2016 – 2017
Home of the Rockets
Working Together Committed to Success
7221 Highway M-123
Paradise, Michigan 49768
(906) 492-3353
(906) 492-3254 fax
Copyright, 1994, NEOLA of Michigan; Whitefish Township Community Schools
Student Handbook
Welcome to the Whitefish Township Community Schools. All the members of the staff are pleased to have you here as a student and we will do our best to help you make your experience here as productive and successful as YOU wish to make it.
Principal/Superintendent, Mr. Thomas McKee
School Secretary, Mrs. Terry Clark
(906) 492-3353
School Year 2016-2017
Reviewed by the Whitefish Township Community School Board
Table of Contents 3-4
Staff Roster5
Mission of the School7
Equal Education Opportunity7
School Day7
Student Rights and Responsibilities7
Student Well Being7
Injury and Illness 8
Emergency Procedure8
Memo to Parents RegardingSchool Board Policy on Drug-Free Schools 8
Notification to Parents on Directory Information 8
Notification to Parents on Blood-Borne Pathogens 9
Section I - Academics 9
Course Offerings 9
Grades 9
Grading Periods10
Graduation Requirements10
Class Standing10
Dual Enrollment10
Recognition of Student Achievement – Honor Roll10
Student Assessment10
Section II - Student Conduct11
Students Rights and Responsibilities11
General Behavior Expectations – Code of Conduct11
General Policies for Conduct11
Dress and Grooming13
Care of Property14
Computer Technology and Networks14
Student Rights of Expression14
Student Discipline Code Point System 14-16
Suspension of Student16
Suspensions and Expulsions – Due Process16
Discipline of Disabled Students17
Search and Seizure17
Student Concerns, Suggestions, and Grievances17
Section III - Transportation17
Bus Transportation to School17
Bus Conduct18
Driving to School18
Section IV - General Information18
Enrolling in the School 18
Scheduling and Assignment 19
Transferring Out of the District 19
Withdrawal from School19
Control of Casual-Contact Communicable Disease and Pests19
Control of Non Casual-Contact Communicable Diseases19
Special Education 20
Americans with Disabilities Act - Section 504 20
Student Records 20
Student Fees, Fines, Charges 21
Review of Instructional Materials 21
Meal Service 21
Fire, Tornado, and Safety Drills 21
Emergency Closings and Delays 21
Visitors 21
Use of the Community Library 21
Use of School Equipment and Facilities 22
Student Sales 22
Use of Technology/Devices 22
Advertising Outside Activities 22
Section IV - Student Activities22
School Sponsored Clubs and Activities 22
Athletics 22
Athletic Eligibility 22
Athletic Participation Requirements23
Use of Illegal Substances 23
Student Employment 23
Dance and School Events Rules and Regulations24
Title VI, IX, 504 Grievance Form 25-26
Parent/Student Acknowledgment of Student Handbook 27
Forms Available at the School Office
Application to Drive Vehicles on School Property
Work Permits
Truancy Protocol, Chippewa County
Credit Appeal Form
Special Request Form (Attendance)
Whitefish Township Community School District
7221 Highway M-123
Paradise, MI 49768
(17-160 K-12)
(906)492-3353 FAX: (906) 492-3254
Board of Education
Sherran Whitman / President / December 2016Tammy Bedell / Vice President / December 2018
David Moore / Treasurer / December 2018
Wednesday Skeans / Secretary / December 2016
Normand Hutchinson / Trustee / December 2016
Jamie DeRuischer / Trustee / December 2016
Kimberly Kirby / Trustee / December 2018
Board Meeting – 3rdMondayof each month 6:00 PM
Whitefish Township Community Schools Staff
Principal/Superintendent – Mr. Thomas McKee
Secretary – Mrs. Terry Clark
Elementary Teacher – Mrs. Roberta Bourque
Elementary School Teacher – Ms. Carole Beck
Elementary/Special Education Teacher – Ms. Heidi Kuehne
Math Department – Mr. Colin Freel
English Language Arts Department – Mrs. Mikal Doke
Social Studies Department – Mr. John Griebel
Science Department – Mrs. Peggy Imhoff
Physical Education Department –Mr. Brian Sikkenga
Food Service Director – Mr. Sonny Skeans
School Calendar 2016-2017
DATE / EVENTMonday, August 29 / Staff Professional Development
Tuesday, August 30 / Staff Professional Development
Wednesday, August 31 / Staff Professional Development
Monday, September 5 / Labor Day – No School
Tuesday, September 6 / First Day of School
Friday, September 16 / Constitution Day
Wednesday, September 21 / Community Night – School Improvement Burger Bash
Wednesday, October 12 / Parent/Teacher Conferences ½ Day for Students
Wednesday, October 19 / Community Night – National Dental Hygiene Month
Wednesday, November 2 / Community Night – Science Fair & Taco Night
Friday, November 11 / Veteran’s Day Program
Wednesday, November 23 - 25 / No School – Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, December 7 / Community Night – Christmas Cookies and Decorations
Tuesday, December 20 / Christmas Program 7:00 PM
Thursday, December 22 / Half Day for Students
Thursday, December 22 / Teacher Professional Development
Friday, December 23 / No School for Holiday Break
Monday, January 2 / No School for Holiday Break
Tuesday, January 3 / School Resumes
Thursday and Friday, January 19-20 / Half Days/Exams – End of 1st Semester
Friday, February 10 / Half Day for Students
Monday, February 13 / No School – Mid Winter Break
Wednesday, February 15 / Community Night – Heart Health Month
Wednesday, February 22 / Half Day for Students – Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, March 24 / End of 3rd marking Period
Monday-Friday, March 27-31 / SPRING BREAK
Monday, April 3 / School Resumes
Tuesday-Wednesday, April 11-12 / SAT/PSAT Testing
Wednesday, April 12 / Community Night – Autism Awareness Month
Friday, April 14 / No School
Monday, April 17 / No School
Friday, May 5 / Half Day for Students
Friday, May 5 / Teacher Professional Development
Wednesday, May 17 / Community Night- National Physical Fitness and Health Month
Friday, May 26 / Half Day for Students
Monday, May 29 / Memorial Day Observed
Tuesday, May 30 / School Resumes
Thursday, June 8 / Half Day for Students
Thursday, June 8 / Teacher Professional Development (PM)
Friday, June 9 / Half Day for Students – End of the School Year
Friday, June 9 / Teacher Professional Development (PM)
Saturday, June 10 / WTCS Graduation @ 1:00 PM
Mission of the School
The mission of Whitefish Township Community Schools is to facilitate lifelong learning, promote responsible citizenship, and maximize future career opportunities.(September, 2012)
Equal Education Opportunity
It is the intent of this District to provide an equal education opportunity for all students. Any persons who believes that the School or any staff person has discriminated against a student on the basis of race, color, creed, disability, religion, gender, age, ancestry, national origin, social or economic background, or place of residence, has the right to file a complaint. A formal complaint can be made in writing to the School District’s Compliance Officer listed below:
Whitefish Township Community Schools
7221 N. M-123
Paradise, MI 49768
The complaint will be investigated and a written response will be given to the concerned person within 10 working days. Under no circumstances will the District threaten or retaliate against anyone who raises or files a complaint.
School Day
The district office is open weekdays from 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. during the school year. Summer hours will be posted.The school day begins at 8:00A.M. and ends at3:15P.M.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
The rules and procedures of the School are designed to allow each student to obtain a safe, orderly, and appropriate education. Students can expect their rights to freedom of expression and association and to fair treatment as long as they respect those rights for their fellow students and the staff. Students are expected to follow teacher directions and obey all school rules.
Parents have the right to know how their child is succeeding in school, and will be provided information on a regular basis, as needed, when concerns arise. Many times, it will be the responsibility of the student to deliver that information. If necessary, the mail, email, newsletter, or hand delivery may be used to insure contact. Parents are encouraged to build a two-way link with their student’s teachers and support staff by informing the staff of suggestions, or concerns that may help their child better accomplish his/her educational goals.
The staff expects students to arrive at school prepared to learn. It is the student’s responsibility to arrive on time and be prepared to participate in the educational program. If, for some reason, this is not possible, the student should seek help from his/her teacher, the guidance counselor or the Principal/Superintendent.
Adult students (age 18 or older, not emancipated by Court Order, and shown as a dependent on Income Tax Returns) are expected to follow all school rules. If residing at home, adult students must include their parents in their educational program.
Student Well-Being
Student safety is a responsibility of the staff. All staff members are familiar with emergency procedures such as fire, tornado drills and accident reporting procedures. Should a student be aware of any dangerous situation or accident, he/she must notify any staff person immediately.
All persons are expected to wear eye protection at all times while working in shop areas. Eye protection must be worn when certain hazardous operations are being performed in any classroom setting.
State law requires that all students must have an emergency medical card completed, signed by a parent or guardian, and filed in the school office.
In those circumstances where a student must take any medication during the school day, the following guidelines are to be observed:
- Parents should, with their physicians counsel, determine whether the medication schedule can be adjusted to avoid administering medication during school hours..
- Written authorization must be filed with the school office before the student will be allowed to begin taking any medication during school hours.
- All medications must be registered with the school office.
- Medication brought to the school office will be properly secured.
- Students with specific health care needs should submit those needs, in writing and with proper documentation by a physician, to the School office.
- All medications, prescribed and non-prescribed, are to be delivered to the office and taken only with adult supervision. The school secretary is available to discuss the procedure for medications and treatments.
- No medications or medical treatments are to take place in school without a parent’s written approval.
- A log for each prescribed medication will be maintained in the school office.
Injury and Illness
All injuries must be reported to the office and the parent.If medical attention is required, the office will follow the school’s emergency procedures.
A student who becomes ill during the school day should request permission from the teacher to go to the office. The office will determine whether or not the students should remain in school or go home. No student will be released from school without proper parental permission.
Emergency Procedure
School personnel have certain responsibilities in case of accidents that occur at school. Said responsibilities extend to the administration of first aid by persons trained to do so, summon medical assistance if needed, notification of the administration, notify the parent/guardian, and complete an accident/injury report form. Forms will be located in the accident/incident report log in the main office. (September, 2012)
Memo to Parents Regarding School Board Policy on Drug Free Schools
In accordance with Federal Law, the Board of Education prohibits the use, possession, concealment, or distribution of drugs by students on school grounds, in school or school-approved vehicles, or at any school-related event. Drugs include any alcoholic beverage, tobacco, anabolic steroid, dangerous controlled substance as defined by State statute, or substance that could be considered a “look-a-like” controlled substance. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all students. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with due process and as specified in the student handbooks, up to and including expulsion from school. When required by State law, the District will also notify law enforcement officials.
The District is concerned about any student who is a victim of alcohol or drug abuse and will facilitate the process by which he/she receives help through programs and services available in the community. Students and their parents should contact the school Principal/Superintendent or counseling office whenever such help is needed.
Notification to Parents of Directory Information
In compliance with Federal regulations, the Whitefish Township Community Schools has established the following guidelines concerning student records:
- The school secretary is the District Records Officer responsible for the processing and maintenance of all student records. The office is located at Whitefish Township Community Schools and can be reached by calling (906) 492-3353.
- Each student’s records will be kept in a confidential file located at the student’s school office. The information in a student’s record file will be available for review only by the parents or legal guardians of a student, adult student (eighteen (18) years of age or older and not a dependent upon parents for financial support; emancipated), and those designated by Federal law or district regulations.
- A parent, guardian, or adult student has the right to request a change or addition to a student’s records and to either obtain a hearing with District officials or file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if not satisfied with the accuracy of the records or with the district’s compliance with the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act.
Notification to Parents on Blood-Borne Pathogens
The District is subject to Federal and State regulations to restrict the spread of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immune deficiency virus (HIV) in the workplace. These regulations are designed to protect employees of the District who are, or could be, exposed to blood or other contaminated bodily fluids while performing their job duties. Because of the very serious consequences of contracting HBV or HIV, the District is committed to taking the necessary precautions to protect both students and staff from its spread in the school environment.
Part of the mandated procedures includes a requirement that the District request the person who was bleeding to consent to be tested for HBV and HIV. The law does not require parents or guardians to grant permission for the examination of their child’s blood, but it does require the District to request that consent. Although we expect that incidents of exposure will be few, we wanted to notify parents of these requirements ahead of time. That way, if the situation does develop, you will understand the reason for our request and will have had an opportunity to consider it in advance. These are serious diseases, and we sincerely hope that through proper precautions and cooperation we can prevent them from spreading.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Superintendent at (906) 492-3353.
Course Offerings
Elementary and Middle School students will receive a full schedule of language arts, social studies, mathematics, science, health education, physical education, and other courses as provided in the school curriculum (available for viewing at the school offices).
In order to receive a diploma and graduate, a student will need to meet the school requirements for basic course work, and earn the total number of minimum credits. A student enrolled in special education may be exempted from the State mandated-test. The student may still need to earn the required credits indicated by the IEP or in a personal curriculum. Credits are awarded for each half year of successful completion. One (1) whole credit can be earned for successfully passing two semesters. Half (0.5) credit for successfully passing one semester.
The School uses the following general grading systems:
Kindergarten – 1st will use the following grading scale: Grades 2nd – 12th are graded as follows:
Grades / Points / AP PointsA / 4.00 / 4.33
A- / 3.67 / 4.00
B+ / 3.33 / 3.66
B / 3.00 / 3.33
B- / 2.67 / 3.00
C+ / 2.33 / 2.66
C / 2.00 / 2.33
C- / 1.67 / 2.00
D+ / 1.33 / 1.66
D / 1.00 / 1.33
D- / 0.67 / 1.00
E / 0.00 / 0.00
Standardized Grading Scale:
1 – Exceeds Expectation
2 – Meet Expectations
3 – Working Towards Expectations
4 – Not Meeting Expectations
- Each marking period (MP) grade will be averaged out to equal 80% of the total semester grade. The semester exam will count for the remaining 20% of the total semester grade.
- Attendance: Less than 3 absences in semester = No Final Exam
- Truancy will be strictly followed, 10 days absent = NO CREDIT
*College and Advanced Placement courses are given additional weighting.
Grading Periods
Grade K - 12 students shall receive a report card at the end of each nine-week period. Grades are cumulative through the semester. Additional progress reports may be sent home as needed.
Graduation Requirements
Michigan Merit Curriculum
Whitefish Township Community Schools embraces the State of Michigan’s core curriculum, which requires students to earn a minimum of 18 credits in the following areas:
4 English
4 Mathematics
3 Social Studies
3 Science
1 Physical Education/Health
1 Visual, Performing, Applied Arts
2 Foreign languages (added as of 2017)
On line learning experience
Whitefish Township Community Schools
To receive a diploma, a student must earn a minimum of 20credits and attend 8 semesters of high school. Required credits include the Michigan Merit Curriculum plus 2 elective credits.
Students under Special Education must follow the program established by the IEPC.
Specific graduation credit and course requirements are available from the school counselor or administrator during this period of change. Students are advised to consult with the counselor or administrator spring and fall yearly.
Class Standings
Freshman Status less than 6 credits
Sophomore Status6 – 11 credits
Junior Status11 – 16 credits
Senior Statusgreater than 16 credits
Dual Enrollment
Any student in 11th or 12th grade may enroll in a post-secondary program providing he/she meets the requirements established by law and by the District. Any interested student should contact the school administrator or counselor to obtain the necessary information about requirements and eligibility.
Recognition of Student Achievement – Honor Roll
To be listed on the honor roll, a student must earn a B average for the marking period, with no D’s or E’s.
Student Assessment
To measure student progress, students will be tested in accordance with State standards and District policy.
College entrance testing information can be obtained from the Administrative office. The United States Military may administer the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) to students during their academic career.