DATE: 4/7/06
TIME: 1 p.m.
United Students of the University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan Campus
Meeting started at 1:05 p.m.
Sherity Kelly - Student Government President
Mark Rider - Student Government Vice President
Marie Zellmer - Student Government Clerk
Shiree Seeds - Student Representative
Gail Klien - Staff Advisor
3.1. Minutes
MOTION: To accept minutes from 3/31/06, and finances
Moved by Marie, seconded by Shiree, passed
3.2. Finances
See 2006-2007 Budget
5.1. Phi Theta Kappa Committee
The PTK Garage Sale successfully raised around $350. The induction was publicized in the Newspaper, Sitnews and on the radio. Nominations for the officer positions in PTK are next week.
5.2. Food Service Committee
Twenty five cans of coffee were purchased and are now available for student use. Sugar has suddenly run out and Marie will look for some in storage, and also make an order ASAP. For the
5.3. Discount Program Committee
Mark will pick up materials and contract information from Marie on Monday to talk to all the businesses that are currently a part of the program and will try to get them to sign new contracts. He also brought a list of potential new businesses to get discounts from. (see attachment)
5.4. Advisory Council Committee
Have not met.
5.5. Coalition of Student Leaders
5.6. Constitution Committee
Marie shifted the Constitution and Bylaws around to agree with everyone’s concerns. There are still some questions on the Ratification and Amendment process so Marie will try to call Pat Ivy to make sure the BOR’s has the constitution from April 2004, and ask questions.
6.1. Finals Feast
Mark plans to bring his 8ft grill, with umbrella, and setting up for the BBQ. He also plans to talk to E.C. Phillips to see if they will donate some salmon. Sherity suggested that a segment of the grill be reserved for those who are vegetarian that vegetable shish kebobs. A list of things needed for the event will be prepared for the next meeting.
6.2. 2006-2007 Budget
Sherity presented two budgets that could be sent to the Board of Regents’s (see attachments). Budget 1 is if the stipend changes have been approved by the BOR’s, and Budget 2 is if they have not.
MOTION: To accept both budgets and use either Budget 1 or 2 depending on the Board of Regent’s Decision.
Moved by Mark, seconded by Marie, passed
6.3. Issuing Stipends
MOTION: To pay stipends this semester as the ByLaws state as of April 2004
Moved by Marie, seconded by Shiree, passed
DISCUSSION: Marie expressed concern that any written information about stipend changes in the ByLaws has not been found. Several members from the last Student Government have been contacted including Cathy Geer who was the Clerk, Gilbert Benge the President, and Janet Pascua the Vice-President. All of them and Gail confirm that the stipends were changed and ballots taken. The ballots haven’t been found and no minutes were taken.
6.4. Stipend Changes
Sherity stated that changes to the stipends should be made. The Presidential stipend of $1000 is too much because the position is fairly equal to the Vice-President which has a stipend of $500, also because all the Student Representative is responsible is to maintain the Bulletin Board the stipend of $200 should be reduced. The proposed stipends are $500 for President, $500 for Vice-President, and $100 for Student Representative. The Clerk position is wage dependent and therefore not affected by these changes.
6.5. Elections
Gail mentioned to everyone that there are no nominations yet and that everyone should encourage students to put in nominations.
6.6. Faculty of the Year Award
Gail reported that the criteria were e-mailed to Marna Yarnell at UAS to put on the website and e-mail to students, and she will double check with Marna this next week. Also posters of the Faculty of the Year Award have been placed on all the bulletin boards.
7.1. Wheelchair ramp
Marie explained that the new sidewalk to the Paul Building is missing a wheelchair access ramp. She talked to Mike Funk and was told that a letter from SG might help convince Juneau to allow one to be put in. Currently there is only one ramp onto the sidewalk. Marie will take pictures of the sidewalks and make up the proposal letter for the next meeting.
7.2. Video Purchase for S.G
Sherity proposed that with leftover funding from SG this year a purchase of videos. These videos explain how to have meetings, take notes and other procedures that a SG goes through.
7.3. National Student Government Association
Gail got some information of the NSGA. She proposed that some leftover money could be used to register us with them. She will e-mail the information this week. Web address for NSGA is
7.4. TLTR- How to Spend the Money?
Gail brought the Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable information to the meeting and explained that anyone who wants to put in suggestions on purchases need to do so by April 14th. She will e-mail the information (see attachment)
Meeting Adjourned at 2:25.m.
Attachments pg1 of 2
Suggested Businesses for Student Discounts
Taco Time Precision Auto Murray Pacific Madison NAPA
Radio Shack Oceanview Tongass Trading Talbots Altech
TBA Burger Queen Gas Stations Walmart
Safeway Mc Donalds KPU Better Bus Service
DATE: 4/7/06
TIME: 1 p.m.
Budget 1
Tuition Revenue 5200
Vending Revenue 2000
Other Revenue 1000
Total Revenue 8200
Personal Services 2100
Salaries 1000
Stipends 1100
Travel 1500
Scholarship/Grant 2000
Scholarship 1000
Club Grants 1000
Events 2300
F WB Feast 300
F Finals Feast 400
S WB Feast 300
S Finals Feast 400
Coffee 400
Graduation 500
Miscellaneous 300
Total Expenses 8200
Budget 2
Tuition Revenue 5200
Vending Revenue 2000
Other Revenue 600
Total Revenue 7800
Personal Services 1700
Salaries -----
Stipends 1700
Travel 1500
Scholarship 1000
Scholarship 1000
Club Grants↓ 500
Events 3600
F WB Feast 300
F Finals Feast 400
S WB Feast 300
S Finals Feast 400
Coffee 400
Graduation 500
Miscellaneous 800
Total Expenses 7800
DATE: 4/7/06
TIME: 1 p.m.
Attachments pg 2 of 2
April 3, 2006
Dear UAS-Ketchikan Community:
The Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable (TLTR) is dedicated to improving teaching and learning through the thoughtful use of technology. The TLTR strives to promote a dialogue among students, faculty and staff on the best ways to implement, support, and utilize the information technology resources that are available.
The TLTR currently has funds available that support the mission of TLTR. TLTR funds are designated for improving student learning through technology. To this end, the TLTR Committee is accepting requests for TLTR funds. Examples of recently awarded funds include computers for student use, a color printer for students accessible from the library, and distance education computer equipment.
The TLTR requests have submission deadlines. Requests will then be presented to the faculty and student representatives for open comments on the value of the requests. After the comment period the committee will meet and make awards that will be final.
The timelines for Spring 2006 are as follows:
Submission of TLTR Fund requests: Requests will be taken until 5:00 p.m. on April 14th. The submissions will be compiled and made available to the community for comment on April 17 and 18. The TLTR committee will meet to award funds.
There will be a priority list established for requests that are not funded so that any additional TLTR funds that arrive during the term can be spent appropriately in the current fiscal year.
Submission Format: The Following Information is Required
Please include the following in your fund request:
ü Your Name
ü Date of Submission
ü The item or items being requested
ü The cost, including shipping
ü A brief statement explaining the need or rationale for using student funds for the purchase
ü Any product documentation, including websites, that will help the committee understand the item and its benefit to students.
Please use this checklist to complete your request. Then e-mail the submission to and include the name TLTR in the subject line.
We welcome both traditional and imaginative submissions. Consideration will also be given to distance students (who also contribute to TLTR funds).
Thank you for your participation.
The TLTR Committee
Sarah Strickling, UAS Student Representative
Dawn Montgomery
Cathy LeCompte
Mike Doyle
Matt Olsen
Kate Sullivan, Chair