HaverfordSenior High School

2012 - Syllabus and Course Guidelines

Mrs. McCarty – Room 256

610-853-5900 x2256

Course Description:

Microsoft Office™ is a course designed for those students interested in building and practicing fundamental computer skills and applications. We will be reinforcing the fundamentals of MS Office Suite by creating a variety of supplemental items including résumés, budgets, brochures, and research papers and presentations.

This course will provide the necessary training to prepare interested students in participating in the MOS Certification (Microsoft Office Specialist).

  • The texts and software we will be using includes: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher; Published by South-Western Publishing.

The students will be utilizing the Internet when necessary to reinforce learning. Internet usage is directed and authorized ONLY by the teacher. Inappropriate usage will result in loss of Internet privileges and disciplinary action.

MS Office™ classes will involve a strong emphasis on:

  • The use of current information technology, including extensive use of computers and the Internet for professional and research applications
  • The development of a broader set of student skills including:
  • written and oral communication
  • interpersonal skills, including working in teams
  • analytical and critical thinking skills, including working on document editing and creation, and projects involving real-world situations

Materials Needed:

Course Texts (provided)

Three ring binder– Work in Progress Portfolio

ATTENDACE: Being that all the software and lessons for this course are on the networked computer drives, it is ESSENTIAL to have excellent attendance in this course. Poor attendance will result in falling behind very quickly.


  1. Portfolio of Work kept throughout the course of the year – Students will have tangible evidence of their progress and achievements, ranging from worksheets to projects
  2. Class work / Homework Grades
  3. Regularly Scheduled QuizzesandTests
  4. ** Tests and Quizzes will be written and computer-based**
  5. Two Marking Periods, grades weighted at 40% of Final Grade, and a Final Exam, weighted at 20% of Final Grade

Percentage GradeCourse GradePercentage GradeCourse Grade

98 to 100A+77 to 73C

97 to 93A72 to 70C-

92 to 90A-69 to 68D+

89 to 88B+67 to 63D

87 to 83B62 to 60D-

82 to 80B-59 to 0F

79 to 78C+

Class Rules and Expectations:

When class starts, you should be in your seats and attentive.

Make-Up Work – Assignments may only be made up if absences are excused. PC’s are available in the after-school lab and in the mezzanine of the Library.

No active use of CELLPHONES/SMARTPHONES permitted in class.

  • These devices will be confiscated and sent to the Grade-Level Principal’s office with a technology abuse pass.

No Food or Drink. The equipment at your workstation is your responsibility. Report any problems to me immediately.

Copying of files or assignments, Violations of computer security or the Internet Acceptable Use Policy of the District, or Destruction or Theft of school property will be referred to the administration in accordance with district discipline policies and procedures.

Consequences for Violations: (Includes but, not limited to:)

Zero credit for assignment(s)

Verbal reminder / request for cooperation

Call to parent/guardian

Teacher detention

Referral to Grade-Level Principal/Administration

If you need assistance or have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email or telephone.


DateStudent Signature


DateParent / Guardian Signature