
Question #1
I request that a copy of the following documents [or documents containing the following information] be provided to me:
Who currently holds the contract for the state parks’ environmental services?
Answer:Booth Environmental Services, LLC
What is the pricing of the current contract?
Answer:See Attachment 1 below, Contract Award
What were the previous bids? Score sheets, if possible
Answer:See Attachment 2 below, Score Sheets
What was the average previous bid?
Answer:The State does not average the bids.
Scoring sheets of average bidder
Answer:We are unfamiliar with the term “average bidder.” Perhaps the information in the attachments below will provide an answer.
Any additional available information regarding current contract holders, previous bidders, scoring sheets, pricing, etc.
Answer:The question is too general to answer. Perhaps the information in the attachments below will provide an answer.
Question #2
What are the bid tabulations from the previous awarded contract?
Answer:Please see Attachments 2 and 3 below.
Question #3
Confirm scope of services for Task 6, Environmental Services, parts 1) Drinking Water Issues, 2) Public Health, specifically to confirm that there are no monitoring requirements for drinking water as part of the scope of services for Task 6.
Answer:There are no monitoring requirements for drinking water.
Question #4
Provide description of the wastewater plants, specifically the type, design, capacity, construction, etc. See attachment.
Answer:See Attachment 4 below, OSP Permitted Facilities
Questions #5
Under Task 4, who pays for fees related to the permits, eg. annual fees, renewal fees, Public Notice costs, etc.?
Answer:The State pays the annual fees, renewal fees and public notice costs.
Question #6
For Task 5, Training - do the training requirements as described in the RFP contemplate the CEUs required for wastewater treatment and wastewater collection certification? Wastewater treatment and wastewater collection certification each requires annual training hour requirements.
Answer:Yes, the training only covers 8 CEU hours related to certifications. Any certificate, whether treatment or collection requires more than 8 hours of CEUs.
Question #7
What happens if one or more of the State Park sites closes post RFP submission, due to State budget cuts or for any other reason? What would the mechanism be to make adjustments to the pricing?
Answer:It makes no difference if a permitted site closes. The plant(s) is still permitted and therefore has to be sampled according to the DEQ permit.