August 24, 2014
Hello, fellow residents and welcome new residents!
Hope you all are enjoying summer! Here is your exciting newsletter! (Please read EVERY word; there is some important information!)
We have a new treasurer!
We would like to welcome our new treasurer, Vicki Iagnemma! She already has past experience and will be a great addition to the Board. Dee Dee Mills has relocated to Florida and we thank her for her time and energy as treasurer. * Please note that we will be updating the dues collection policy for 2015. *
Website: Our Autumn Glen website,, has been under construction. If you are able to help us with the website, please let us know! We would like to get it back up and running ASAP.
We are on Facebook! Fellow residents have set up a private Facebook page for Autumn Glen residents in order for information to be quickly shared between homeowners of Autumn Glen only. If you would like to join this private Facebook group, please e-mail Vicki at and she will get you connected.
Autumn Glen Communication: We will be using e-mail as a way to keep you informed quickly and easily. E-mail addresses will never be shared with other organizations, companies, or fellow residents. If you would like to be added to the e-mail list, please e-mail . Thanks!
Would you like to stop the delivery of the free newspaper thrown on your driveway? We have received a few complaints regarding these newspapers in pink bags. If you would like to stop the delivery of this free newspaper, you need to call Chris Nichols at 586-826-7014.
Mailboxes: Due to the harsh winter, there are quite a few mailboxes still in need of repair. This includes mailboxes or posts that are: crooked, propped with a rock or other object, or in need of stain, paint, or replacement. In places where there are two or more mailboxes grouped together, you may want to consider placing them all on one post for simplicity. Because a common mailbox was not decided upon when the association first started, please consider one that is similar to the mailbox pictured if possible. We are working towards an aesthetically pleasing look throughout our neighborhood. Thank you for your cooperation.
Social Events: Thank you to Lisa Peterson for organizing ‘Ladies Night Out’ several times per year. If you would like your e-mail address included in the Evites, please call Lisa at (248) 242-6770.
Landscaping: We have received a lot of positive feedback regarding the landscaping in our common areas thanks to Proscape. This summer, annuals have been planted, new sod was added to the boulevard, and many roses have been replaced that did not make it through the cold winter. If you would like to contact Proscape for your future landscaping needs, please call 248-360-5400.
Sidewalks & Street Trees: Please check and repair any uneven or buckled sidewalks to keep our subdivision free of trip hazards. Also, please trim back any branches from street trees that may overhang the sidewalk.
Street Parking: Over the years, we have received concerns regarding vehicles consistently parked on the street in Autumn Glen. These parked cars create a safety issue for passing cars, pedestrians, bus stops, and cyclists. Therefore, in order to keep the roads safer, please try to park vehicles in driveways when possible. Thanks for your consideration.
Annual Sub-Wide Garage Sale: The sub-wide garage sale will be held the first weekend of June each year. With a consistent weekend established, it will be easier for residents to plan ahead. Next summer, the sub-wide garage sale will be held Friday, June 5th, and Saturday, June 6th, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We offer our condolences to the Yousif family. You are in our thoughts every day.
The Autumn Glen Homeowners’ Association Board
Bruce Mann - Vicki Iagnemma - Rosalyn Vega - Jodi McClure (248) 875-8022 (cell)
Please contact us at:
Aquatic Pesticide Treatment Notice
Residents in this area are planning to have the waters treated with herbicides and/or algaecides for the control of weeds and/or algae.
This notice is being circulated at least 7 days and not more than 45 days in advance of the treatment in accordance with Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) procedures. A permit for the treatment (If required) has either been secured or will be secured from the MDEQ before the work will begin. You are receiving this notice if you live on the water and are within the 100 feet of the proposed treatment area. In some cases, we also provide this notice to persons in adjacent subdivisions as an informational service to advise residents who may have beach rights but are not lakefront dwellers. This treatment is authorized by a homeowners association, elected representatives, or a riparian owner of the waters that we are treating. Please contact one of these representatives if you have any questions.
We treat the waterbody according to a schedule or season plan worked out with the representative in charge of your treatment program. Although this notice is only required to be circulated once per season, your waterbody may be treated multiple times during the season. Please watch your shoreline for the posting of yellow treatment signs during the months of April-September. These signs will indicate the date of treatment, the products used, and the water use restrictions associated with each product. We use a new sign for each treatment.
-Only products which have been registered and approved by the State of Michigan and the federal government are to be used. These products are applied in amounts approved by the MDEQ.
-Your permit (if applicable), requires that we locate all wells (when using granular 2,4-D or granular Endotholl products Aquathol-K and Hydrothol 191 only) and maintain a distance of 75 ft. from all wells and 250 ft. from any well that is less than 30 ft. in depth.
We anticipate using one or more of the products listed below. These products, as applied, are not harmful to humans, pets, or wildlife. Please be aware of the restrictions of each product.
Products & Restrictions:
Active ingredient Use Restrictions
(Trade name)
Adjuvant (Cygnet Plus) None
Aqua-Prep None
2, 4-D (Navigate) (a) 24-hour restriction on swimming in treatment area. (b) Do not use water from treated areas for irrigating plants or mixing sprays for agricultural or ornamental plants, unless an approved assay indicates the 2,4-D concentration is 100 ppb (or less), or only growing crops and non-crop areas labeled for direct treatment with
2, 4-D will be affected. (c) Do not use water from treated areas for potable water (drinking water), unless an approved assay indicates the 2, 4-D concentration is 70 ppb (or less). There is no restriction on fish consumption.
Copper (Copper Sulfate) None*
Copper (Chelated Copper Algaecides) None*
Copper (Komeen, Current, Nautique) (a) 24-hour restriction on swimming in treatment area.
Sodium Carbonate Peroxyhydrate (Phycomyacin) None*
Diquat Dibromide** (Reward, Red Wing) (a) 24-hour restriction on swimming in treatment area. (b) 1-day animal consumption of treated water (c) 3-day restriction on domestic water use and irrigation of turf and ornamentals (d) 5-day restriction on crop irrigation. There is no restriction on fish
Endothall -Aquathol K (a) 24-hour restriction on swimming in treatment area. (b) 14-day restriction on using
-Aquathol Super-K treated water for domestic purposes or livestock watering. There is no restriction on
-Hydrothol-191 fish consumption.
Clipper- (Flumioxazin) (a)24 hour restriction on swimming in the treatment area. (b) 5-day animal consumption of treated water, domestic water use, irrigation of turf, ornamentals, and
crop irrigation. There is no restriction on fish consumption.
Fluridone (Avast, Whitecap, Sonar) (a) 24-hour restriction on swimming in treatment area. (b) 7-day restriction on watering established tree crops. (c) 30-day restriction on watering established row crops/turf/plants, newly seeded crops/seedbeds or areas to be planted. (d) Setback distance required from potable water intakes (see product label for requirements).
There is no restriction on fish consumption.
Glyphosate (Aquastar, Eagre, Rodeo) (a) 24-hour restriction on swimming in treatment area. (b) Setback distances may apply for waterbodies with potable water intakes (see product label for requirements).
Shades and Dyes (Cygnet- Select, Extreme) (a) 24-hour restriction on swimming in treatment area.*** (b) May not be appropriate for water bodies used for swimming. There is no restriction on fish consumption.
* Although there are no use restrictions with this product, the treatment is most effective if water is not disturbed. Therefore, swimming, boating, etc. is not recommended for 24 hours after application. ** Restricted Use Pesticide – Diquat dibromide products are restricted for all aquatic uses, except in small ponds, such as farm ponds that have no outflow and are under the control of the user. This means that you must be licensed by the Michigan Department of Agriculture as a certified pest control applicator to purchase or use this material in all water bodies, except small ponds. *** When applying water shades or water dyes at concentrations used for a tracer (0.01 gal/acre foot or less), the 24-hour swimming restriction does not apply.
If you have any questions, please contact the association, lake board, or person in charge of this treatment. You can also contact us directly at the numbers listed below.
2600 Edgemere Rd. Commerce Twp, MI 48382 248-363-0205 -office 248-363-4448 –fax
Architectural Improvement Application
Autumn Glen Homeowners Association
Date: ______
Lot Owner: ______
Address of Lot: ______
Phone Number: ______
Nature of Improvements:
Color (if applicable): ______
Location (if applicable): ______
Dimensions (if applicable): ______
Construction Material (if applicable): ______
Attach a sketch or picture of all requested improvements and a plat of your property indicating the location and dimensions. Please refer to the Declaration of Restrictions for details.
Please e-mail the completed form to or send the form to:
Architectural Committee
P.O. Box 158
Union Lake, Michigan 48387
1. Nothing contained in these plans shall violate any of the restrictive covenants or any of the provisions or building and zoning codes to which the property is subject. In addition, once a plan is approved, nothing is to be modified without written approval from the Architectural Committee.
2. By signing, I acknowledge responsibility for ensuring that all local permits and filing of plans with the White Lake Township building inspector will be accomplished before construction begins if required.
3. I understand that no work shall commence until written approval of the Architectural Committee has been received. (Committee has ten days from the date received to approve or disapprove plans).
Owner Signature:
Signature______Date: ______